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Hair Loss at the sides - How Would this Impact a HT

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  • Senior Member

Hi All,

I was going through some old pictures and came across one of my cousins - who is balding - or well i guess would be classified as being bald. I noticed he also has a lot of loss on the sides - not the typical crown and frontal area. He of course has never taken any meds for his hair loss.

That said, he is a few years older than I am and I am not sure i will bald to the extent he has - at least with respect to the sides. But this is what concerns me. The loss of density on the sides makes his scalp visible (in certain places) especially if there is bright lighting in the room. Now assuming I undergo a hair transplant - I would be looking to target my frontal third and then perhaps in time the crown.

The question, though, is what happens if i lose density/hair from the sides too?


1. Can hair be transplanted in the sides or is it only the frontal third and crown areas?


2. If i were to have hair loss in the sides, would the scar from my first HT be visible?



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  • Senior Member

Hi All,

I was going through some old pictures and came across one of my cousins - who is balding - or well i guess would be classified as being bald. I noticed he also has a lot of loss on the sides - not the typical crown and frontal area. He of course has never taken any meds for his hair loss.

That said, he is a few years older than I am and I am not sure i will bald to the extent he has - at least with respect to the sides. But this is what concerns me. The loss of density on the sides makes his scalp visible (in certain places) especially if there is bright lighting in the room. Now assuming I undergo a hair transplant - I would be looking to target my frontal third and then perhaps in time the crown.

The question, though, is what happens if i lose density/hair from the sides too?


1. Can hair be transplanted in the sides or is it only the frontal third and crown areas?


2. If i were to have hair loss in the sides, would the scar from my first HT be visible?



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Hair loss at the sides of the head could be an indication of a non-genetic cause of hair loss. I'd recommend your cousin to consult with a dermatologist who can evaluate his scalp and perform medical tests to see what is causing it.


Hair loss at the sides means no donor "safe zone". Yes, hair could technically be transplanted there, but without a "safe zone", transplanted hair is susceptible to loss.


The good news is, some non-genetic hair loss conditions are reversible once the cause is properly treated. Finding the cause is the first step in successful treatment.


And yes, it is quite possible that if you lost hair at the sides and back of your head, that your scar would be visible.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Hmmm, I sort of have the same thing but to a lesser extent - See over time as I've lost density to my hair - I've also lost that from the sides too - So much so, that after I've showered - or basically when my hair is wet you can see a bit of skin near the side burns area - and I do not mean the area were my temples are. Well for what its worth here are my pics again:



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