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I paid $4 per graft for the first 1500 grafts and $2.50 per graft for the remaining 2500. I considered this quite a bargain considering they also paid for my hotel room and lunch. Don't tell Mike but I would have easily paid more with no complaints.



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If it was done years ago, you might have gotten an alright deal. If it's been done recently, (sorry to say this) you've been taken for a ride. If you look at the doctors on this website, they are some of the best in the world and they typically charge between $3-5 per follicular unit. If it has already been done, there is no reason to dwell on it, just know for the next time (if needs be) to find a better and more economical doctor. Best of luck.



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I paid $5 per graft x 2500 an was completely screwed up by MHR.I was a n/w 2 with thinning and they told me it was a one time expense. I would pay $10 a graft to reverse the mess they made of my scalp and have caused me additional hairloss. It depends on what you get, price should not be an object. I paid for a Cadillac and ended up with a broken down Hugo and I'm stuck with it unfortunatly I have to fix the medical problems it has caused me.If you are happy with what you got and paid $10 a graft consider it lucky.If you ended up paying too much and damaged you would be in a worse boat.$10 a graft and not getting butchered is a steal.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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The cost of hair transplantation varies greatly in different areas of the country/world. Often they reflect the cost of living and competitor prices in that peticular region. Other factors include type of technique being used, size of the case, repair vs first timer, and experience of the doctor. I agree with one of the previous responses to this question that if you paid what appears to be a little more than others have but received excellent work you should be happy. If a clinics prices are much cheaper than others in that area you want to be very careful, because you may get what you pay for.

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Wait guys, you need to define paying for graft. There are 2 different ways to define graft. Individual hair, or the graft itself(1-3or4 hairs). MHR does per graft by "1 hair" many others do it by (1-3) as 1 graft. So if you are getting 500 grafts at $5000, you really could be getting 1000 hairs move @ $5000. So, if you just recently paid $10 per graft, you over paid if it was per hair. On average, most pay about $3-$5 per hair.

Hope this helps...

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Most doctors charge per graft, not per hair. The reason is, with the exception of FUE/FIT, the doctor will not know the number of 1, 2 , 3 or more hair grafts until after the strip is dissected. There may be doctors who quote "per hair", but my opinion is they are ripping off their patients who are comparing that doctor's "per hair" price to "per graft" prices used by most clinics.


Mr. T


[This message was edited by Mr T on December 06, 2003 at 06:17 AM.]


[This message was edited by Mr T on December 06, 2003 at 06:20 AM.]

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I agree with the previous posters, if you were charged per hair, I would definitely not return to that doctor. On the same note (if you are ever wanting another procedure done), I'd stay away from doctors that charge per "graft" and stick with a doctor that charges per "follicular unit". That way you know that you are getting a natural follicular unit that will produce better results, and not a dissected one. Some may mix and match these terms, but either way, if you make sure that you are getting follicular units, it'll look better. If you have any questions about this, just read through the website, Pat explains it well.



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foxlox makes a great point! For the most natural look, you want an all FU HT. I think the term "per graft" is still most commonly used in pricing discussions, however, the distiction has to be made that you will be receiving only "single Follicular Unit grafts" is important. Make sure to ask your doctor about it in advance.


Mr. T

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