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  1. doc33029,


    Welcome to our new Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.


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    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.


    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.


    All the Best,


    Bill (Falceros) - Managing Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

  2. Hair loss (hair shock) is normal after a HT. I have had several HTs and lost to some degree after each one, but it always grew back. If you can see your scalp on top and you don't know here the transplanted hairs went in, consider yourself lucky in that whoever did the placement did a good job in placing the grafts flush with your scalp. You should see a little peachfuzz at two months, then some hairs at three months. six months to a year for full regrowth. avoid scrubbing the crusts if you still have them - give those sites time to heal up without scarring, which can leave a divot at the transplant site. avoid excercise for a month afte the HT, so you don't cause the grafts sites to beceome permanently swollen. avoid direct sunlight for the same reason. I think you can pour water with shampoo over your grafts within a day or two after the procedure but refrain from touching them. good luck - you're pretty much back to normal after two weeks.
  3. I'm just starting month eleven on propecia and have done nothing but lose lose lose since I have been on it, starting at around six months noticed definite loss in the crown and for the last two months or so have been noticing a lot of hair in the sink, hair quality is thinner and weaker, losing more in the anterior scalp even I think some of my transplanted hair. should I wait the full year to see if there will be regrowth or should I start tapering off now? BTW, My doctor did blood work on me and said everything looks great. also, has anyone noticed a little muscle atrophy while on propecia? I work out and don't seem to be able to get the same pump I used to before starting it.
  4. Hello, came across your post just now. I won't comment on the effectivenss of finasteride, I think it varies widely from user to user. But your comments regarding your feelings about hair loss and "why live without hair" are disturbing to me. I am 42 years old and maybe I can give you a different perspective. Yep, there are guys with great hair and yes, generally speaking they have a better shot with the chicks. But you know, when you get older your acceptance criteria widen. Women with a little extra weight may start to look good - they don't have to have a perfect body, maybe there's just something about the way they carry themselves. The same goes for women - their acceptance criteria widen, or change. A bald guy who keeps himself in shape, isn't an asshole but has just the right amount of cockiness even though he is bald really can be attractive to a lot of women. Yes, at 29, baldness is a handicap (mostly in your own mind) but your whole life is not going to be lived at age 29. Learn to look inside yourself at your inner strengths, and focus on those, and work on those. Once you can see them, others will too. Right now at my company one of the hottest chicks (twenty something) just got married to a guy who's bald as a cueball and not even built or anything. he just turns her on. Another friend of mine is bald and lots of chicks dig him. Face it, if women never slept with bald guys, the baldness gene should have died out by now, right? Control your inner mirror demon, learn to like yourself, and be at peace. Good luck.
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