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Posts posted by vocor1

  1. uk_dude:


    Thanks for that honest feedback. Avodart is NOT for everyone.


    Still, it is intriguing. Part of me wants to take a shot at it.


    Unfortunately, "man breasts" is one of the side-effects I've heard of. Ick!


    Hope it is only temporary, man!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  2. Good for you Joto.


    I guess you weren't really into being a mortgage broker "for the long haul". Refis dried up and purchase money no where to be found.


    Haha -- you know what I'm getting at.


    And being a mortgage broker as a profession seemed quite opposite to the personality you show on line. Sorry, but being a mortgage broker more often that not is NOT about honesty. It is about what the person is willing to deal with and pay without bitching.


    Not to say that there aren't any honest and forthcoming mortgage brokers out there. Haven't met any yet, but still hopeful . . .


    Haha, just a little real estate humor.


    Best of luck man.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  3. JohnH:


    Haha! I got the Bosley and MHR videos (too)!


    I think they are a MUST WATCH for any prospective HT patient.


    Why? Because they show you how most of the industry is run and how wishy-washy and deceitful it can be.


    And AFTER you get your procedure done with a top doc, watch them again. Have a good laugh on them!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  4. Mahair:


    Please post some picts so we can help you out better.


    I know this takes time and courage in some cases, but that is how we can give you the best feedback.


    And regardless of our feedback, we can't necessarily change how you feel about your HT. But what can be provided is honest feedback on the situation by people who've been there. That is very valuable. It certainly was to me.


    And believe me, many here are quite willing to help qwell ANY HT establishment that practices and sells their techniques in a manner that is deceptive or misrepresentative. Or any establishment who produces disfiguring results.


    It still amazes me that people are capable of such evil things. Maybe I should wake up.


    But let us help you better by posting picts. In the mean time, hang in there. WE can make things better before they get worse. We just have to believe that that sort of thing is possible.


    It is.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  5. Avodart has a pretty good chance, IMO, to be covered by your medical plan IF you can get a doctor to write your script. That may be tough, depending on the doctor.


    Another thing is that I would venture to guess that if you are allergic to Propecia, then you will be allergic to Avodart as well.


    Like justin said, Avodart is a "stronger form of Propecia": It blocks two enzymes that faciliate the DHT conversion process in your body instead of one. Usually, that means DHT conversion from testosterone rate is blocked at about 95% instead of 70% with Propecia.


    And the half-life of Avodart is 6 months and not 2 weeks like Propecia. So, if you are allergic to Avodart as well, chances are that you will have that rash for quite some time after stopping the use of Avodart.


    Sorry man, I don't want to dash your hopes on Avodart to bits. But be careful on this one. I don't know what your rash is like, but trading more hair for a persistent rash is not the type of trade off that I'd be looking to make.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  6. futzy:


    I'm sure he meant "maximum number of grafts HIS doctor could do". Or the maximum amount his own scalp laxity allowed or the maximum amount his doctor thought was safe. That sort of thing.


    Not many people, I'd venture to say, are good candidates for 5800 FUs harvested via one strip at one sitting. I am not.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  7. SMG will do a good job on you.


    A thin top with a denser front usually does NOT look good. You will want another procedure at that point.


    Don't worry, though, I think SMG will put about 20-30 FU/cm^2 in any balding area. They may have revised their numbers, but that is what they advertised when I had my procedure with them. You problably won't have future density inconsistency issues with that transplanted density. I mean, much, much less chance than if you dense pack the frontal hairline.


    You are in good hands.


    Man, I wish I'd known more about Propecia at 24. I looked at picts of when I was 24, and although I had bad temporal recession, at least the top had density consistent with the sides at that age. By 28, the sides were visibly much thicken than the top, giving me "bozo hair".


    Congrats on taking proactive measures very early on. That is a major win in the battle against hairloss in my book.


    Let us know how your consultation goes.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  8. Haha, no celebs here, but I'm almost positive that 2 of the managers I know have had HTs where I work. Their hairloss is just too unnatural. Haven't "checked for scars" though.


    It is kinda funny that I even worry about someone asking about my HT and there those "leaders" have terrible ones just advertising themselves to others constantly.


    I guess it is a lot about attitude at that point.


    And I'm sure that most people don't know that they've had bad HTs. They probably wonder why their hair looks weird, but don't know why.


    I wonder if they have any idea on me? Hehe.


    One guy sports a "helmet of hair" and the other looks like he was NW3, had a little "bolstering" done, but then proceeded to NW6.


    Ahh, don't feel bad for them. They seem to be doing just fine. All attitude at some point with them, I guess.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  9. justin:


    You hit on another thread that another pretty good thing from these DHT blockers is that your testosterone levels rise. That is USUALLY a good thing, as long as it isn't too abrupt or outrageous.


    1mg finasteride usually blocks about 70% of your DHT conversion and also results in about a 10% increase in circulating testosterone in the bloodstream. A very mild steroid effect, if you ask me.


    When I first got on Propecia, my muscle mass DEFINITELY increased more quickly through my regular weight-lifting routine. I started to develop bigger arms, for starters. I NEVER was able to do that.


    Recently, I've been a weenie and not lifting regularly. I've also put on a few fat lbs. Maybe from aging, less activity, or maybe sustained Propecia use -- I don't know.


    But I do think that when I "put in the work", I get better results from working out. And the libido is very high.


    Anyway, glad to hear that your weight program is going well. I'm not sure how much Avodart usually increases testosterone levels. That would be interesting to know given the known average level of increase in testosterone due to Propecia use.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  10. Okay, okay, I'll let you in on another secret since I trust you all. I'll even throw in FREE Shipping and Handling (after a $4.95 Processing and Packing fee) and a NO-STRINGS ATTACHED DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (on your postage) for a limited time only!


    Here we go:


    After drinking the Vanilla Coke, err, I mean Vocor's Vanilla Coke Copper Peptide Formula #7, you will develop a mane of hair. Then you will get chicks because all they care about is how your hair looks. That will make you very tired very quickly.


    Now, tell me how do battle fatigue AND dames all at once:


    Crystal Pepsi. Umm, I mean Vocor's Pepsi Peptides DeGenerex 2004! It's so advanced, that it HAD to be labeled "2004", leaving all the current products currently available a year behind.


    I have discovered that after taking Vocor's Pepsi Peptides DeGenerex 2004, you WILL regain your energy and lose your mane of hair. Make SURE to take it right after getting a good night's sleep and a BUZZ CUT.


    Disclaimer: If you do not follow my instructions exactly, then the Guarantee is null and void.


    Stay confident, stay strong, then stay rested. All thanks to my revolutionary formulas.


    Dial 1-900-GET-HAIR. Operators are standing by for $2 the first minute, $1 each additional minute.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  11. yeah, Pitt's life doesn't exactly suck.


    I didn't realize how dense and thick his hair is until I watched Ocean's 11. Man, that's quite a hedge!


    Lucky him. Wouldn't of really cared or noticed per HT forum days. But now, it's at least noteworthy.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  12. My personal opinion is strip is preferred if you have to move a lot (a couple of thousand plus) FUs. I'm very much forming my opinion based on the idea that in truth, money is limited.


    FUE costs about twice that of strip. Strips can have very fine scars. Often, they do.


    You wear your hair #3 or longer, the fine scar is really no problem, I'd say. Even with a 3mm scar, #4 worked for me but I didn't venture shorter.


    And a lot depends on donor hair density. If your donor hair is very dense, then a strip is harder to see/find. No kidding, more hairs to cover it!


    I can speak only for myself in that I feel I must take the more expensive FUE/FIT route because I had some things turn out less than ideal and there really isn't anything I can do about that. At least my donor hair is quite dense.


    Personally, if I had no scar issues, I'd have done two strips like Futzy and Joto. That's me personally who usually likes his hair at about #4 sides and back and longer on top. My head buzzed looks bad due to head shape and complexion. I've tested that route already.


    Man, I guess what I'm saying is it REALLY is a case-by-case decision based on risk-tolerance, tradeoffs, and finances.


    And for me personally, I don't regret the choices I've made while still saying I wish they had turned out slightly different. That's okay. What I'm going through now is NOTHING compared to where I was.


    Ahh, I rambled here. I will look forward to posting my personal FIT to strip comparision in the future. It should be interesting.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  13. This may be a great op for someone with low funds who doesn't want a scar.


    You give the docs a documented case and valuable real-life FUE practice and you get a free HT.


    I know it is cliche but there ain't no such thing as something for nothing. This is a great marketing op and opportunity for DHI. Well worth the usual fee of a HT if things go as planned.


    If they don't, well, that is the risk you take. And I'm fairly sure no picts will be posted if such a case happens.


    Anyway, I won't and can't comment on the quality of an FUE HT from DHI. I do think their offer may be appealing to some.


    If anyone here on this forum takes them up on their offer, I hope you still retain the rights to post your picts feast or famine wherever and whenever you want. I think that would be fair.


    Sounds like an exciting opportunity, still.


    Anyone (NON-DHI only) have comments on my thoughts?



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  14. I drank a Vanilla Coke this morning and a hair grew out of my head that wasn't there before. I'll post pictures of it in 60 days when that hair turns into a mane of hair.


    And all thanks to Vanilla Coke.


    I call it "Vocor's Vanilla Coke Copper Peptide Forumula #7".


    It's endorsed by Dr L Lee Bozolee and Dr Matt Leaveitobeaver. So it's gotta work!


    LOL! icon_biggrin.gif



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  15. justin_sievers:


    Great Avodart posts. VERY informative. Yeah, I want to see any picts you have.


    And I'm glad you told the WHOLE story on Avodart. It is a powerful drug with possibly damning and long-lasting side effects.


    Despite that, I've debated trying it out. But Propecia is working quite well for me, so maybe that is the safe bet in my case.


    Poster "Whoops" also posted a lot on his Avodart experiences.


    Thanks for sharing the info! I didn't know the reason why the marketing effort was stopped!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  16. donor area via strip: about 3 months of pinkness for me


    recipient area: about 14 days.


    I'm fair skinned, but my recipient area redness/pinkness subsided quickly. I was quite pleased.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  17. Restraint can be tough if you have adequate financial means.


    You begin to say: "Why the hell not? I can afford it."


    I guess we should be careful of what exactly we are really affording outselves!


    Haha, I originally thought 1500 would be all. And after the 2nd HT is done, it'll be 3000 FUs moved.


    You know though, right now I'm REALLY close to where I'd like to be. My hairline is high, but with the bangs, I mean I think it is fine.


    A little more thickness is all I want. I don't need to reinvent anything here.


    Plus, I guess I want a healthy reserve of donor hair JUST IN CASE a weird hairloss pattern somehow appears. I think I've planned for that pretty well, but really, only time will tell.


    AND PLUS . . . I gotta start saving for the Convertible!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  18. Sometimes the hair comes in a bit different because of the target skin environment.


    But rest assured, the hair follicles genetic code is still the same.


    I have some FUs coming out of my donor scar that were planted there when the scar was revised. They are growing fine now, but appear a little curly because of their growth throw the scar tissue.


    I'm very confident that over time, they'll be the same as all the other surrounding hair. In the meantime, no one can even notice any difference!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  19. Joe:


    I didn't have any shedding whatsoever. I was lucky, I guess, to avoid shedding and see regrowth. The regrowth was mild, but certainly noteworthy and with my hair longer now, the crown isn't too much of a concern any more.


    I also side stepped the loss of libido. My libido skyrocketed for a while and remains pretty high, I'd say. I guess I'm healthy.



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  20. Dart,


    Thanks for sharing all the info on concealers. Great stuff! Read your posts in the concealer group too.


    I will need to use some concealer on a very temporary basis. Your posts on this subject have been immensely helpful. Thanx!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  21. Holy crap?


    Are we saying AGE is also about ATTITUDE? Hell yeah.


    And hair. AGE is also about appearance. You can't fake one in hopes of overcompensating with the other.


    People will think you are a fraud. Happens all the time.


    It is great, truly great, when attitude and appearance synergize and work in lock-step. That is all I ever wanted.


    It is wonderful to read all these great stories of this phenomenon happening. It is right here for us all to read. Phenomenal.


    Keep smiling and bring on the cuties!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  22. bluesman:


    Congrats! Thanks for sharing so many picts and for a great post on your experiences.


    I think your hairline was pretty darn good but I won't dare give you crap about your decision. You gotta do what you feel is right for you.


    The only thing I want to make very sure people know is that you MUST be able to live with your decision FOREVER. There is no "undo" or "do over".


    You are a rocker and have a youthful look. I'd have NEVER guessed 48! That is awesome. The HT will help perpetuate that.


    You were in good hands and I'm glad you had a great experience. Good luck on your journey and keep us in the loop!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  23. big it up:


    It is good to enjoy life fully again. Dude, I'm really happy for you!


    My hair is continuing to thicken and grow in. No ingrowns for almost 2 months now, though.


    Cory was SUCH a cutie. I guess she has to be with all the baldies coming in an making goo-goo eyes at her. There a lot more "Corys" out there right now for me, it seems.


    People have reached the point where they know something is up with me. There is a lot more "mystery and intrigue" nowadays.


    God, I was young and bald as fxxk. The best times, the best days are right now and straight ahead, my friend!


    Tell the guys and ladies of SMG I said Hi. Or "Aloha"!



    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

  24. Okay SHARP, because you made me laugh (and it hit a little close to home), I'll share a little story with you:


    In the two months, I've dated two 19-year olds. We'll save how I met each of them for another day. icon_smile.gif


    The first 19 year old, we went out twice and we didn't really click. The current one, well, it is going really well. She thinks I pass for 25, which is fine by me. And -- outside the obvious fact that she has a slim, elegant appearance -- she's an intelligent college woman, a blast to hang out with, and likes sports.


    I'm sorry if this is gloating, but I'll be damned if that sort of thing doesn't give you a new perspective on life.


    One of these days if the relationship stands the test of time, for fun I'll post a pict of us together and then I'll photoshop an old bald pict of me where the current me was. Should be good for a few laughs.


    No, she doesn't know I had an HT. No, I'm not telling her unless asked. No, she hasn't noticed my scar or anything weird. Well, not about my hair anyway. icon_smile.gif


    So SHARP: Keep Up The Fight! You are damn right we deserve hot 19 year olds. Okay, a 22 to 25 year old cutie will certainly do. Whichever comes to me first: That's what counts in my book.





    Knowledge is Power

    If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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