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Posts posted by Jotronic

  1. This local patient presented with previous work performed at a different clinic. The result was sparse with a pluggy appearance. He came to Dr. Wong seeking repair, specifically in the form of increased density, refinement and naturalness. Crown coverage was requested and delivered. Only 3087 grafts were required for the result you see below. HD video to follow in the next couple of days.













  2. Our US representative Mike Ferko will be traveling to Miami to conduct consultations from January 14th to January 18th. He will discuss with you how our clinic operates, what options you have and answer any questions you may have about our clinic.


    To schedule your appointment:


    Call 1.800.859.2266




    Email info@hassonandwong.com




    Fill out the online registration form here... About Hasson & Wong Hair Transplant Clinic - Hasson & Wong

  3. Scar5,


    Joe, if you took Fin and Dut diligently since 2002, you would still be a borderline case either way.


    I'm not sure what your point is with this statement. I agree but I don't see how it has any relevance. S2thoudriver said that FUT equals 2003, FUE equals 2013. He then went on to say "Stick with the old, or go with the evolved." . If I had my repair work started in 2002 or 2013, I still would not have the result I have now had I gone with FUE. That's a fact.


    Having already been graced with a life-sentencing strip scar, u were screwed before 2002.


    Let me refresh your memory. I had TWO strip scars, both wide. I was definitely screwed before 2002 but it wasn't because of strip. It was because of BAD strip and an unscrupulous doctor that convinced me I would not lose much hair as I got older. Truth be told, had I had access to finasteride as a 22 year old kid I probably wouldn't be here today because most of my hair would not have fallen out to the point that I would be bordering a NW7 like I was in 2002 so I would not have been in need of so much repair work that, again, FUE would not have been able to deliver even today.


    So you are forced to go for 'big hair'. Had you had Fin/Dut and a series of moderate FUEs through the period 1998 - 2008, I think you would rock a good buzz/ and have more hair or the crown.


    Erm, no. I had two strip scars so this wouldn't have been in the cards. And I wasn't forced to go for "big hair". I've never had a procedure over 2500 grafts and I could have easily stopped with my first session from Dr. Wong that netted 2406 grafts My old work was camouflaged and I looked natural, finally. I could have stopped there and been done with it but fate had other plans, hence "Jotronic" was born. Oh, and in 1998 I couldn't have had started with small FUE sessions since no one was doing FUE except for one doctor and back in 1998 no one had really heard of him.


    Still, your story, is no endorsement for strip, it just prolonged the agony, which is a credit to you, and the skills of Hasson and Wong.



    I have to say, this is a very naive statement. I am far from being in agony and I don't appreciate the implication. My life is a complete 180 from what it was twelve years ago. My agony ended on March 18th, 2002 when Dr. Wong did the first pass on me. That was when my agony ended and my new life began, a life that I never would have imagined.

  4. Today we have the clinic known as Plastic Surgery and Medical Skin Care Clinic and Dr. David S. Goldberg in Monterey, California and their Neograft FUE hair transplant. They have three results on their website and, low and behold, there is one that looks kind of familiar.




    He has 1750 grafts, apparently with Neograft. It even says at the bottom of their homepage that

    *Photos in the photo gallery are Doctor Goldberg’s cases.




    Then who is this?




    Oooooh, that's right. He's a patient of Dr. Hasson and had almost 4000 grafts. Why are these guys so, well, just so stupid?


    Anyone want to lay odds that if they post here they will say it was "webmaster error"?

  5. If this is your first procedure I doubt you even need to do them. You already stated your donor density was evaluated as very high so your donor laxity would have to be really bad to not be able to get 3200 grafts. The benefit now would be to possible make the post-op recovery a bit easier but in general, I'd say you'll be fine. Good luck!

  6. (a) How many grafts can be gotten from body hair on other areas of the body?


    Every hair on your body can be taken. The number is only limited by what you have.


    (b) Would body hair grafts be unlimited, or limited to something like 4,000-7000 grafts like in the scalp?


    See "A".


    © Do body hairs ever look out of place with the hairs on the head?


    Yes, this is usually the case. Body hair should be used as a last resort only. Body hair should never be used as a first option.

  7. Think about what happens when you transplant hair. Once the hair is transplanted they all go into telogen and fall out before they eventually grow back. This is the growth cycle resetting so once they all come in they are on the same growth cycle and grow quite well. However, it is possible, and in my opinion quite probable, that the hairs that are transplanted return to their normal growth cycles. This means that fewer hairs will be growing at the same time thus giving you a thinner overall appearance.

  8. Given that you have fair skin you can expect redness to last for a couple of weeks but a residual pinkish hue will remain for a few months. How noticeable it is depends on how far the placement goes into your existing hair AND how long that existing hair is.


    I tell lots of guys that they should change their hair style to a Caesar cut so that it covers the recipient zone. Most people will simply notice the new hair style and not think twice about the recipient zone because they won't be able to see it. You can also switch out some other things like adding facial hair before surgery then shaving it off for the big return. You can also add glasses, subtract glasses etc. Most people don't actually notice the work done if you prepare properly before hand and even if they do notice something is off they don't recognize the work as actually being a hair transplant.

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