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Posts posted by kg007

  1. Hello guys -


    I have question for the ones who already had HT procedure done. As you all know, you have to be very careful when sleeping for several days after the procedure making sure there's no pressure on the grafts. Now I have the hardest time sleeping sitting up. I just can't fall asleep sitting up, so I just 3 pillows to sleep at 45 degree angle. But last night, I was so tired that I just fell asleep on my stomach all night. I don't think I put any pressure on my grafts or donor area. But I am still little paranoid.. Do I need to be worried about anything?

  2. Hello guys -


    I have question for the ones who already had HT procedure done. As you all know, you have to be very careful when sleeping for several days after the procedure making sure there's no pressure on the grafts. Now I have the hardest time sleeping sitting up. I just can't fall asleep sitting up, so I just 3 pillows to sleep at 45 degree angle. But last night, I was so tired that I just fell asleep on my stomach all night. I don't think I put any pressure on my grafts or donor area. But I am still little paranoid.. Do I need to be worried about anything?

  3. Hello Jagdish -


    Welcome to the forum. I see your concerns about doc not doing the HT by himself. It is normal for technicians to do most of the work during procedure. What a qualified doc must to is, take the donor strip out, suture/staple the area and then make the incisions in the recipient area. And then techinicians take over by putting all the grafts in to the incisions made by Doc.


    Some docs prefer to shave the recipient as it makes it easy for them to find blank spots (specially in patients with lot of existing hair), match the angulation of the existing hair and reduces the chances of shockloss. I don't think there's anything you should be worried about at this point. Do you pictures you can share?? and who was your doc in India>??

  4. Hello guys,


    Finally it's done!!! I have had my 2nd procedure with Dr. Wong, and words can't explain how happy I am. Everything went as I had hoped. It was an amazing experience and I am very happy with how everything turned out.


    Dr. Wong harvested 3522 grafts (initial plan was 3000 grafts). Placement was not exactly same as what we had planed over the phone consultation.


    My main goals were to balance the hairline and fill in the crown, but once Dr. Wong saw me in person he advised that we should not touch the hairline since it's already too low and it might be difficult to meet the ends if I lose more hair in the future. So we started working about half cm behind the hairline (see the pictures). Also he advised not to be very aggresive on the crown, but he put enough to cover the thin areas. So the final breakdown was --- 800 singles in the frontal hair line zone (1 inch in from the hairline), about 800 grafts on crown, and rest on top. I think this should give me pretty good coverage to hide the thinning. He said that he can harvest another 2500-3000 more grafts in the future if I ever need to go back.


    Also, on the same day I was having the procedure, there was this other fellow who posts on different forum - I think his forum name is iceman. He was having procedure with Dr. Hasson and he ended up getting 7000+ grafts!!


    Anyway, Dr. H & W do amazing work, their staff was extremely knowledgable and ofcourse we all know how supportive Joe and Doug are. Thanks everyone at Hasson & Wong.



  5. No. I have not had a procedure with him, but from what I hear from lot of other patients is that all the pictures on his website are real. He is very aggresive at putting grafts, and he can give you upto 100 grafts/cm2 in just one session. Like I said if you're someone older with very limited hairloss, then he might be an excellent choice. But nowdays even Dr H & W can do 70-80 grafts/cm2 if you desire. check out the other forums to find out more about Alvi. Also have consultation with other docs to see if they can give you what you desire.

  6. Kendell -


    Goodluck with your procedure!! Isn't that amazing we have 3 different people on this forum going to H&W in a week?? I am scheduled for procedure with Dr. Wong on Feb 20th. Maybe I'll see you on the day of your procedure when I go back for shampoo. I am sure Kristina already called you both (Yourself and Hairbank) for 1 week reminder.. :-)

  7. Gorpy -


    I know what you mean, but would any doc give me that in writing?

    All we can do is, go by doc's past record of customer satisfaction, reputation and customer care. And the fact that almost all the docs I had consultation with claimed that I would not suffer from permanent shockloss has given me enough confidence to take the next step. And like I said before, I can wait another 5 years before I do anything about thinning on top, but shockloss concern will still be there. So why wait if I am going to have same risks now or 5 yrs later. And I don't like the whole idea of waiting for all your exisiting thinning hair to fall before getting a HT. I think that's just a plain dumb idea. Anyway thanks for your concern. I have thought about this for awhile, and I think I am making the right decision. Hopefully everything will go well.



  8. Hello Mahair -


    I received your PM. If you don't mind I would reply to it here because others might have their own opinions to add.


    "Mahair: I still think you have too much hair for another pass. Save your donor for emergencies."


    I appreciate your concern. I have done lot of thinking about this concern over the past year. I have always been concerned with 'shock-loss'. But my hairloss has been very stable for past 5 years, thanks to Propecia. And I have been waiting for quite awhile to do something about thinning. See the thing is it doesn't matter if I get another HT now or wait for another few years to do something about my thinning on top, the shock loss concern is always going to be there as long as I have native hair on top. I have discussed this matter with lot of top HT surgeons who are frequently being talked about on this forum, and every one of them has claimed that I would not suffer permanent shock loss with new technology and blades being used. Dr. Wong even went on to say that shock loss should be the last thing on my mind to worry about when deciding for the 2nd procedure. I have faith in my doctor and I am going to go with whatever he recommends after seeing me in person. I think we have a good plan for now, 1500 in crown/top and 1500 in frontal 1/3.

  9. Pat - Thanks for the kind words. I and Dr. Wong have a plan, which is to put 1500 grafts in frontal 1/3 and another 1500 in top/crown area. But it's only tentative; things might be different once he sees me in person. I'll keep you guys updated with the my procedure and everything like I did when I went under my 1st procedure over a year ago.


    Hairbank ??“ I too went under small procedure the first time. I wish I was more educated about HT back then, I would have gone for bigger procedure. Man you really missed out on the scalp exercise. It really helps loosen your scalp. It sucks you only have 2 more weeks before your procedure. If you had been doing it for past 3-4 months, it would have really helped you do a MEGA session. But anyway, 2 weeks will still help. I say do about half hour a day. I do 10 minutes back of the scalp (in the center), 10 minutes sides of the scalp (above ears), and 10 minutes in the middle (between the center and sides). That will definitely help you.

  10. Hairbank -


    Good to hear from you. I saw your profile and picures, you're definitely heading in right direction. I don't know about 5000 grafts, but I am sure Dr. Wong will be able to harvest 4000 grafts as long as you have been doing the scalp exercise. Anyway, I am really looking forward to see your progress. Keep in touch, and share some pictures after your procedure (maybe before I go for mine). Who did you have your first procedure with?



  11. Hey what's going on guys?? It's been awhile since I have posted. Actually I have been very busy at my new job, and I barely get any chance to hang around here. I hope all you guys are doing well.


    I just uploaded my 8 month post-op HT2 pictures. So far so good, but I am little disappointed as I had higher expectations. My hair feels very lifeless, flat and thin.


    I am still not very happy with my crown. Although I have already invested about 2200 grafts, I still feel the need to add more to fill in the crown. What's your take on that?


    Also, I am thinking about making a switch from Propecia to Avodart. I know lot of you have started taking the Avodart in past few months, how's the experience? Is it working better/worse?




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  12. Saw your pictures. My opinion is same as before.. Going for HT at such a young age without being on propecia = heading for disaster. Call following doctors and set a phone consultation and take their opinion. In my opinion these are the top 4 Hair Transplant surgeons, and I am sure most people will agree with me on that:


    Dr. Jeri Wong (Hasson and Wong)

    Dr. Hasson (Hasson and Wong)

    Dr. Ron Shapiro

    Dr. Jeffrey Epstein (Miami)

  13. Sure you can, but you have only limited donor supply of hair in your donor area. Average male has about 6000 grafts of donor hair. Can you imagine you being norwood 5? 6000 grafts will never be enough to cover your entire top. You're using 1900 grafts just to recreate your hair line. That will leave you with 4000 additional grafts for future. with 1900 grafts, you are covering less than 50 cm2 area of your head. Norwood 5 male has roughly about 200-225 cm2 of bald head. additional 4000 grafts will be never be enough. Giving propecia will help you slow down your hair loss, and then maybe you can invest about 1500 grafts in your hairline.

  14. No disrespect to you Chris, but you know nothing about hair transplant. You should do research for atleast another year before even thinking about hair transplant. You're setting yourself up for life long misery. You can't learn about these things by asking all these questions to all these educated folks here in 2 days. You must read read read read read this website for next 6 months to learn about HT and it's pros and cons. You're norwood 3 at 20 and most likely you'll be norwood 4 by 23, and norwood 5 by 30 considering that you have not even tried propecia. Even propecia doesn't work completely to stop the hair loss, it only slows it down buying you some more time. Do yourself a favor, cancel the surgery and get on propecia ASAP and give it a try for atleast a year before even thinking about HT.

  15. If everybody on this forum is suggesting you to wait some more, then I think you should for your own sake. If Dr. Pistone is ethical, he would be more than happy to return 100% of your down payment. You must get on propecia/proscar immidietly to hold your hair loss. Only Propecia and Rogaine work, nothing else!!! Everything else is waste of time and money. I haven't heard anything bad about Dr. Pistone, but I haven't heard anything good either... Like Jotronic said, you don't need to be a genious to be 'board certified' hair restoration surgeon. Anyway, in my opinion, a guy like you with minimum hair loss should opt for FUE, so if you decide to shave your head in the future, you don't have to worry about the scar.. I hope you are familiar with FUE.. there're some great surgeon who perform FUE, one being closer to you - Dr. Alan Feller in NY.

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