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Posts posted by kg007

  1. Hello Everyone -


    Since we're talking about the articles that may help educate everyone here curing hair loss, I came across this article that drinking caffeine may actually help prevent hairloss. Now I don't know if I can really believe that. I am a moderate Coffee drinker, and I always thought that Caffeine is not good for one's health.


    [promotional links removed by forum moderator; articles transcribed below - Robert]


    I hope you guys find these articles informative.





  2. I agree with Arfy. I haven't read article by Bernstein and Rassman, but I am really starting to understand that having smaller grafts dense packed than having less larger grafts gives you more dense look.


    Also, I think this forum should have articles about the 'Actual' procedure. I think most people here are very educated about the Hair Transplantations and what to look for in a good doctor, but I don't think lot of people have the knowledge of what actually goes on once you're in the chair. I mean lot of things. Such as what kind of medicines are given for what purposes, what kind of magnifacations doctors use, how doctors make incisicions, what kind of blades are used in different cases etc. I think we're more focused on over all understanding, but we can learn more the technical aspect of the procedure.


    Also, we should also have more articles about younger patients. I mean all doctors have different philosophy when it comes to younger patients because younger patients are the ones at the higher risk by getting HT.



  3. Hello Bill ??“


    Yes I have a strong hair line, but I have lot of thinning behind the hair line. So if I decide to do HT, we won't be touching the hairline as much as the area behind it. I have tried styling my hair straight back, that makes my thinning worse as I also have similar thinning on top/mid crown (I will try to post a picture). The only way I can successfully hide the thinning in the front is by combing my hair to the right, and I am really sick of doing that.


    I have consulted with some doctors recommended on this forum. All feel very confident and comfortable working in the front 1/3 area without damaging my existing hair.


    I am still not sure what I am going to do.



  4. Hello Bill -


    Thanks for your concern. Yes I only 24. I have been on propecia for over 4 years now, and it seems to be working well as my hair pattern has been very stable.


    I want to add some density in the front because I think I have very thin front/top. But if I get the front thicked up, that will make thinning on top less visible. Look at some close up pictures of frontal 1/3 that I have attached. This will give you better idea.


    I am open to any comments and feedback.





  5. Mahair -


    Thanks for your concern. I am still going with Dr. Keene for my 2nd procedure. Yes it's true that she has advised me to be cautious about what I want to achieve from 2nd procedure... She has asked me to send her more close up pix of front 1/3 to see what she thinks. We have not decided if we're going to add any grafts in the front 1/3, but I am definitely getting the hairline balanced. I have another consultation with Dr. Keene later this week after I send her more pictures. I am going to go with whatever Dr. Keene recommends.


    I have also consulted with some other respected docs recommended on this website (I don't know if I should mention their names, but they're top docs who really take time to adise their patients). All of them feel comfident working in front 1/3 as I have lot of thinning behind the hair line.


    It's true that it's easy to give in when you hear what you want to hear from the doctors. But ultimately it's going to be Dr. Keene's call as I have faith in her decision. I did express my desire to add grafts on top/mid crown, but Dr. Keene advised me agaist it, so I am not touching this area.


    Look at the pictures again. Specially the very last one where my hair is spiked (but still dry), it gives you pretty good idea of the thinning in the front 1/3.







  6. Thinkingaboutit -


    I am in the same boat.. I have my 2nd procedure in November. I am adding more density in already good coverage area. I have consulted with some of top docs, and all of them said that they have not seen much of shock loss in any of their patients, even the ones who already had good coverage, which might be misleading?? I don't know..


    I have been told by some docs that use of Minox (Rogaine) may minimize the sock loss. I plan on using it for 2 months prior and 4 months after the surgery as suggested by the doc (even though I hate using it).


    Anybody here used Minox before and after the surgery? How many days before the surgery did u stop using it, and how many days after the surgery did you resume using Minox?



  7. Hello everyone,


    I have just updated my photo album, I have uploaded 8 months post-op pictures. Things are looking good. Hoping for some more growth/thickening.


    Please check out the pictures and let me know what you think.


    As many of you know I am toying with the idea of putting grafts on top to thicken teh see-thru areas, but my doc has advised me against it and recommeded to focus only on hair-line zone area as if we thicken that area, thinning on top will not be noticable. What do you think about that? What would you do if you were in my situation? I really want thicken the top as I am very young and want to have more hair, but shockloss concern is holding me back. What do you guys suggest? I appreciate your feedback.





  8. HT Curious -


    We're both in same boat. I am in the middle of making decision if I want to go for HT to add more density on top, but shockloss concern is holding me back. My doc Dr. Keene has warned me about it, now it's up to me.


    I have done lot of thinking and lot of research. I have seen many pictures of people who had a similar thinning (or even more dense looking) on top like I do, and they all had great results by adding 1000-1500 grafts (I am talking about pictures from top notch surgeons). Now I know everybody's different and reacts differently to HT and shock loss. But it's individual decision. I am going to consult with few doctors, and I'll make decision about what I want to do.




    P.S. check out my pictures, and see if your condition is better or worse than mine.



  9. Thanks Terry -


    Yes, I did discuss my desire to put some grafts on top and front and she has warned me about shockloss and explained me the negative side of my opinion, but if I am willing to take this step she would be willing work on me. Again, I don't want to take a huge risk by putting lot of grafts, if I get 5-10 grafts/cm2 and can avoid the shockloss, I would be happy.


    Also I have seen many before/after pictures on this website, and lot of the guys had similar coverage as me and they went for 2 - 1000 grafts hair transplants to recover top and front and their results look fabulous.


    I am planning on taking new pictures and consulting with some qualified surgeons for their opinions. But I would also appreciate all the opinion here on this forum as I'll be getting the honest opinions here from experienced people.


    Thanks guys,



  10. Thanks Pat -


    yeah crown looks good. I am seeing some more thickening at 8 months. I'll be posting more pictures very soon.


    I have a question for you and for all the folks here -


    As some of you already know I am seriously considering going for HT2 later this year to put some 1000 grafts on top/front (about 6 to 10 grafts/cm2). As you can see in my pictures I have very thin/see thru coverage on top, and I want to add some density in these areas, but I am really concerned about the shock-loss. I have read a lot about shock-loss, and I know it's a real concern for anybody with moderate to okay existing coverage. But I am really sick of covering my top with comb-overs looks. Some people have advised me to wait some more before putting anything on top, now what good is that going to be for me? I mean I have been on propecia for over 4 years now, and it seems like it's doing pretty good to help me hold on to what's left. My top looks same as it did 2 years ago (except slight receding in temples), so if I wait some more, lets say 2-3 years (by the time i'll be 26-27, now I am 24)), there's very good possibility that my top will be looking same as now, so I will be facing the same concern of shock loss when I am 27!! So what's the difference if I do it now or 3 years later?


    I know you guys have been HT veterans for years. You have seen good results and poor results and I really need your knowledge and expertise. I am one of those guys who's very young and not very happy with the hair I have and want to do something about it. I have been on propecia, I have used rogaine on crown and I really hate using it so I stopped which made things little worse, I had my first HT with Dr. Keene 8 months ago and things are looking good in crown. Now I am ready to take the next step to recover the front/top, but I have big decision to make. I am willing to put the least amount of grafts (5-10 grafts/cm2) on top to minimize the risk of shockloss. Please let me know you opinion as it means a lot to me.





  11. Jacob -


    Your results look amazing. You got a great hairline now.


    I have a question for you. You said "basically 800 grafts in each temple and another 740 in the "island" to build up the hairline and ensure some symmetry when the island completely thins out."


    So you had placed 740 grafts in the area where you already have decent hair. Did you notice any shock loss in this area??

    I am also thinking about placing grafts in the area where I have 30-45 grafts/cm2 coverage (same as yours in the front before your HT), and I am really concerned about the hair loss from shock. So I am trying to do research on whoever had grafts placed in the area with already ok/decent coverage. Let me know your experience.


    Thanks man,



  12. Robert -


    Rightnow I use Head & Shoulder shampoo and conditioner (extra fullness). I have been using it for like past 2-3 years.


    I am not going to use LoReal everyday since I shed more in the shower. Only on special occasions because it does add more than 50% density in my hair.


    As of Nioxin, I think I will give it one more try. I plan on using it for one week to see if I feel comfortable. Because I would like to take the benefit if it really cleans the scalp and reduces DHT on the surface.



  13. Hello everyone,


    I have uploaded more pictures of frontal zone (1/3). You will notice how thin this area is. I would say I have about 30 grafts/cm2 in this area. I am considering adding density in this area.


    I have consulted with some of top docs, and they feel comfortable working in this area with minimum chances of shock loss with the use to very small blades (from 0.5mm to 1mm - depending on graft size).


    Let me know your feedback if you have experince in similar situation as mine (with any doctor).






    9771097251_A3CCBEEB0FFA97908D693A373DEDFBF6.JPG.thumb 9321018951_DB4EF65B783748AF6251733025C4CD26.jpg.thumb 8671021751_D488077B7CC004489BFE05524514C99C.JPG.thumb 8471021751_18BBFBBCB746919999E1E5EE5D623A9A.JPG.thumb 5161021751_DADF659395530743A385A4628BEB0CC8.JPG.thumb 4221018951_D2D4A1A40E8CE2DD68C6F609E057B30B.jpg.thumb 4121018951_8FC936777BCA6A7660EBD2924F67309C.jpg.thumb 3321018951_0C58BA792F3DFF02601E8D1A28787DBF.jpg.thumb 3161021751_467194D707CF5E37F40F5F6E88718DA4.JPG.thumb 2971021751_355EA048A5816E5CB4BE3D78E0B8E506.JPG.thumb 1261021751_77FAFA68C9BBE08C53F201C6DBE7A7E9.JPG.thumb



  14. Markcia -


    So far I have tried Nioxin shampoo & conditioner only once. I got the burning sensation and that kinda scared me. I haven't used any other products yet. I am still not sure if I want to go ahead and try it again. I have heard from many guys here that it added volume to their hair, now I don't know what they mean by that. Added cosmetic volume after each use?? or more growth occcured?? or thin hair got thicker???


    I used it, and my hair didn't look fuller after the use.


    Just quick update on my experience with L'real Vive for men.. Damn, that thing works!!!!! My hair got so much fuller! It added so much density and volume.. but on the downside, my hair felt very dry and I noticed increase in shedding because of dryness. So I have decided to use it only on special occasions.


    Any comments/suggestions are welcome.





  15. I need help guys!!


    I just tried Nioxin for the first time. Shapoo wasn't too bad except the peppermint smell. But I tried the Scalp Therapy (Conditioner), and I got this burning effect on my scalp. I mostly felt it in sides and back (donor area). It lasted even after I rinsed my hair with water. Has anybody experienced the same effect or is it just me??? I don't know if I should continue using it because I am scared that it will have a bad impact on my scalp and hair. I am little scared... Please let me know what you think...


    Thanks guys.



  16. Bob C -


    Great topic! I have been thinking about the same thing for past few months. I have seen pictures of patients with 4000-6000 grafts, and yes they do look great, but I am not sure if it really looks that great from closer.


    I had a HT to cover my crown with 1500 grafts, now my doc used lots of 3s & 4s to give me the maximum density. I am 7 months post op, and I am not too happy with the results (maybe it's still too early to tell). I guess my expectations were too high. Now this is not anything against my doc, she's a great doc. It's just that what you see in pictures on doctors' website does not necessarily mean you're going to get the same results. Obviously doctors are going put the best pictures they got, They're not going to post pictures of patients who did not get great results, and believe it or not lot of patients did not receive 'great' results compare to the ones who had great results.


    I agree with you, it's not 'wash and go'. I still spend some time in front of mirror trying to look my best. It's just an illusion that you can get up in the morning and leave the house without worrying about your hair. To be honest with you, my hair doesn't look that great when I get out of the bed in the morning. I have to take shower and fix my hair before leaving.

    Yes, I am happy with my HT. It has given me lot more confidence than 3 months ago, but it's not as great as I had expected. I guess I was expecting too much after witnessing great pictures on doctors' websites. But that may not be the case for you. And I guess that's why lot of people try all the shapoos and thickners even after the multiple HTs.


    Now I would not say 'I got butchered', but I would say that I had very high expectations, now I know the reality. And yes, I might be going back for 2nd procedure to give me better appearance.


    I can not say for you waiting for last 6-7 years was the smart move or not, because I don't think much has changed in last 4-5 years, plus we're getting the best that's available outthere. Yes they are talking about Cell Multiplication and cloning, but God knows when that's going to happne. I mean they're saying that it'll be available in 2-3 years for last 5 years. One of the docs who I really admire and respect for his honest opinions and straight forward answers told me that it won't be available for another decade! So you never know if the new technology will be available in near future or it may never be available. I have seen and read articles about this technology being available in 2007, but I think it's just bs. I won't believe anything I read until it actually happens.


    anyway, I can go on and on. But I'll let other folks take it from here.



  17. Hello Robert -


    Thank you for the response. I agree with you. I am not expecting any medicinal benefits, I am looking for something which would give me cosmetic benefits by lifting my thin fine hair to more fuller thicker hair. I have tried Head & Shoulder (extra fullness), which I guess works okay.


    I just bought L'Oreal Vive for men. I will use it for a week or so to see what kind of results I get, and maybe next week I'll try Nioxin to see what's everyone on this forum talking about icon_smile.gif


    I would also be interested in NioSpray. I like using spray over gel because gel gives me seethru look. Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted on all these products I plan on using for next few weeks.



  18. It's good to hear that Nioxin has helped you guys volumize your hair. Now I am looking into trying it out to see if it helps me with my hair. My main purpose of using it to make my hair follicles more helthier, decrease the shedding, and add volume.


    Currently I use Head & Shoulder Shampoo and conditioner (extra fullness). I guess it works okay, but i can't compare that with Nioxin since I haven't used it yet.


    Robert: How did L'Oreal Vive work for you? I see lot of commercials on TV. Does that shampoo really work?


    Also, question for vets:

    Is there any negative impact if you stop using NIOXIN shampoo, conditioner & scalp therapy?


    I am planning on buying the economy kit which is

    1- 6.8oz Bionutrient Treatment

    1- 10.1oz Bionutrient Cleanser and

    1- 10.1oz Scalp Therapy.


    Also, has anybody tried 'Follicle Booster', 's NioSpray', 'Lift Volumizing Mist' products by Nioxin? I might be interested in NioSray.






  19. WillyWonka -


    I am glad to hear that you have not suffered from shockloss even though you are only Norwood 4a. I would say I am Norwood 3 with some thinning pretty much from front to back. Is there any way you can share your pictures with us so I can evaluate if I am in a similar condition as yours.





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