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Posts posted by fixing-it

  1. Hey Dewayne,

    I find this weird that they say they rarely have patients that need more than 1300-1500 grafts,most of us need alot more.

    They must not be set-up too handle more.Too most coalition doc's anything under 2000 grafts is considered a small to possibly medium session.

    Since this Dr is in the coalition,He does not seem to be fitting some of the requirements.

    maybe Bill will chime in.

  2. Hey jobi,

    The same thing happened to me also,at about 8 1/2 months-10 months little ingrown hairs but they did go away all by themselves,but they weren't that painful for me.I think they were just slow growth like crowns are known for.


    NG2GB where have you been ? icon_smile.gif

  3. The first thing you should do, is an in-person consult with a reputable hair doc,so they can look at your hair under magnafication to see if and how much miniaturization is occurring.


    This way the Dr will know the best plan for you.

  4. Hello Y and T,

    Seeing as you are young,Have you tried meds like rogaine or concealers like dermmatch or toppik?You might want to try these type of things and save a possible HT for last.Do lots of researching and welcome to this forum.

  5. ng2gb said

    Personally, if someone asked me (after I get a ht) how I have new hair; Im not sure what I would say.

    I think you told me in PM you were a diffused thinner,thus the perfect person to say you were trying meds{propecia-avacor etc.}Everybody see's this stuff on T.V. and would readily believe it anyway.Remember like i told my sister when she asked,nobody would probably ask beyond that. icon_biggrin.gif

  6. Hey petesman,

    your loss pattern is just like mine,and after previous HT with about the same # of grafts as you mine was also thin and see-thru.You will see a little growth but more thickening of hair shaft which can make a vast improvement.Like me,you seem to be NW5A and now after researching I know now that i should have gotten in 4500-5000 range to begin with.

    Only 3 more weeks until my last HT with Dr Hasson,can't wait.

    Good luck

  7. For mine I did both HT's before thanksgiving and took some time off to go deer hunting so i was away from work for about 10-14 days and when i returned to work my recipient area was already healing well,That and the fact i can wear a hat at work provided no issues for me.

    I have often wondered about the people who cant wear a hat,what they have actually done for some kind of concealment.

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