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Posts posted by fixing-it

  1. Mike,H&W now charge $ 5.00 for 1st 2000 grafts and then $ 3.00 per graft after that.

    So for you that would be 14,500,and that is a very good value as there are lesser clinics out there that charge more,than going too one of the best in the world who charge less.Seems like a no-brainer to me.

    Good luck and keep researching.

  2. Its going fast,I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this,but that IS NOT refined work but actually MICRO/MINI's grafts that unfortunately some doctors still perform under the false pretense of telling you their work is refined.

    This was a popular method after the doll plugs of the 70's and 80's.

    So what you got was a 90's technology HT.

    I was down this road a couple of years ago with my first,and like yours the HT did grow but the spacing was too far apart for acceptable density.A question i would ask is did the doc have stereoscopic microscopes.My guess is that he did not and he probably practices smaller sessions and that would be why he doesn't [cant] do ultra refined work.

    Hang in there i'm sure it should grow-just dont expect greatest density.

    Thank god that there are Dr's like Hasson that are able too fix these sub-par doctors[A-HOLES] messes. icon_mad.gif

  3. Hey bowl,

    I was just there 3 weeks ago for HT,and while i did not have mine done with wong i did meet him.Once your in the office all of your nervousness and anxiety will be gone.

    Being as ive' had 2 previous procedure's I also had a scar revision and it turned out fantastic.At only 24 days post-op today I can't believe I can just barely make out the scar.

    Hang in there you picked a great clinic. icon_smile.gif

  4. G-m,

    This just seems to be another instance where Dr Griffins pricing seems out of line with other coalition doc's.

    1300-1400 grafts should not cost you $8500.00.

    I dont think I agree when other posters who say price should never matter if you like the doc.

    I agree with no-buzz 100%.

    Ive been reading this forum for over 2 years and I find it ironic that alot of the cost or price discrepancies have involved Dr Griffin.While i'm sure he does good work,He may just be that busy in atlanta and can justify his pricing.

    But if it was me"and looking at your pics" I would get the larger session for the same money.good luck.

  5. Forgot to mention,this is how hair grafts occurr naturally 1's 2's 3's 4's grafts.

    non-modern hair transplanting was done with mini-grafts or micro-grafts which were more than 4 hairs cut/disected in bundles and required larger incisions and were not refined.

    make sure you stay away from these procedures because believe it or not there are still dr's doing this outdated procedure out their.

    keep asking questions and gaining knowledge before committing to a HT.

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