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Posts posted by dabuski

  1. The expressing of opinions and any words exchanged aside.

    I think one of the problems here is that a lot of folk have a genuine like for ng2gb. And as such are going to miss his posting.

    The guy is a obvious character and i for one hope the fella does not spend 2 much time in exile.

  2. While perusing other hair loss forums i noticed a lot of posting concerning the use of Topical Finasteride.

    It seems it can be bought either as product or made DIY (DODGY!)

    Any one any experiences on this.



  3. Hi eagletrojan,


    not strictly true, during the original trials of this drug the manufacturer conducted tests and recorded findings on the top and mid regions of the scalp only.

    So my own opinion is potentially it could be used for frontal loss, it seems odd it would be bias toward the top and mid regions, even so if you read posts of a similar nature as your own it would seem the frontal part of the scalp is stubborn to respond to

    medical treatment.

    If you do decide to try Propecia you could include Minoxidil, as the two have a synergistic effect and could offer a greater chance of some response.

    I would recommend that you research these treatments and make any decisions of the back of your research.



  4. Hi Andy,


    your best BET are what are termed on this forum as the big 3, Propecia, Minoxidil and Nizoral shampoo.

    Then, if you decide, its a case of try them for at least a year and you may experience maintenance and a halt to hair loss or even some regrowth.

    There is also a chance no improvement will be made.

    Unfortunately no one can tell you if these medications will work for you, only time can tell.

    I would recommend that you research these three and base any decisions off the back of this.



  5. Hi Wylie,

    on the subject of biceps, heres an exercise i use to keep them growing.

    Its a basic barbell curl but divided into 3 separate parts.

    Imagine the range of movement from the bottom part of the exercise with arms fully extended, to the top part of this exercise.

    Now divide this range into 3.

    Grasp a barbell, with near enough 80% of the maximine you can use for this exercise. Now begin to curl but stop a 3rd of the way up and return. Aim for 10 to 15 reps. Next with no stopping start a 3rd of the way up and begin curling but stop again at approx a 3rd of the way up again ,aim for 10 to 15 reps .The last part of the exercise is the final upper 3rd preformed as the first two with no rest in between.

    By the time you have finished this i would expect your arms to be completely wasted. I would recommend that you do this just the once as part of your normal arm routine.

    Give it a go for a couple of months and see what happens.



  6. Hi Diamondlight,

    i must say i admire your laser light focus to which you adhere to.

    I guess like a lot of things in life individuals respond differently .

    I found what works best for me (i,m currently 273 pounds at height of 6ft 5 ,not ripped ,not fat either)

    I just eat good and train hard and heavy.

  7. Hi Hairbank


    i think it would not be a bad thing to experiment and find out what works best for the individual.

    Early on when i first began training i kept a training log with routines and sets ,reps ,increases in weights ,diet used etc as a means to gauge if what i was doing was working or not.

    Through the log i arrived at my current routine where i stick to the heavy basic exercises ,train 3 times a week ,work all body parts in a session.

    One other thing, i always try to increase my maximum

    weight for each exercise.


    All the best


  8. Hello Hairbank,


    why not try eating five or six small meals spaced during your day to keep your body topped up with all the nutrient it needs.

    I would not become to critical with what food you eat so long as its mostly from natural sources but try and aim for a gram and a half of protein per pound of body weight.

    Finally i currently work out 3 x days a week, train all body parts per session and keep to the basics like squats,curls etc.I work each exercise for 3 x sets,the first two sets are just to warm up for the last set which i take to failure.

    Ive followed this approach for a good number of years now and have gained solid results from it.


  9. Hello Podge,

    when using any of the meds that come recommended by the members of this forum ,i believe at least six months is a good rule of thumb to evaluate its effectiveness.

    The medication itself should have instructions on how much and how frequently it should be applied.

  10. If your looking for big Arms then train hard and heavy.3 x sets of 1 arm exercise,1st set should be regarded as no more than a warm up x10 reps.2nd set should be around 60% of your maxamine for 10 reps.3rd set should be the maxamine you can lift to get you to muscular failure before u reach 10 reps.Once u reach 10 reps with this weight add more weight to this 3rd set.Keep this up for 4 months,cupple this with a good diet with plenty of Protein and u should get those arms your looking for.There is no substitute for hard work.

  11. You need to get a hold Rem on your self,your not dying or anything of the sort.But what you are doing is allowing your imagination to run riot.The picture you supplied ,although out of focus,looks fine in my opinion.If you see your doctor tell him or her your concerns regarding your shedding,it can only provide answers and put your mind at rest.Try to chill my friend.

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