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Everything posted by johnno

  1. cousin_it, Bill, I would love to meet up with some americanos in their native land; it would be great to meet up with you both, it won't be for another year or 2 though. I just hope you are both still up for meeting then ? I just hope you can understand my accent as it is a rather dodgy welsh one. Don't even know if any of you have heard of wales; it is a small country within Great Britain, which is seperate from england. You have been warned about the dodgy accent and it comes with or without hair, so you have been warned (haha)!!!
  2. Hi hair impaired, learn by mistake and don't go with a dodgy outfit as you'll lose out in the long run by wasting lots of money and donor hair. This site provided me with invaluable advice which i will use for future HT's. I am just lucky i only had 2500 hairs transplanted in the UK but with the old school techniques, which can be hidden with the lastest FUT procedures only provided by the coalition doctors. The advice you'll get on here is based on patient knowledge and experience, which should be listened to, i am just so glad i did cause they sure do know their stuff! I have learnt so much in the last week just from this site!
  3. Cheers cous, I'll take you up on that offer of meeting up, it would be good to put a face to a name and have a chat with someone who has been through what i have Cheers mate
  4. Dr Feller, I was wondering could you perform the FUT procedure on my scalp as i had a HT 6 years consisting of 500 grafts and another HT 2 weeks ago consisting of 2000 grafts, all of which were mini and micro grafs. Will this give me the natural result of the FUT that i have seen in so many of your patients and disguise the old school HT?
  5. Cheers cous, i sure would like to meet up with you and have a good old chat with someone who has experienced what i have been through Thanks for the offer all the best johnno
  6. cheers everyone for the advice. The advice that has been given to me by you all is very much appreciated and i have pretty much made my mind up as to which Dr i am going to see for my next HT in a years time. For the meantime my mind is set on Dr Feller but with time this may change. Could you tell me how long you have to stay in in New York for a 3500 or 4000 graft surgery, the cost of accomodation and a return flight, the best accomodation and airline company to select and airport to arrive at. Thanks very much for ur help!!
  7. cheers nelly for all ur help and advice, it is much apprieciated. I would also like to thank everyone else who helped me. Yes, i think choosing Dr Feller for the HT sounds like a good decision. I will post more pictures of my HT in the coming months for a bit of feedback Cheers All
  8. yeah, i should of had a bigger session but glad i didn't now. I will have another HT in about 2 years consisting of 4000 grafts, either with Dr Hasson, Dr Wong, Dr Ron Shapiro, Dr True or Dr Feller. Don't know who to go really, any suggestions ?
  9. cheers GratefulHead, i will definitely give that one a try
  10. i had 500 grafts 6 years ago to reinforce a hairline, and 2000 grafts performed on 22nd December 2006!! The first procedure was with mini/micro grafts and did look ok, but the second procedure was larger and gave me cause for concern after seeking advice and looking at the latest techniques performed. I haven't got a camera. I took the picture with a webcam,, hence the rather bad quality!! The picture was taken 11 days post op Cheers Bill and Happy New Year
  11. Hi HK500! I am so glad i found this site!! It has expanded my knowledge tremendously, and the one thing i know for sure is that i will never have a HT in the UK even if it does turn out ok; it is just a cheap or cheaper in the US to get a HT with the latest technology and great results Cheers
  12. i had 500 grafts 6 years ago, which reinforced a hairline. I had a little bit of hair only just a hairline (500) grafts. Where the gaps can be seen towards the back of my head a few original hairs exist. I have pervious looked at the work of the coalition doctors and am now starting to get worried. I am now saving really hard and in 2 years get 4000 grafts with a good coalition doc to hopefully inprove the look of the old school HT
  13. thanks nell for ur honest opinion!! You really have put my mind at rest with a very clear explanation based upon good sound knowledge, just what i wanted hear. Much apprieciated johnno
  14. hi Bill, who in ur opinion out of the three hair transplants that you have had, did you achieve the best results with and which surgeon would you recommend ? I have looked at ur blog and what you have had done to date looks very impressive to me, you also got ur looks back now!! lucky bugger i am jealous, i was good looking when i had hair or so i have been told on numerous occassions !! How much in total did it cost you for all three procedures
  15. I live in the uk where most of the HT surgeries use micrografting and minigrafting techniques!! Could someone please elaborate on this type of HT surgery, as it seems to be old school and is still widely practiced in the UK to date!! I have posted a picture of my HT undertaken in the UK of course, i would very much appreciate some comments. Does any one know of any sites i could look at to see the type of results i should/could expect from this type of surgery ? The picture is 11 days post op!! thanks
  16. i have posted a picture of my HT in the correct section now; hair transplant experiences and surgeon reviews
  17. i would really like to post my pictures and get feedback from honest people like you, as you have gained a lot of knowledge through ur experiences, and have been through the transplant process so you know how we all feel!! Thanks for ur help it is much appreciated
  18. i did post pictures Bill, but took them off the next day as i thought the HT needed more time to show the true results!! Can't the look of the old school methods be improved with a natural appearance from the FUE procedure placed in and around the micro and minigrafts ? I have read on here that this procedure has been used on old school techniques that produce a natural look ? I looked at ur link and have noticed that Dr Feller is not on there, why is this as he is supposed to be one of the top surgeons in the world ? I just wish i had the knowledge and technology of the americans; us brits are so far behind and get ripped off so much!!
  19. cheers cous. That is the reason for the disfigurations, poor results, cheap surgery and the UK HT surgeries having a bad reputation ? I had a hair transplant here in the UK about 4 weeks ago consisting of 2500 minigrafts and micrografts, i can't predict the results. I was wondering if i could have the FUE procedure performed in the near future ? From my research i have seen that only Dr Farjo here in the UK perfoms the FUE procedure, is he any good?
  20. please could someone tell me as to what msm is ?I have heard a lot of people mention they are taking it!! I live in the uk and most of the HT surgeries here perform micro and minigraft Hair Transplants! Could someone please elborate on this type of HT surgery, as it seems to be old school and is still widely practiced in the UK to date!!
  21. please could someone tell me as to what msm is ?I have heard a lot of people mention they are taking it!! I live in the uk and most of the HT surgeries here perform micro and minigraft Hair Transplants! Could someone please elborate on this type of HT surgery, as it seems to be old school and is still widely practiced in the UK to date!!
  22. thanks everyone for sharing your experience and knowledge with me, it is much appreciated and the conditioner idea works really well. Cheers all johnno
  23. ok, thanks for ur advice it is very much appreciated. I had micro and mini grafts; maybe that is why i still got the scabs because that procedure is not as good as the latest techniques and old school. I now know this from visiting this site. It's just a pity i hadn't done my reasearch beforehand, and i am fortunate enough to still have quite a bit of donor hair left for more surgery with the latests techniques!!
  24. hi cous, have you got any pictures on the site of ur transplant i could look at and how many grafts did you have ? Thanks
  25. the surgery was 2 weeks ago, i have a lot of scabbing just on the incisions, and i use johnson's baby shampoo
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