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Everything posted by hairdini

  1. OK I'm 5 months into my HT and I keep reading that I'm no way near my final result. What does this mean? Does this mean my existing HT hairs will get thicker and thus look fuller? Or does it mean I will have a lot of new hairs start to grow that are not here yet? Or does it mean both? Thanks!
  2. You look great Gorpy. There's no way I could ever tell you had an HT. I'm 5 months into my Keene HT and can only hope my results turn out as good as yours did.
  3. I'm not sure I see much of a difference between months 4 and months 5 photos. This may just be because I chopped my hair off. Hopefully the next couple month will thicken things up a bit. Here is the link for my day 1 through day 4 photos. It really shows how far I've come.http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=143354
  4. One of my major concerns with having an HT was there being a noticable donor scar. It is because of this concern I have had my hair much longer the last 6 months than I normally do. Today I finally decided to cut most of my hair off and see how bad my donar scar would be. Much to my suprise less than 5 months after my procedure the scar is pretty much invisible. Dr. Keene's quality has been everything I hoped for in regards to my HT. So rest assured with a qualified physician they can do a very good job at concealing the scar. I will have 5 month photos in about a week.
  5. One of my major concerns with having an HT was there being a noticable donor scar. It is because of this concern I have had my hair much longer the last 6 months than I normally do. Today I finally decided to cut most of my hair off and see how bad my donar scar would be. Much to my suprise less than 5 months after my procedure the scar is pretty much invisible. Dr. Keene's quality has been everything I hoped for in regards to my HT. So rest assured with a qualified physician they can do a very good job at concealing the scar. I will have 5 month photos in about a week.
  6. The hair is definately starting to come in now. I hope it will continue to grow and thicken in the coming months.
  7. Nervous nelly- Sory about the late response I've been out of the country. I've had 1700 graphs placed. 3 month update - Starting to see a lot of hairs grow. I hope more keep coming. I imagine this next month should show a lot of positive net growth. Now that 3 months have gone by I live with no regret of my choice and glad I had the guts to go through with it. I hope all keeps going well.
  8. 2 month update... Not much change but definately better than pre-surgery.
  9. I've got this unhealed spot on the back of my head - near where the donor strip was removed. It is about half the size of a dime. If I press on it with my finger nail it feels really soft. I've also noticed that a scab will not form around this spot so it can heal. I'm about 5 weeks post-op and figured all should be healed by now. I'm wondering if it's possible that an unremoved stitch could be the reason for this spot not healing? Or if a stitch was left in should the skin just heal over it? I've felt back there and can't feel anything...so I'm not sure what to do next. I'd drive and see my hair surgeon but it's a 4 hour round trip drive I'd like to avoid if it's nothing serious.
  10. I've got this unhealed spot on the back of my head - near where the donor strip was removed. It is about half the size of a dime. If I press on it with my finger nail it feels really soft. I've also noticed that a scab will not form around this spot so it can heal. I'm about 5 weeks post-op and figured all should be healed by now. I'm wondering if it's possible that an unremoved stitch could be the reason for this spot not healing? Or if a stitch was left in should the skin just heal over it? I've felt back there and can't feel anything...so I'm not sure what to do next. I'd drive and see my hair surgeon but it's a 4 hour round trip drive I'd like to avoid if it's nothing serious.
  11. Well it's been three weeks and I suspect I'm now entering the hibernation period. Most of my little graphs have shed and the bald parts of my forehead are once again starting to show. I'm excited about the prospect of having a kick ass head of hair again. It's patience time now and I will pay my dues and wait. One thing I'm really happy about is I have almost no discoloration where the graphs were placed. I thought going into this, being a light skinned Irishman, I would have a red tint to my skin for a month or two at minimum. That has not been the case and I'm happy about that. I'm also fortunate that I really have not had any negative effects to date with the exception of slight tenderness to the scalp incision for the first couple of weeks. Hopefully all the positive experiences I've had so far will be indicative of the future results I hope to obtain.
  12. I think as much as a perfect few has shown his purpose to be repetitive, confrontational and troublesome he should be allowed to voice his opinion. I think the forum would best be served to just ignore him and eventually he'll go away. It's obvious that this guy has a major problem with capitalism and the traditional American ways that have made this country great. If we ban his freedom of speech then we are in a way acting against those same values that make our country great. Were all pretty intelligent people on this forum and I think we can figure things out enough through our own research on what's legit and what's not. Yes Pat you may make a lot of money, but I have also read about people on this site who may have had less then satisfactory experience with a coalition doctor. I also know that in some of these cases you have stepped in and consulted the Doctor on behalf of the unsatisfied patient. The power you have through running this website holds these doctors to a higher standard by knowing if they do less then great work they will have pressure applied to them by someone who can truly hurt their business if the problems are not rectified. I'll gladly take that kind of insurance policy over going to a Doctor who I as a single individual would be unable to have the same effect. Good job Pat and don't worry about this guy he will go away.
  13. I think if scarred for life wore a little beanie with a propellar spinning on his head this would provide a good visionary diversion to his scar. When he's really self concious he could spin his propellar and all eyes will be focused on that.
  14. Cool I feel relaxed again!! I actually was checking out Gorpy's pics and his graph had the same appearance as mine during the initial stages. However, when you look at his 8 month photos it looks 100 percent undetectable. Since Gorpy and I had the same surgeon I'm now confident I will follow a path of progress similar to him. Here's something kind of funny. I was out the other night and met this beautiful woman. I have not met a beautiful woman who had a romantic interest in me for over a year now. Where I met her was kind of dark so she could not see the little HT graphs in the front of my head. I'm now going on a date this Sunday with her and am actually hoping the graphs will hurry up and shed. It's kind of funny because if it were not for her I'd be sorry to see the little guys go. I think I'll be pretty well shed by Sunday! Funny how life works sometimes.
  15. I was just wondering now that I'm 2 weeks post op if the graphs should be indistinguishable from native hair. I realize they will shed but was wondering if this is how they will look in a few months when they start to grow in again. While they don't look bad right now I'm not convinced they look natural. Perhaps that's because my native hair is much longer or because when first placed they just don't appear the same as they will down the road. The hair seems to have a much thicker texture than my native hair. I hope it will blend in and be undetectable down the road. Are my thought rational or more just based on being a bit paranoid?
  16. I was just wondering now that I'm 2 weeks post op if the graphs should be indistinguishable from native hair. I realize they will shed but was wondering if this is how they will look in a few months when they start to grow in again. While they don't look bad right now I'm not convinced they look natural. Perhaps that's because my native hair is much longer or because when first placed they just don't appear the same as they will down the road. The hair seems to have a much thicker texture than my native hair. I hope it will blend in and be undetectable down the road. Are my thought rational or more just based on being a bit paranoid?
  17. CHECK OUT THIS LINK!!!!!! http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=143354 It has photos from day one and before. You really need to see these to fully appreciate the transformation.
  18. Hey Bill, Have you been talking to my mother? Ha Ha! I knew I'd get crap about putting the riding with no helmet part in my question. I know it's not safe but it's one of those things in life I'm just going to do. If my times up then it's up. Believe it or not in Arizona it's about a 50/50 ratio of helmet to no helmet riders. Anyways....Thanks for the answer I'll wait a few more days.
  19. How soon after HT can you drive a motorcycle without a helmet? I'm wondering if the 75 MPH wind through the hair might do some damage.
  20. How soon after HT can you drive a motorcycle without a helmet? I'm wondering if the 75 MPH wind through the hair might do some damage.
  21. I want to add more progress photos but keep getting this message when I try: You have not been given the permission(s) to access this page. You require the following rights to view this page: 'Edit/Delete Own Posts'. For a full list of permissions you have on this community, please visit your Personal Zone Permissions page. If anyone knows what this means please let me know so I can post more progress photos. Thanks!
  22. Two things I'd recommend: The first is concentrate heavily on breathing correctly when performing excercises. Breathe in heavily when not exerting and breathe heavily when exerting. This should be done in a much more exagerrated way then when working out normally, as you would prior to HT. By doing this you will limit the pressure build up in your head. I would also lift light for the first few weeks. The other thing I would concentrate on is avoiding any exercises where your chin is pushed down towards your chest. You can do exercises where you move your head back and exercises where you keep it straight. Be aware and careful and you should avoid damaging the back of your head.
  23. Scarred for life, To me it seems like a no brainer scenario. When I look in the mirror and see my hair thinning and receding in the front it makes me feel not so good about my physical appearance. Everything in life has a trade off. I will gladly take on a scar on the back of my head in order to look good in the front. The only part of my head that I ever see anyways is the front and sides. To me it seems logical if hair loss bothers you get a HT and grow your hair out just a little and cover the scar. You then have the best of both worlds. My procedure was 6 days ago and I attached a pic of the back of my head. My scar and stitches currently go just about from ear to ear. I have short hair in the back but it is not buzzed. There is no way that my scar is the least bit detectable. I think it's a fair compromise to not be able to shave my head down to a 1 or 1 1/2 to boost my overall satisfaction with my appearance.
  24. My HT has been over for four days now. Going into this procedure I made up my mind I was not going to tell anyone. It's not that I'm ashamed of it, but rather I just respect my privacy and would choose for friends and family not to know. Because of this a few months back I stopped cutting my hair. My goal was to be able to go out immediately and be undetectable. Since all the work was being done to my hairline and temples I wasn't sure it would be possible. Well today (day Four) I left the house and roamed around public and not one look at my head from anyone. I've attached a pic of my comb down concealed style. It's not a perfect concealor but pretty close. This photo can be compared to my photo log so you can see what it looks like when I'm not hiding it. I thought this might help someone going through similar concerns about getting an HT and not wanting anyone to know. If you grow your hair out a lot before I think you'll be thankful post-op. I know this advice doesn't apply to all but it definately will help those with minimal front loss.
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