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Posts posted by Ceasar08

  1. Martin --

    If you do indeed have 4,000 grafts and they are thick and curly hairs, I'd think that they might go a long way. Many people have 6-8 thousand, and you might really have the equivalent to six with that type of hair.

    I'd go to a bunch of the top doctors this site and get different opinions. If you're willing to make sacrifices in the crown area, I'd think you could get a hairline back and look much different from the front.

    If you're open to just shaving it, I'd obviously try that before anything and see how it feels. Some of us don't have the head shape to pull it off, perhaps you do.

  2. Corgan--


    We've all been there. It takes an unbelievably long time for the grafts to grow, and it happens so slowly that you barely realize it's happening. Many people on here, if not most, see very little at three or even four months. Give it a minimum of six months, and even then, if you're a slow grower, it could still be in the relatively early stages.

    Look up a poster named "Spex" who works for Dr. Feller and read his posts on "patience" and "growth times" (links to both in his footer when he posts). Both of those posts state it much better than I can.

    Just so you know, I was a little anxious at three months myself (and posted for encouragement like yourself). I'm at 7 1/2 months now, and I'm first really starting to see things taking shape. It's not an easy wait, but it feels good when you get there.

  3. I've never had a problem. Sometimes you just have to be extra patient and follow-up on your inquiries a few times.


    I think that it makes sense that the best doctors are going to have clogged e-mail boxes, busy phone lines, and long waiting times when scheduling surgery. It's the trade off of going to someone with a great reputation.


    I'd be more concerned with the doctors who answer my e-mail in thirty seconds, follow-up with ten phone calls, and then offer to do the transplant the following day. icon_wink.gif

  4. What I find most surprising is the fact that when combed properly, the hair seems to hold up well when wet. I know many people without visible loss who do not hold up that well under moisture.


    I think it looks good combed forward. I also now realize that there are many "home run" photos on the internet that can probably be combed in ways that would completely alter one's perception.


    This has turned out to be an extremely interesting thread.

  5. Repo--

    I'd love to see a photo with it combed left to right. I think the way you're leaving it now might be the least complimentary way of styling it.

    I know with my own transplant (I'm at six months now), I can see it beginning to take shape slowly, but it's pretty essential that I style it correctly.

    In any instance, I'm sure Dr. Feller will help you sort everything out.

  6. Nothing is a good deal if it turns out to be a result with a poor/yield/scarring/ poor placement that will just need to be repaired or make you more self-conscious. You wouldn't want that if THEY paid YOU 4000 USD.


    I know nothing about this doctor, but I suggest you ask a million questions and post the answers on this board. I also suggest you ask to see as many photos as possible and to meet as many patients as possible.


    If you have any reservations at all... don't do it. Remember that it is possible to end up in a worse situation as a result of surgery.


    It could be a good doctor...but the odds are slim statistically. Just look at how few doctors are recommended here in ratio to how many perform transplants.


    Good luck.

  7. Hey Repo---

    My guess is that you planned it with Dr. Feller so you could comb it forward-- am I right? I'm wondering if he weighed it heavily that way in order to maximize the illusion for that number of grafts in that size area.

    Huge difference between when you comb it back and forward. You've still have some months of growth ahead of you too. I'm not sure if you'd mentioned it on your blog or not, but had you gotten previous work prior to Dr. Feller?

  8. Bill--

    It's true that the FDA article isn't scientific proof of anything, but the news does have quite a number of interesting implications.


    Within the community of laser advocates, Hairmax has emerged as the king. After decades of claims about LLLT, Hairmax had declared that they had stumbled upon the exact frequency where the laser grows hair. They somehow managed to become the first and only laser company to get FDA approval, and they have been adamant about the fact that other similar products are scams. I've seen them dissect other laser technologies and explain how they will not work because the specifications are incorrect.


    Now here they are selling products with different laser specs. The fact that they are completely running wild with their FDA clearance and abusing it is disturbing enough. But now you also have to wonder now about all of their past claims. Are they now turning around and stating that all lasers grow hair? If so, can a five dollar laser pointer grow hair?


    This was the sole company with the bragging rights of an FDA clearance. In my opinion, they've just cast a huge shadow of doubt upon all of their scientific studies and claims, as well as their ethics and credibility.


    These hand held laser companies and laser helmet salons have had decades now to get it right. Hairmax has suddenly contradicted their scientific claims by pulling some sort of marketing stunt.


    Maybe we are actually spending too much time on the science, when there are certain things that are staring right at us and challenging us to use our common sense.


    Just my opinion...

  9. I always appreciate it when the doctors on here are kind enough to offer their opinions.


    I have posted in the past about my terrible experience with getting side effects from Propecia. Since having to quit the drug years ago, I've searched for alternatives.


    There are a couple of doctors on the internet right now who are selling topical formulations with finasteride in them, one doctor is Richard Lee, the other is someone named Dr. Klein.


    I e-mailed one of these doctors and asked whether he felt I would get side effects systemically from using Finasteride topically. The doctor said that the drug would be absorbed and could theoretically give me side effects, but that my chances were better with a topical, where the effect would be more localized.


    My question: Do any of the doctors on this board think this might be worth a shot? I'm hoping it might give me some small benefit of the drug without sides, or very minimal sides.


    I would really appreciate any input on this before I order. The formulations are not cheap. Thanks in advance everyone.

  10. Jdp--

    If you have nothing to sell or promote, and you're honestly just a guy trying to grow your hair back, then I wish you all of the best of luck.

    There is nothing that all of us would like more than another treatment that actually produces results.

    It's important for people to know that the hand held laser devices being sold are a complete waste of their money. I wish there was a way for me to refund mine.

  11. JDP---

    I am glad that you are with the rest of us, and that we are all in agreement that the lasercomb is a total scam and rip-off.

    It seems you are suggesting that there is a very specific type of laser helmet that can grow hair, and apparently, there are a whole host of guys out there who are building them in their homes.


    The ideal situation would be to find a doctor who is completely on the fence when it comes to this matter. Someone who is honest, but really doesn't know what to think one way or another. You should make an arrangement with the guy to send him one of these contraptions and have him test it on his patients for free. Maybe Bill would be inetrested in facilitating such an experiment.


    I have to be honest with you and say that the last photos you posted were very difficult for me to decipher. I can't say that I saw more hair in the "after" photos.


    On a completely serious note... I did see the photos of some of the other guys on the other forums building their own laser contraptions. Forgetting about the debate at hand for a moment... I must give you guys credit for resourcefulness. I personally can't see myself building one of those things at home and sticking my head in it... I think I'd feel a little goofy.


    I think I speak for all of us when I say that we would welcome more before/after photos from real people (not clinics).


    Also, if you look at Dr. Feller's thread that lists the physicians who believe the laser to be quackery, you'll see that Dr. Alexander and Dr. Rassman have both stated they've used the machines without success. you might want to address some questions to them, if they are willing to partake in this discussion.

  12. Jdp---

    Let's start with where there is agreement. You have made it quite clear that hand held devices do not work. This means that you agree that the Hairmax Lasercomb does nothing. This also means that you do not support Dr. Mohmand's arguments in favor of hand held devices, and you do not place yourself in his corner. In fact, you're telling Dr. Mohmand, who is listed on the Lexington advisory board, that the comb he sells is not powerful enough to grow hair. Therefore, you agree with those of us who are against the laser comb. I can tell you firsthand that it did absolutely nothing for me except empty my pockets.

    As for the laser machines... there is most certainly ambiguity. Dr. Rassman and Dr. Alexander have both tried the treatments in their offices. Both have stated it did nothing. I would argue that these are not just top doctors, but ELITE doctors. Look at the other doctors who are now standing behind Dr. Feller... they are some impressive names. Dr. Feller himself is regularly cited as one of the best HT surgeons in the world. Don't these doctors opinions hold a bit of weight?

    I understand that there are some big names advocating LLLT. Hence... can't we agree that we have ambiguity and a lack of consensus among the experts?

    Any doctor who sells laser treatments automatically has a financial interest. What do Dr. Feller and the other opponents of LLLT have to gain? These doctors must really believe it's quackery and that they're ripping off their patients. If it worked, you must agree that there is no reason for them not to be "on board." It would only help them financially and help their patients.

    I will admit that it will require a bit of time and energy for me to read the entire hairlosshelp thread, and I'm yet to do so. I do see immediately that there is at least one poster on the thread who sells handheld lasercombs. He is arguing for your point, and yet you are actually claiming that his product cannot be powerful enough to work. Can you blame me for being skeptical of that poster right away?

    In terms of before/after photos... everyone seems to have them. I can look up any snake oil treatment on the internet and see "before/after" photos. I'd love to hear from these people firsthand. Photos can be so deceptive, and I cannot tell you how many times I've seen photos where the full story wasn't being disclosed.

    I have actually read many posts from people who have said that they have enormous success with laser therapy. They then casually mention at the end of the thread that the clinic also put them on minoxidil so the two can work "synergistically" together.

    As for the Sunetics survey... isn't that a report by the company?

    For closers, why hasn't the word spread by now, like with hair transplants? Laser therapy is expensive, but still cheaper than surgery. How come word of mouth hasn't spread like wildfire? I would think people would be asking other people what they did to their hair, and the lines should be around the block to get into the clinics, no?

  13. Jdp--

    I'm going to refrain from arguing the science stuff with you... I'll leave that to the physicians. Let's just take a step back for a moment and approach this from another angle...

    You feel that LLLT has somehow helped your situation. If you noticed an improvement with lasers, in the absence of any other contributing factor, I am honestly surprised. Let me ask you... what do you think would happen if we posted a thread asking patients to come forward and share their experiences with LLLT? If we found one thousand people who have undergone treatment, what percentage do you believe would claim to have had success?

    Look at the thread Dr. Feller started where he has asked other top doctors to come forward. How many patients do you think Dr. Feller, Dr. Rassman, Dr. Beehner, Dr. Alexander and others see over the course of a single year? How many people do you think they see combined over the course of several years? Aren't they in a position to tell you whether this therapy is doing anything? Why is it after all of these years of LLLT research, there is still so much ambiguity?

    Post a thread and ask doctors if they think that Avodart, Finasteride, and Minoxidil work to grow hair. I guarantee you every last doctor on this site will agree irrefutably that all of those treatments do work. If a treatment that has been around for years grows hair, then why isn't everyone seeing it? How hard is it for a professional or a patient to notice an improvement? If there is an improvement that is not cosmetically noticeable, then the treatment is worthless anyway. These doctors who say it doesn't work have everything to gain if it does work...they can make money from selling the treatment. These doctors recommend minoxidil and write Propecia prescriptions regularly... why wouldn't they endorse another treatment that worked.

    All of your studies serve as proof that LLLT claims have been made for ages, and the advocates have had plenty of time to produce observable results. Your personal experience does not translate to others.

    If lasers grow hair, we don't need studies. We don't need debate. We don't need scientific graphs and charts. All we'd have to do is look and see the hair in front of us. Nobody would be arguing... there wouldn't be anything to argue about. The problem is that there is an argument. Why is that?

  14. wantego--

    I think you're looking really good for three months. I looked at your post-op pics and found them confusing. In some of them, it looks like your hair loss wasn't really too bad (NW3 or so). In others, like the shot taken on the surgery day, it looks like you are farther advanced. How would you classify yourself pre-op?

    Judging from your surgeon, graft count, and recent pics, you should have an awesome result.

  15. Hi Crown---

    As you know, I'm right ahead of you at a little over three months now.

    Just so you're prepared, in my experience, the three month mark is the toughest. Up until now, I knew it was virtually impossible any changes would be happening. Once I knew three months was approaching, it got nerve racking and more tempting to check the mirror.

    I agree that reading about something is much different than experiencing it. I didn't think waiting for the growth would be so difficult.

    Look forward to hearing more of your updates...

  16. Sna--

    You've come to the right place. Everyone here is on your side and wants you to have a great result. We are all in the same boat...it's like a fraternity.

    Whatever you do... DO NOT go to a big hair transplant mill that you see advertised everywhere. You want a doctor with a consistent track record that you can verify, and someone who has a long term plan and is using state of the art techniques. You want a doctor who pretty much does one surgery a day, not a place where they bring people in and out like an assembly line.

    I researched for a couple of years before I went through with it. I eventually went to Dr. Feller in Great Neck. He's one of the best in the world, and a super guy.

    You can research for hours, but you won't find anything but praise for:


    1. Feller

    2. Hasson and Wong

    3. Ron Shapiro and Paul shapiro (Shapiro Medical Group)

    4. Dr. Rahal

    5. Dr. Cooley

    6. Dr. Alexander


    That is my personal short list. By all means, you should definitely look at all the pics and see whose work you like the best. Please don't let geography limit you... if you're going to do it... do it right.

    If you really do have thick, curly donor hair then you're in awesome shape.

    Happy to answer any other questions you might have... good luck.

  17. Bill--- I really appreciate you pursuing the issue on this thread. There has been a ton of conflicting information. On one hand, we've been told that absorption and delivery is superior with the foam. On the other hand, the studies really seem to indicate less of a hair growth effect. I'd love to get a straight answer.


    There is no question that the foam is the superior product in terms of irritation, convenience, etc. The question is whether it is as powerful.

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