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Posts posted by Ceasar08

  1. PGP i remember Farrell's Fue by Wolf and i really wouldnt consider it bad. Farrell just had too small a session for the area he wanted covered. Even curly locks like his can't help when you dont get enough grafts.


    I recall hearing the same thing. The work was just fine, he just had a very small session and wished he's gotten more grafts.


    I honestly have never heard a bad word about Dr. Wolf anywhere. In fact, I might be able think of two non-coalition doctors who I'd trust to perform surgery on me, and he is one of them. If you don't like his work aesthetically, that is a different story -- and certainly your right. But he is considered to be an excellent doctor.

  2. Hey guys --


    Acrobaz- I was on the standard 1mg Propecia for over a year back around 2000. It grew a tremendous amount of hair back for me. It was incredibly effective for me in doing what it was meant to do.


    I had those side effects for practically the entire time on the drug, and I tried different herbs, supplements, and even a little viagra. Nothing seemed to work too well. I then tried cutting the dose for a few months, intermittent dosing, etc. After a little over a year, I had no choice but to quit. The sides were that bad.


    After I quit the drug, it was a rollercoaster. I could literally feel my body trying to find a normal equilibrium for many months. Somewhere within that year, things seemed to adjust back to normal, though it's hard to give an exact time frame other than that. When I read posts from those poor guys on Propeciahelp.com my heart really goes out to them. I have no doubt they are not doing a number on their heads.


    Again, I think people who don't get the sides imagine some guy on Propecia who is with his girlfriend and having a little trouble because the possibility has been planted in his head. It's not like that. It's more like you're watching Heidi Klum on a commercial and you might as well be looking at your great uncle Ernie. You have no desire for sex whatsoever. It's frightening.


    No doubt there are hypochondriacal people on the web, as there are a lot of total crazies period. But it hurts me when I read people dismissing other people who have side effects.


    A final story to add... Back in 2000, there was a period of time when I started losing my train of thought in conversations a lot, and found myself forgetting things much more than usual. It was a joke amongst my friends that in my mid-twenties I was suddenly "getting old." I laughed it off, as did they, but it was a bit weird. Years later, I read all of these people online complaining of Propecia "brain fog." Now, I never once would have ever made the connection between Propecia and my memory at the time. Even years later, I'd never thought about it. Even now... am I saying now that it was Finasteride? I do not know. What I will say is that it was most definitely the same year I took the drug, and nowadays my memory is as good as ever.


    I wish I could have stayed on Propecia, it worked wonders for my hair. There is no question that most people seem to do very well on the drug, and I am in no way trying to scare people. My two main points are:


    1. Everyone is different. Don't assume your experience is universal and belittle the next person's experience.


    2. If you are unfortunate enough to get side effects, take them seriously. They can be indicative that your hormones have fallen out of whack.

  3. Stimpy --


    When I started Finasteride, I believed there were no side effects. The sides in the study that were reported were so small that I dismissed them completely.


    I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that the drug severely affected me in ways that I never could have believed, had I not experienced it first hand. The people who are suffering long term have had permanent changes in their hormonal balance, and these changes have been confirmed by tests. I have asked some very reputable and well respected people if they felt that these "permanent side effects" are possible and they believe that it is indeed possible. The endocrine system is not fully understood, and it is confusing and unpredictable even in the hands of the experts.


    Many people on Finasteride have experienced physical changes including male breast growth caused by an increase in estrogen. These are measurable and logical consequences resulting from the body producing excess estrogen. It's not a placebo effect.


    If you would like to see a similar phenomenon, research anti-depressant medications -- especially SSRI drugs. Studies consistently show 1-2% of people report sexual side effects. Ask any psychiatrist and they will tell you that there is no question, based on post marketing experience, that the sides are more like 30-60%. Sexual side effects are notoriously under reported in studies.


    A lot of people who do not experience Propecia sides picture the phenomenon similar to performance anxiety. It is not like that. When you experience th side effects first hand, for many people there is a complete lack of interest in sex, a non-existent libido, and a complete lack of any sensation and morning erections. It is bizarre, unnerving, and far from subtle. When I quit the drug, it felt like I'd gone from an eighty year old man to a twenty year old.


    Like yourself, I used to laugh when I read about all the people who talked online about the sides. I had no idea it would happen to me, and now I don't laugh those people off anymore. You are inhibiting a male hormone (DHT) by somewhere between 67- 86%. DHT is more potent than testosterone and it is found all over the body. We are not even completely sure of its function everywhere.


    I realize you mean no disrespect. Understand that I once came from exactly the perspective you are coming from now. Some people's bodies adjust fine to Propecia, while some people's bodies do not. When you are on the other side of it, there is no doubt whatsoever to what it happening. You have to experience it yourself, and I am glad you have not experienced it. It's horrible.

  4. Centurian--


    I took Propecia years ago and had some bad side effects, and I chose to quit the drug.

    Personally, I would only worry about these side effects if you are getting them. It's true that you are altering your hormones, but it's quite possible that your body has reacted in a way where it has compensated for the lower DHT in a way where everything is functioning fine.

    It's true that some people develop sides after being on the drug for awhile, but it is also true that plenty of people have been on the drug for ten or more years without any sides whatsoever. Everybody is different. There is no law that says you have to suffer side effects.

    Again, I wouldn't worry about hypotheticals if your body has adjusted well to the drug. I was not as lucky, and I had to worry about those things. Hope this helped.

  5. I have heard so many stories about Brandy...


    Not to hijack this thread... but I saw your web log Topcat, and I am so sincerely sorry for what you've been through. Have you consulted any doctors on here about a repair?


    I have often thought about the position I would have been in if I had suffered my hair loss prior to the internet. I was as vulnerable and desperate as could be, and it frightens me to think of where I might have ended up myself.


    That's why when someone comes on here looking for advice, I am so relieved they found us before some doctor found them.

  6. Dr. Rassman is very well respected. If you do not go with him, then please make sure you pick a doctor on this site.


    Do not go to any doctor before you have researched that person to a point of exhaustion. Do not listen to what they want you to hear, or focus on photos they want you to see... do your own independent inquiries.


    Again, try to pick a doctor on this site... I cannot stress it enough to you. You want to do this right.

  7. Hey Dr. Feller --


    Like everyone else, I've been following this thread closely. I'm curious as to who would make a suitable candidate.

    Are the best candidates people with a lot of hair in the area of treatment, or might it work on a more barren area of scalp?


    If PRP is done in an area where grafts already have grown out, do you think it can harm the grafts?


    In general, do you think there could be any risk of shockloss from wounding the area?




  8. Looks great... honestly. Not just saying it. You look like a guy with a full head of hair, and at this point, perhaps a slightly wide cowlick.


    I'm a month ahead of you (as you might recall) and I'm finding that there's a lot happening at this point. I think it really does continue to improve, even at ten months, etc. I am also hoping for more growth as well, but I am very impressed with Dr. Feller's work so far. I'll be sharing my results soon as well.


    Continue to grow well.

  9. Ok. If it's in the family then unfortunately, there's a pretty good probability it is genetic hair loss.


    Definitely get a work up from a doctor and see a good dermatologist before doing anything. You never know when you could be among that 1-2% that has something else going on.


    Make sure you don't have any other symptoms of thyroid and that you go to someone who knows a lot about the different blood tests to take.


    Also, there are over the counter drugs that can cause hair loss (not just prescription).


    If the loss is due to stress, it would typically be some sort of trauma that took place 3 or 4 months before the hair started dropping.


    Listen... good luck. Propecia with Rogaine can work very well on recovering recent loss. Keep us updated -- we are here to help.

  10. Questions:


    1. Do you have a lot of hairloss in your family? Do your relatives have aggressive and advanced staged hair loss?


    2. Has your thyroid been checked?


    3. Did you start any prescription or over the counter drug in the past year?


    4. Did you have any sort of surgery in the past year?


    Don't start anything before getting checked out by a doctor. Hairloss that is so rapid could be telogen effluvium due to a number of factors. In that case, it may actually recover naturally.

  11. Originally posted by miked:




    Now let me come to the assistance of hdude46 and perhaps explain what his dad may have cautioned him about:


    Some doctors do believe that there may be instances where the application of PRP could be contra indicated. This is when injecting such a substance in the presence of cancerous cells.


    I refer you to this website platelet gel


    Quote "In her practice APG is applied to open wounds as a means to spur hemostasis and to encourage healingvia the presence of platelet-derived growth factors. She cautions that in her experience there is one clinical circumstance where APG might be contraindicated, specifically, in the presence of cancerous cells, because platelet rich plasma contains properties which may lead to the proliferation of said cells".


    So I believe the idea here is that if you have a stray cancerous cell here or there, applying a substance with such great growth enhancing properties like PRP could enable that cell to grow in a way that may not have occurred in the absence of PRP.


    Ahh... This makes sense now. Very interesting.


    By the way, I'm wondering if there's any novel equipment that's being used either than a centrifuge and needles. My understanding is that hospitals do this sort of thing every single day.

  12. Hdude --

    I read over my reply again and didn't really see where it sounded arrogant. If you took it that way, I sincerely apologize for that post. I also don't see any place where I accused you of having an agenda.


    I just felt that writing "my dad said you can get a brain tumor" was a bit vague, and that it's a very strong claim to just throw out there without any further info or evidence. It's also alarming because it conflicts with the doctors on this forum who have stated that it is extremely safe.


    Again, I'm sorry if my last post sounded nasty in any way. If you are just trying to help out, then I certainly do appreciate it.

  13. xxy --


    1. I'd never heard of the milk thing before. Very interesting piece of info.


    2. The minoxidil thing is universal. Feel free to pose the question to doctors and patients on the forum and I assure you that everyone will agree with me.


    3. You're correct that Propecia can also decrease in effectiveness for many people. The difference is that it does seem to continue to work long term for a lot of people. I haven't really come across anyone who has really kept the problem at bay using Minoxidil alone. There are lots of people who have held off the progression of their hairloss for over a decade (and counting) on Propecia.


    4. I know how desperate you are (believe me) but please be careful about the Propecia if you already had a bad experience. I know what the drug did to me, and it was the only thing that frightened me more than hairloss. At the same time, I realize there are more people who do not seem to get the sides.

  14. Hdude --

    Again, it would be greatly appreciated if you or your dad can provide anything that cites these risks.


    PRP has been done for all types of things for years. Dr. Lindsey himself (who has access to peer review journals, medline, etc.) has had it done for his tendinitis. Dr. Feller and Dr. Law are planning on doing it on themselves.


    It's very hard to believe that doctors and dentists would be performing it routinely and for mundane purposes if there was even the slightest risk of tumor growth.


    In terms of it never having been used on the scalp... I have no idea as to why that has any relevance. It's just injecting ones own blood into the body.


    I do not mean to diminish your father's knowledge, but you really need to provide a lot more detail and information before posting such a alarmist claim.

  15. Hdude --


    Is there a way that you or your dad can direct everyone to a link discussing these things. I have researched the procedure very thoroughly and found absolutely nothing about any of these risks.


    As a matter of fact, I have found source after source citing the procedure as extremely safe as far these things go.



  16. Most people find that 15% minoxidil did nothing more for them than 5%. I tried it myself with no greater success. If higher concentrations than 5% worked then Johnson and Johnson would have released the product after all of these years. There is a significant difference between 2% and 5% though, but after that jump it seems to just level off.


    I'll be honest with you... I was not able to find anything to replace the Propecia. I eventually had to go the transplant route.


    In terms of going back on it... it's probably worth a shot to try a lower dose. I'm convinced that just .5mg a day can work for many people. I tried different doses, but had no luck in combating the sides. I do not think that taking milk with the drug will make any difference.

  17. Minoxidil will help for a few years, but it doesn't stop the root problem, which is DHT. Eventually, Minoxidil will diminish in its effectiveness.


    Minoxidil alone typically works very well for a couple of years before the benefits level off. I think I can safely say that no one on this forum, doctor or patient, will disagree with me on this.


    I know it's disheartening. It's precisely the reason why I got super depressed when I got sides from Propecia and had to quit. Minoxidil continued to "hold the fort" for me for about three years or so, and then things started going downhill pretty quick.


    If you really want to prevent the progression of your hair loss, you need a DHT blocker. It's way too aggressive a condition to be held off by Minoxidil alone. I'm sorry to be the bearer of that news.


    At the same time, there is always someone who might be the exception, and that person is able to benefit from Minoxidil for longer. This would be especially true if the genes in your family are for less severe hair loss, and you are destined to only progress to a minor extent.


    I would be lying to you though if I told you that Minoxidil will solve the problem long term.

  18. Read this carefully... it will help you out. I started losing my hair around 24/25 and I am now in my thirties. I understand how you feel... let me tell you what I've learned:


    1. Do not let anyone tell you that anything outside of Propecia/Minoxidil helps. I promise you that I am saving you time/money/trouble/heartache by saying that it will not. I have read these forums for years and there is always some new product or study that people get excited about and it never turns into anything. You have no idea how many products there have been over the years.


    2. I had lost a very significant amount of hair when I went on Propecia and Minoxidil and the combination did wonders for me. If you start right away and you are aggressive, you can maintain a nice head of hair.


    3. Propecia may work alone, but Minoxidil will only help temporarily. You need to go with the combo or with Propecia -- do not expect Minoxidil will have a long lasting effect.


    4. If you get side effects on Propecia then take it seriously. I had to quit Propecia because I did have side effects. I promise you that the sides in the studies are very under reported. This does not mean that there aren't plenty of people who are without sides. But if you see the drug is having an affect on your libido, I would get off of it. Remember, you are altering your hormonal balance.


    5. Don't stress about having to take the stuff for "life." You also need to brush your teeth everyday or you'll lose them. Many people have serious conditions where they need to pop a pill for the rest of their lives -- be happy you aren't suffering from something life threatening. Take the stuff and move on with your life.


    6. You will not care less about your hair in your thirties. Trust me. I thought my early thirties was a million miles away when I was your age -- it goes very quick. You feel the same way at thirty as you do now. I believe most guys would agree with me.


    7. Do not let any doctor tell you what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear. If someone tells you they have a cure -- they're lying to take your money. If you have a consult with a transplant doctor make sure it is someone in the coalition on this site and that you've researched them to death.


    8. Believe it or not a transplant is (in some ways) an easier and better procedure than you might think. Results have really started looking undetectable and incredible. For me, money is the biggest issue.


    9. I promise you -- there is hope. Send me a private message if you need anything. I know how you feel, I've been there, and I want to help you.


    Best of luck.

  19. I'll try to find the link to Dr. Feller's original post about PRP.


    In the post he mentions that he has found the results out there (so far) to fall short and be disappointing.


    Dr. Feller then goes on to say that he has added a piece of technology to the procedure that he believes may improve the results of the procedure.


    We'll have to stay tuned...

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