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Posts posted by Bobilero

  1. Dude its up to you to make the best informed personal decison you can by researching everything possible you can lay your eyes on on the drug and its side effects.


    I tried it for 3 and a half years and you will see my other posts had to come off due to severe side effects.


    I dont really regret trying it as i was desperate at the time. Im not anymore.


    The facts are it will help stop or slow hair loss but it generally wont grow anymore where theres no hair. If you are going to take it be sure to have all your blood work done prior to starting so you have baseline data to refer too should you have issues. Its essential you have this.


    I will never take it again due to the severe sides which kicked in. And having been off nearly a year i can safely say it was having sides all that time even though i didnt really realise it at the time. Its only being off i can see the difference and it is big.


    Weighing everything up and bearing in mind future Hair restoration technologies that are hopefully coming to the mainsteam in the next few years. Along with the 'unknown factor' of what long term Fin use can do to a man.


    The risks are not worth it in my opinion and i feel a hell of a lot of peace of mind now that i am off it. That is the most important thing for me. Plus i value a raging libido over hair any day of the week.!

  2. Ive read Topical concealers like Toppik/Nanogen are Ok 2-3 weeks later when you have a bit of hair to work with.


    If people are worried about lingering redness, Skin to hair tone and density placed are all factors.


    So everyone can have different healing times. There is evidence around that a PRP treatment can really speed up getting rid of any redness. Ive heard before that Dr Bisanga now offers this to patients post Op.


    Ive also seen reports that a Lasercomb really helped healing time also.


    Ive also read of people using a bit of foundation to mask redness.

  3. This stuff irritiated the hell out of my scalp. (Kirkland 5%)


    Does anyone know of any good remedys to help with it if i started it up again.. Tea tree oil shampoo perhaps?


    Nizoral dosent seem to help.

  4. I think its a genetic fault that has occurred due to human dietary and environmental contributory factors over thousands of years.


    What i find really interesting is the almost non existant level of MPB present in very obscure and isolated tribal men. Whether this be Amazonian or Asian tribes etc etc.


    Ive read an article about it in National Geographic that as they havent had any exposure over the generations to all of our processed foods and chemicals they are a seperate sub group in where MPB and other afflications does not seem to be present.


    Their lifestyle is as similar as you can get to present day to how things where thousands of years ago so it is a pretty interesting issue and deserves further research IMO.


    Another example is i havent seen too many bald native Americans.!

  5. I hear ya 100%, Its unbelievable that a LOT of people have this assumption it is Ok to taunt people about their baldness. Mainly from those who are sitting with decent hair i might add.


    I find its generally from kind of ugly guys with their hair being their only appreciatable asset on their body. It may be an insecurity on their part trying to elevate their position in a group.


    I remember a guy who was teasing me bout my receding hairline. I then subjected him to a fair amount of teasing bout his large nose which was a state after being broken a few times.


    The guy ended up almost in tears massively offended and i was perceived the 'bad guy'. ? WTF?. What is the difference.?


    I find people who would actively do this disgusting . Even when i had all my hair i would never make fun o mention anyone bald. Cause even then i knew how bad it would make someone feel to lose it.

  6. i had major sexual sides kick in bout 3 and a half years in.


    Im 9 months off now and i think im back to normal more or less from when i started Fin. I initially thought i had no sides in all that time.


    I can safely say now it was affecting me although it happened in a very subtle dulling process so it wasnt overly noticeable at the time. It happens so subtly people forget how they felt before they started.


    I always say long term users who say they have no sides should take a year off it and then confirm if they were having no sides.


    My only advice is to get all your bloodwork done , hormone levels checked prior to starting it again. People on here advising people to jump on this drug inlcuding doctors without mentioning this are just plain irresponsible in my opinion. You NEED baseline results data to refer back too should you have issues.


    Its an extremley powerful drug that no-one knows the long term effects are or how it can affect any one individual.

  7. Christ. At 8 weeks out i thought you would have been able to hide the redness with make up concealer and the thin hair with a topical concealer at this stage.


    From most of the post ops pics on here.. Most guys seems pretty undetectable at 3-4 weeks after some concealer use. Although Strip has the added complication of the scar.


    Hit the concealers big time. Its probably just an element in your own head that you think it is really noticeable.

    The reality is most people probably wont notice anything after some crafty concealer useage.

  8. From what i have read you need to avoid all nicotine in the days prior to surgery. Also the general advice is to quit smoking altogether and hit patchs while your HT is growing in.


    Theres evidence smoking adversly affects hair growth.


    Same would apply i imagine for even smoking pure weed. I was in Amsterdam last wkend and all i can say is thank god i didnt have a HT coming up !

  9. "I just can't beleive we still don't have an FDA approved drug similar to propecia that can be applied directly on the scalp instead of taking a pill that can effect your whole body.


    Exactly for me as a treatment it is just not good enough. Its like cutting off your foot because you have a pain in it. DHT is key for many functions. Some that we are not even aware of it seems. I came off Fin due to bad side effects which really became apparent after 3 1/2 years or so.


    I thought i didnt have any sides up until then but i can say now after 9 months off it sure was affecting me. The changes happen so subtlly a lot of people dont notice and dont remember how they felt before they started on it.


    I would say to all long term users to do a year off and see if they see a difference. Then confirm if you have had no side effects.

  10. Zenmonk has another thread in this section of his test results which just about covers everything as below.




    Liver function tests (LFTs): all within normal range

    Testosterone, serum: within normal range

    Testosterone, free: within normal range

    Thyroid profile: within normal range

    Estradiol, serum: within normal range

    Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): within normal range

    Prolactin: within normal range

    Lutenizing Hormone (LH): within normal range

    Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG): within normal range

    PSA: within normal range

    DHEA: slightly below normal range


    Semen Analysis: all normal

  11. Absoloutly make sure you get all your blood work done before starting up on the drug. That way you have base line results to refer back to should you experience bad side effects.


    This is something a lot of people dont point out enough to you.

  12. 1. How long have you been on Finasteride?


    Took it for 3 and a half years stopping in October last year.


    2. Have you experiencing side effects? If yes, what are the side effects?


    Not at first. Just reduced watery semen and a couple of darting pains when starting up. Huge side effects kicked in after 3 and a half years.


    3. Did you quite the drug once the side effects came up?


    Yes. Massive loss of libido etc kicked in after 3 and a half years.


    4. Did the side effects go away after you quit?


    Im 8 months off and i think now i am slowly getting back to normal now. Big improvement in last 2 months. Went for Blood work. My free testosterone level was half of what it should be for someone my age.



    5. What is your overall feedback on this drug?


    Agree with the above poster. Extremley dangerous for some people and i dont think we know the half of what the long terms effects are. Never going near it again.


    Ps The drug ' i think' may have helped stabilised loss but no regrowth and i even thinned slightly in crown while on it.

  13. Very useful and helpful post. But may i had add one thing for people to bear in mind.


    I had to come off Fin last year after 3 and a half years due to sudden sexual sides. Massive Loss of libido etc. First time ever in my life anything like that.


    I got all the above said blood work done in April this year and the Dr informed me everything was within normal range.


    Now the key criteria in all these tests is not if its in within normal range. Its if its within normal range for your AGE. This is something that these tests dont bother factoring or mentioning to you most of the time.!


    My below result for example was the same


    Testosterone, free: within normal range .


    However the normal range is 9-27 i believe as the Dr explained. Now my reading was 12. For someone, 32 , in pretty good shape working out 4 or 5 times a week this is ridiculous.


    This is a reading for someone potentially twice my age.!


    I will say after nearly 8 months off Fin it is only this month i am feeling truely back to normal or 'pre fin' state with everything recovered. The last month or 2 i have felt a big rebound in everything so feel thankful.


    I am getting more tests done soon so i will share the results. Hopefully there is a noticeable difference in my levels in line in how i have felt of late.

  14. Just my 2 cents on this same topic. Ive been off Fin since October last year since the side effects became suddenly untenable . I had been on it 3 and a half years.


    I had the results of blood work in April.

    Alhough all are within normal range except this is the Key point. My Free Testosterone Level which was 12. Normal range is between 9-27 apparently. Im 32 years of age. In good shape and hit the gym 4/5 times a week. A level of 12 could be for someone twice my age .!


    People need to be careful seeing a result 'Within normal range'. The key criteria in all these results is what is WITHIN NORMAL RANGE FOR YOUR AGE. Most people will come out in normal range but this normal range covers a spectrum of Men from 18-65.! This is a very important point people should bear in mind.


    I knew something was not right back in October my libido was nowhere near what it was.


    Theres no doubt it was due to the Fin. Im now in the process of getting more blood tests done in the next couple of weeks to check for a recovery in my levels.


    What i will say is since the last couple of months i have noticed quite a big recovery and this is the first month i would say i am just about back to my pre fin state in all areas. It seems my hormone levels took over 6 months but have now rebounded considerably.



    Never going near it again.!

  15. If you are in Europe the only real option i think for FUE is to look to Belgium.


    Dr Bisanga's FUE work is second to none IMO. He also handles mega sessions 2-3000 per session.

    Dr Frediuni also has presented impressive results and people speak highly of him. I think these guys quote somewhere around the region of €5 per graft also so cost wise it makes sense.


    I also hear things bout the Pro hair clinic Belgium which people are speaking highly off. Personally i would go with Bisanga if it was my choice.


    Considering you can get the Eurostar train to Brussels. This would be my first port of call for FUE all things considered.

  16. Hi i am from Ireland and considering getting an AHI hair transplant with Ailesbury Clinic in Dublin, there dont appear to be many reviews on the Dublin branch there are however a lot of terrible reviews on Dr Keily in the Cork branch !! Can anyone share their experiences with the Dublin clinic ? I am new to this site and not entirely sure how to use it yet !!






    You should consider Dr Bisanga in Brussels mate. Based on the research i have done his FUE work is second to none.


    Ailesbury clinic are good but expensive from what i have seen.

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