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Posts posted by Bobilero

  1. That is looking fabulous already England. Congrats to you in your Op and in your return to normality and not having to use concealer et all.


    This should be a cracking final result. Please keep us updated. In Europe for FUE it seem Belgium (and Lorenzo) just has to be your first port of call. Churning out amazing results.

  2. I have read lots of cases of guys who have had procedures and dont use propecia. They have had great results which should last them years.


    If guys are in the 30's their main loss pattern will have developed by then and the Dr will be able to see other minaturized pockets of hair where future loss could occur. And decipher their probable future Norwood state.


    This will give optimum planning. Once your planning is conservative and you dont break 'the bank' you will get a great first result that will give you a good cosmetic improvement.

  3. For the likes of someone Rooneys age his goal should be to prolong what he has as long as he can through FUE procedures and meds alone.


    If that can buy him another 5-10 years. There then should be, all going well better technologies on the market which wont involve strip or needing a further donor supply.

  4. ive read here before this site extended the invitation to Bisanga a couple of times which he did not follow up. His reps seem to be active on another well known forum who list a whole lot of his results.


    He probably does not deem it necessary.


    He really should be recommended here though as his FUE work is world class.

  5. I had to come off it after being on it 3 and a half years. Massive crash in libido and all those symptoms you mention.


    Not worth the risk. Im off it almost a year now. I can say now although i didnt notice at the time it was dulling my sex drive over the time i was on it.


    It has now returned to far in excess of what it was whilst i was on it. The changes happen subtley and gradually people forget how they felt before they started on it.


    Good luck whatever you do.


    Im fearing the 1-3 month post op period, covering up the redness in work.. Any advise ?



    Jay with FUE if you lay low for 2 - 3 weeks and take that time off work . You will most likely get away without telling anyone bar your missus.


    Shave your head if you wish couple months before the Op. People will get used to seeing you without with shaved head so wont arouse any suspicion post op or attract any eye drift.


    Get on MSM to speed hair growth so your native hair grows back quicker. Loads of things to help with redness. Aloe Vera etc. Lasercomb helps healing and gets rid of redness. Clinique any redness will help disguise if theres any lingering redness hanging around.


    You will be fine.

  7. Be prepared for Side effects at any stage., They took 3 and a half years to really kick in for me before i had to dump the drug last year.


    Just had some blood work done. My Free Testosterone serum levels are still way out of whack after nearly a year off.

  8. Ive seen a lot of Stellar results from Dr Bisangas office of 2500 - 3000 FUE over 2 days and the other Belgium clinics.. I think that is the Max though.


    Certain high profile clinics love to downplay the effectivness of FUE these days purely as they do not want to do it anymore and Strip is far more economical for them to perform.


    FUE being too labour intensive for the DR amoung other things they frankly could not be arsed and are investing in all kinds of motorized tools which dont work very well.


    Unfortunatly i believe they are pushing young guys down the strip route who probably shouldnt do strip. The fact is in the right surgeons hands FUE can be potentially as good as strip.


    Especially as the HT landscape could be very different in 5-10 years. Even if new technologies are not mainstream by then and there is a good chance they could be. You can be sure the FUE technique will have been refined much more to a 'Gold standard' tenchnique by then.

  9. That is some clean work. I am seeing this more and more where scabbing is not apparent post op.


    There was a case posted a day or 2 from the Texas clinic whos name escapes me exactly the same next to no scabbing post op.? Their female rep commented saying this was a hallmark of the Doctor.


    Is this due to more refined tools being used?


    That is a solid head of hair to begin with. The fact you can conceal the work so well with you existing hair must have taken a lot of nervousness away.


    You should be in for an optimal result. Look forward to seeing the end result,

  10. That was desperatly obvious dodgy posting. Why clinics do that is beyond me.


    The only clinic posting decent results in Ireland is Dr Maurice Collins at Black rock Hair restoration. They did James Nesbitt and a couple of other B List celebs from what i seen.


    They are seriously expensive though and out of sync price wise with other top clinics.

  11. People need to bear in mind getting on Finasteride and Dutasteride can trigger an initial shed of hair which will never recover.


    My own experience when i first started Fin, i had an horrendous shed in the frontal third which never recovered. I think it probably accelerated rapidly the loss of hair that would have been on its way out eventually.


    It was quite a shock though and something i didnt expect. I went in the matter of a month to not having to use concealer to having to use it daily.

  12. I think the point we are trying to make re diet, chemical and environmental factors is its not any one persons specific diet or exposure to other elements in their own life time that is really triggering or causing the MPB.


    But a genetic fault that has evolved and been created and inherited over the generations.

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