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Everything posted by none

  1. well his hair is shorter in the first pic, and therefore I think it blends in better with his scalp. I know when I get a hair cut my crown looks almost perfect if its short enough. Also you can still see the thinning area, so if it grew out I am guessing it would look a lot worse. In the second picture it is grown out. So I am assuming all his hair is back so good for him. It gets me pretty excited because I just started proscar. My crown isn't very bad, but I can't have it getting worse, and if it improves, even better! none
  2. Rogaine/propecia may grow hair all over your head, after all there is no difference between the hair infront as there as in the crown. The tests however that merc/johns or who ever made those two drugs only tested the crown, thereforre they can only make claims that it works on the crown. I KNOW otherwise. I used rogaine on my temples and after about 2 weeks I saw little hairs popping up. Also After two months I would say the hair on my temples has moved almost 1/2 inch. But thats me, use it there for yourself and see, if it doesn't work, stop, if it does aren't you glad you tried? none
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