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Posts posted by hair_care

  1. Just to chime into your point, My hairloss started when I was 18 and was very aggresive till I was 23. I'm 25 now and have had no hairloss for the past 2 years, but hairloss is unpredictable and could start again tomorrow. But at any age there is a point where your hairloss generally caps off and slows down. This depends on your family history and from what I understand it depends more on the hair loss patterns of male members from your mother's side of the family. Just my two cents worth.

  2. I feel you should go ahead and get a transplant. But make sure you go only to a top quality coalition recommended doctor. College is a very important part of life and I feel you should take full advantage of it. I would suggest being conservative though and just doing the front for now and cotinue taking propecia for the crown.

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