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Posts posted by hair_care

  1. I agree, Dr Hasson and Dr Wong are considered to be among the best in the field today. They are especially good when it comes to doing super large sessions, 4000+ grafts. You can't go wrong with either doc.

  2. You can use any shampoo at this time. Wash your hair once a day, that should be fine. I use head and shoulders, but you can use just about any shampoo. Your entire transplanted hair will fall off and start re growing after about a three month resting phase. Just one question though, since you are in the US why did you not consult with a Coalition doc in the US? why go and have HT done in India?

  3. I agree, forget tools and other gimmicks. Scalp exercises are key. I started my scalp exercise about 4-5 months before my HT with Dr Feller and the scalp really loosened up. If you scalp is flexible , this will also help a lot with the healing of the scar in the donor area and will reduce any tightness post op. Don't slack on the scalp exercises do them religiously you won't regret it.

  4. I agree with Forrest Gump completely. Your Donor Area is limited and very precious, If you have a bad procedure and then you have to repair a bad procedure half your donor area has been used. So you really don't have much to work with. So make sure you choose a qualified coalition physician before you even think about getting a HT. Like everyone says "Do your research"

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