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Posts posted by gasto

  1. I do weight lift 3 times a week, however I thought that this increased testosterone production?


    Yes it does. Prolonged Anaerobic exercise combined with aerobic exercise does that trick(to reduce testosterone levels).



    Studies conducted on endurance athletes who exercise for long stretches of time at once were shown to have testosterone levels up to 85% lower than people who do not perform endurance exercises.

    Article Source: Increasing Testosterone Through Exercise




    Another interesting article

  2. I thought hairs lost by stress would regrow?

    Thanks for all the responses. I am looking forward to your answers;)


    No, they don't regrow if stress caused Male Pattern Baldness. There are some scientific studies on this, I don't remember where I read it, I guess a search engine might answer that for you.




    The last two years have by far been the most stressful years of my life.


    Then a great solution would be to hinder as much stress as possible. Stress is a normal hormonal response to difficult situations, these in the past were presented as wolves rounding a tribe and menacing to eat their food or them, now it is your boss telling you the job was mediocre even though you tried your hardest, if that happens every now and then, no problem, the body can deal with that, but given that our idiotic society demands us to work 40 hours a week, it is understandable that humans are supporting unprecedented levels of cortisol, hence unprecedented levels of Male Pattern Baldness in young ages.


    The best you can do is sleep well, and jog and lift weights everyday (I underline everyday because it's been scientifically studied that males reduce testosterone levels for the next 24 hours after intense physical exercise).

    Although I would like to not stress over my hairloss, it has become an obsession. I pull my hair back constantly to look for more loss. Thing that scares me is that it shows no sign of slowing down. It has been progressing at the same rate for the last two years. I feel like if I started Propecia and continued on Minoxidil, at least I would know I'm doing everything possible to slow it down.


    You don't know whether you suffer from Male Pattern Baldness or not, and you have not updated pictures of your crown and hairline, so there's no way we can help you out.


    I hate being in this in between stage where I have to constantly asses whether or not it is a mature hairline or MPB. I almost want it to speed up so I can just confirm it is MPB, treat it, and move on with my life.



    You have no idea of what you are talking about. People hear take Finasteride because they want to preserve their looks, but side effects are nasty and nobody in their sane judgment would ever want them. It's like wanting to speed up anemia by eating little just to see if a nutrition supplement works.


    My temples have been receding for awhile. My frontal hairline used to be solid about a month ago and is now thinning all the way across the hairline. I thought that a mature hairline only receded at the temples.


    What do you guys think?



    Again, no new pictures provided(of all the head, in at least 5 different angles), hard to give advice.

  3. No Minoxidil sideffects to me, although I've lately experienced like perks in my head, which is not something I'd describe as pain but really worries me. I will consult my doctor for that issue, as it might be a cod oil supplement(although it is far bellow the recommended daily dose: 0.5 grams everyday) or propecia(finasteride 0.25 mg ever 3 days)

  4. Do not dose yourself with any drug unless you have consulted an expert. I'd say just go to a dermatologist and seek his advice. You guys in Canada have universal healthcare, which is a blessing.


    That said if you dermatologist or hair restoration expert determines you are suffering from MPB, then by all means the sooner you take finasteride orally and minoxidil topically the better. But I'd start with very low dosages of finasteride like 0.25 mg every 3 days(That's what I am on now) to avoid side effects the most.


    Also going bald starting at one's 40's is something but at one's 20's is much more traumatic, so I understand us that aren't even in their 30's trying to preserve their young looks.


    I also know that some girls like bald men, they just happen to be scarce. Much like intellectual women. I get turned on by women reading books rather than showing off their titties for example, but that's another subject matter.


    By the way, if you are just starting to notice MPB, consider reducing sources of stress; like deprivation of sleep, healthy food and even a girlfriend(yeah, loneliness can get stressful). I'd say being persistent and not caring about being rejected is a good way dealing with social-acceptance anxiety. Physical exercise, especially anaerobic(running, biking) combined with aerobic exercise(explosive weight lifting, sprint, martial arts combats) every other day is a great way of reducing testosterone levels.

  5. I am skeptical as well. I have taken the drug since 2008, haven't had serious side-effects since then. I've also applied Minoxil %5 topically. I discontinued for a month and a half, the daily 1 mg finasteride pill for some time after having no money to pay for it in 2009 and another 2 months 2010. As of now I am taking 1/4 of a 1mg finasteride pill per day, and perhaps reduce it to every 2-3 days. Thanks to this recommendation:


    Plasma DHT levels 7 days after various Finasteride dosages • PROPECIAHELP: Unresolved Finasteride Propecia Proscar side effects info & discussion forum


    I'll be consulting my dermatologist to check on the newly available studies.

  6. I am also conscerned with this new study. Having permanent side-effects is something not accounted for in the Propecia manual. Although I read that it has been including the possibility of permanent erectile dysfunction according to your reports.


    The other question I'd like to make to the patients interviewed is, when they started perceiving sexual dysfunction, why didn't they immediately cease medication?


    Also, more important than all of these side-effects. Does Propecia increase possibility to develop prostate tumour at older age?

  7. I am not a corporate shill, nor do I think any other of the other writers are. You sound more like you are frustrated that the treatment did not work for you. Medical ethical corruption is very common, and being sceptical is a recommended attitude these days, but evidence shows.

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