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Posts posted by aw33

  1. The guy in my pic, in that specific movie. Think his name is Johnny Messner, the movie is Tears Of The Sun.


    Here is a pic: http://img5.allocine.fr/acmedia/medias/nmedia/18/35/05/83/tearsofthesun_p23.jpg


    I probably could grow this if I had a sharper hair line - oh well. The sad thing about this is that you cannot grow this kind of a mohawk doing professional work. Being in post-secondary would have presented the perfect opportunity to do this cut, it is very rare and if you have the facial features for it, chicks would go wild for this.


    Of course, I'd have more of the army cut mohawk and I wouldn't leave the horse tail at the back of my head.

  2. Thing is, women can be manipulated very easily. Yes, at first they won't want a bald guy, but if you know how to manipulate them and have constant access to a particular chick, you'll probably be able to smash her. Having hair just makes it much easier.


    Essentially, if someone really didn't care about getting married, one could just go clubbing every weekend and wear on a hair piece and pick up a drunk girl to smash for the weekend. She'd never know you had a piece and she'd be out of your hair after that weekend. That would be one way to deal with being bald.


    A wig can make you look like a stud but deep inside, you know the truth.


    I don't know about you guys but I am the type of person who would rather be single than be in a relationship where my partner does not know that my hair is not actually my hair.


    It's not about how the world views you, it's about how you view yourself.

  3. Thanks for your reply Bill.


    Damn if that turns out to be true, i am gonna turn into an NW4. I doubt it because I have never experienced slow growth in regions where MPB was taking its course or had taken its course. My hair grows extremely fast and these past few months have been the first time in my life I have started to buzz my head and shave some parts of my head.


    Right beside my frontal hair, in my temporal regions, the scalp there looks just like the rest of my forehead and skin - it is all blank and there are no hairs there, I can definitely tell a difference from spots that are completely bald and spots that have had thinning. I hope this frontal forelock spot stays for me, without this I'd look 10 years older.


    I will try to post some pics and I will get a referral from my doc to see a derm.

  4. At your age and with the status of your hair, a transplant would simply be too expensive. That is a fact.


    I am in your situation as well but I am a NW3.5. Propecia helps - it has kept me from going to a NW4 for the 2 years that I am taking it. Rogaine - hard to say but it is meant for people who have mild hair loss.


    Forget about Rogaine. Use 5mg Proscar and cut em' into quarters or fifths.


    You gotta put your energy to use. If you need to lose weight, run a few KM 3/4 times a week and try to consume less and drink more water. If you need to builk up, hit the gym. Focus on your studies and get on your path to becoming whatever you want to be.


    As for being shy, you can overcome this by opening up conversations with anyone you want. You don't have to strike up a convo with the best looking woman around, just look around and find something to talk about with the closest person around.


    If all else fails, get a hair system. But think about the risks and benefits carefully before you go through this.


    In the end it is all in your head man.

  5. I have noticed that some parts of my frontal hair region have very small areas (3-4) where there is hair but it is not growing. You can see the hairs but it just doesn't grow, while beside them, other hairs are growing. All the hairs are thick. Lately, I have been experiencing very minor hairline receding and my temporal regions have also receded.


    Is this because the hair is in the rest phase? I hope it doesn't have any bad implications for my hair, can you guys please clarify?



  6. I posted a lengthy comment on this topic before it got moved to the new interface but it got lost. I am too lazy to re-post it but I will state my main point again.


    Calling people insecure just because they made fun of our MPB isn't right. Some of these people may obviously be insecure, but we cannot brush off everyone that pokes a joke at our condition simply an insecure "idiot".

  7. Originally posted by Sunnycoastman:

    I find girls that dress up as you describe attractive. I find cougars even more attractive...lol


    That'll probably change in 30 years.



    lol....that made me laugh.....yes, we do find them attractive, its normal but do we want to marry them.....if we dont then we only want to have fun while we're young as is the custom today....hence the worry about our hair....more hair more fun...:-) but in 10 or 20 or 30 years you may regret the one you chose if you were in love for the looks and the body first.


    no one can say they cant get a girl....theres lots of girls....but if you only want the good looking girl with the hot bod, well just remember every other guy wants her too for abit of fun....choose carefully the one you marry is what I say....


    yup more hair = more fun hehehe. Excellent points here Sunny.

  8. Originally posted by Sunnycoastman:

    depends alot on the women too. not too many beautiful women going out with bald guys unless theyre really good looking too and then it dosnt matter if they have hair or not does it.


    Of course if youre bald, paunchy and super rich you'll get a nice girl but probably for the wrong reasons.


    unfortunately we do live in a time where looks count alot,and we care more about our image because society has made it that way. we are affected by the forces of the age in which we live. Hard to break out of that too.


    Im older and wiser now....(I hope..lol) the hot good looking women who dress like theres a world shortage of fabric, love attention and think every guy wants them dont interest me anymore. same with older women who dress and act all foxy like someone off couger town. they'll always want attention from other guys.....trouble in the long run I reckon.


    Better to find a lady(nice looking or not) who has great character, high morals and a personality you love and who loves you for whats inside and will make you feel great about yourself no matter how much hair you have now or in 20 years time.




    I agree with you sunny. We are what society wants us to be.


    I find girls that dress up as you describe attractive. I find cougars even more attractive...lol


    That'll probably change in 30 years.

  9. Hey man I am in the same boat as you, although propecia has stabilized my MPB.


    Started noticed more hair strands falling out at age 15. At age 17, I noticed recession and here I am at age 20, a NW3V.


    It ain't easy but you gotta roll with it and keep your hopes up. Why? A good HT is now possible, all you need is patience, knowledge, decent donor characteristics and some money icon_biggrin.gif


    For your level of loss, try a shave or a buzz. You can use hats but if you think you will not b getting an HT in the future, I don't recommend them, because then you just get used to it.


    GL bro

  10. Originally posted by Dr. Glenn M. Charles:

    I agree that shaving does not cause permanant hair loss. Losing hair at age 17 is very dramatic but if you have a strong family history of male pattern balding and you received that hair loss gene, it is quite possible. You may want to consider Propecia to slow things down and hopefully get control of your situation.


    Hey Doc,


    If you have a "bump" on your head, the kind where you can move it easily and is thus not dangerous, how would you advise on shaving the hair in that region? Should i use a clipper slowly over it or just try my best not to touch it and just get rid of the hair surrounding the bump?



  11. I don't think every guy can pull off a bald look.


    Here are a few things I have noticed with regards to bald guys:


    1. Bald guys like Jason Statham and Bruce Willis who have MPB also have thin eye brows, full stubble and rugged bodies. Many women find this attractive.


    2. In general, IMO, the bald style looks better on darker guys/black guys. I rarely see good bald styles on pale white guys, so a tan helps.


    3. A lot of bald men also have a degree of facial hair.


    I think many guys can pull it off and women wouldn't care about them being bald.


    The thing about hair is (especially if you have a lot of hair or have styled it in that manner) is that it takes a person's attention away from the rest of your face and head. So if a man has attributes such as a big nose or big ears, then a lot of hair is a good thing because it takes away attention from that area.


    I think we cannot generalize and state that women find bald men sexy or not sexy. It depends on many things. Look at Jason Statham, he has very thin hair and he has MPB. If you asked a random woman on the street about how attractive she finds a man who is hanging on to his last strands of hair, more often than not, the woman will say that she does not find that kind of a man attractive. So then why do women find Jason attractive? Because of his looks, his ruggedness, his lean body, his career and his confidence.


    In the end I think it is all about finding a hair style that is right for you until something better can be done (i.e wait for an HT, wait for new technology and what not)

  12. You have a lot of hair. Who cares about a balding crown - when people look at your face, they see your thick hair which appears all natural. Don't worry about it.


    I am young in life but there is a good saying (can I call it that?) that I like to follow - it is the fact if you hang out with losers, you will become a loser and if you hang out with winners, you will become a winner. Sure your "winner" friends will also make fun of your crown occasionally, but they will have better things to do than to just bring you down all the time.

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