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Posts posted by aw33

  1. Are you seriously this down about your life because of your NW2 pattern? Seriously? From the way you write, it would seem as if your completely bald on top and have lost all of your confidence because of that. Buzz your hair until you can find a solution.


    If your young/don't use Propecia/have family history of hair loss that exceeds NW2 most surgeons would tell you to wait until your MPB stabilizes.


    Do your research, make sure you spend A LOT of time reading up on anything and everything that can help you make a better decision.


    And this might not help you because of your stress-filled career but remember, excessive stress only leads to more negative, so stop worrying.

  2. Why is Propecia out of the question for you? Unless your hair loss has stabilized, most Docs would prefer that a patient be on Finasteride - its what keeps your native hairs from falling.


    As for Docs in the UK, there might be a handful that perform well but the majority of the HT horror stories I have read are about patients getting butchered by UK surgeons (not to say there aren't any qualified surgeons in the UK). North America has some of the best hair restorations surgeons in the world so do your research.


    If money or distance ends up affecting your HT decision then maybe you are not really ready for an HT - your gonna be stuck with your decision for a very long time, you might as well make a correct one.


    Good luck mate!

  3. Okey. The thing is that i dont know if iam loosing anything right now, i dont think iam. my hair has looked the same for 2-3 years and im not noticing any hairs on my pillow or in the shower, Sure there are some black hairs when im shampooing my hair but nothing much,.


    Is it not better to start with the finasteride in time rather than later? even though im not loosing hair at the moment?


    See a dermatologist and look around your family for patterns resembling yours. Once you have successfully determined you have Male Pattern Baldness, get on Finasteride.

  4. I take Propecia which is 1mg. You are suppose to take 1mg but Propecia is quite expensive and some people decide to take Proscar which is like a 5mg version of Propecia with the same medical ingredient (Finasteride). Most people cut the 5mg pill into quarters of 1.25mg but some even cut it into fifths, making the original 5mg dose into 1mg.


    Just make sure you actually ARE losing your hair - I had a cousin who had a receeding hair line at age 16 but it stayed that way and it turned out as being only a mature hair line. He did not have any more hair loss.

  5. People will always report something negative that happened to them whilst taking the drug but people will rarely post all the benefits they have obtained from taking the drug. The guys who beenfit from this drug and take it for quite a few years (like me) don't go all over the net, posting about how good it has worked for them. This is why you see many negative posts.

  6. I personally have been using Propecia for almost 2 years - no side effects and it works. Rogaine Foam I have been using for 3 months now, can't tell if it works but I can tell you that it does not irritate my scalp and it is MUCH better than the liquid version.


    As for the HT, just think about how you would feel if you ended up proceeding with it and had your hair line densely packed, only to later discover that you were losing your hair behind the densely packed hair line. It would look awful and you wouldn't be able to shave it off because of the scar.


    In the end just remember, at first sign of hair loss (not just what may seem like a maturing hair line) get on Finasteride - it is the best way to combat MPB non-surgically.

  7. Anyone would want a certain type of hair line but we can never be sure about how good it matches our facial features. One should be able to have some say but if your dealing with a good surgeon, he/she will have a good idea based on past experiences of what will go good with a person's facial features.


    I personally would want a V-shaped hair line if I do an HT but since I have never had one before, I'd be thinking deeply about my Doc's recommendations. I also wouldn't know what kind of a hair line would go good with my facial features. Framing your face is one of the most important goals of an HT.

  8. Hey man, I personally don't think you have hair loss yet. Your hair line seems to be in shape. Consult with a dermatologist - there are only 2 types of meds to combat hair loss and the earlier you start, the better your chances.


    In my opinion, you need to have been losing your hair for quite a few years before you think about an HT. It is virtually impossible to determine your future pattern, even if you look around your family and do miniaturization tests and stick to meds - there are no guarantees.


    You still have a head of hair that most in here, including myself, would do anything to get. Once you have been losing your hair for some time, have been on meds, especially Finasteride for quite some time and once your pattern of loss can be determined to a certain degree, an HT would be more suitable.


    Don't go with the Docs that tell you what you want to hear and also, since you are going to be stuck with your HT for the rest of your life, you might as well go with the best. Do your research - some of the best Docs are in North America and prices can vary.



  9. I personally use selsun blue as it is the only thing that works for dandruff. I have thought about head & shoulders but I have met too many hair dressers that tell me it is bad for hair - one thing that I have noticed is that the shampoo itself is very strong. I have used vive for men and it was awful.


    I personally wash out the remnants of rogaine before I apply selsun blue, just as a precaution as the shampoo has some out-of-the ordinairy ingredients.

  10. You are right Spex, it can be unreliable. The first time I bought it, was also my first time on eBay. Everything went fine and I paid $40 for a 3 month supply. When I received it, I realized that the seller had put an incorrect expiration date on the listing. I was going to have to use 1 bottle 1 month after the expiration date but oh well, it can't be that bad I figured. The seller brushed me off as an amateur eBayer out to ruin his reputation.


    The 2nd time, I got what I paid for and the seller was a great guy, fast shipping and the product was perfect. Here is the link to the guy:


  11. Hey man, Rogaine at your level of hair loss might not get you the result your looking for but it is worth a try - next time try ebay for a cheaper method of getting your Rogaine. I don't know much about nizoral but I have heard it is at best, only slightly helpful with hair loss. Saw, biotin and other vitamins for hair loss are just a waste of money, in my opinion. Get on finasteride, this is the best way the combat MPB. Get on it quick, with your aggressive MPB, the longer you wait the more ground you lose.

  12. Hey man, I know how tough it can be to lose your hair at such a young age. The majority of people around you don't even know what MPB is and you end up asking yourself, "why me?". To me, it does look like you have MPB and your hair line does like quite weak - I wouldn't be surprised if you see more loss in that region in the future.


    I am 20 now. When I was 3 months shy of my 17th birthday, one of my obnoxious aunts pointed out that my temples were disappearing and although I brushed it off at first, thinking of myself as being immune to hair loss, after careful inspection I had to face reality. That is how my loss started, at the temples and then the hair line receded a bit and gave up it's lining/shape. Then I started to lose hair at my crown and after taking Propecia for almost 2 years now, I am stuck with a NW3.5 pattern, with thinner hair all over my top. In your case, it appears that your MPB started out at the front - you should look at family members and you should inspect your crown. I say this because if it turns out that your MPB only causes you to lose your hair at the front/mid scalp, then a hair transplant would help you fix the problem quite efficiently. Most HT cases where the patient has hair at the crown and sides but nothing at the front and middle, the end results have been fantastic (at the hands of professional surgeons, of course).


    You should try Propecia as it can prove to be extremely helpful with your hair loss. In most people, it either slows down or stops the loss but there have been cases of regrowth. Most people would tell you that Propecia is most helpful at the crown/vertex area. For me, it has helped me keep my hair on my frontal forelock, at the middle and just above the middle. It has slowed down hair loss at the crown/vertex and at the temples. If you find Propecia too expensive, try Proscar which is the exact same thing with 5mg, instead of 1mg and it is quite affordable.


    If you are satisfied with your current hair style then so be it, otherwise, the only other option that I can think of is to buzz your head. I wouldn't recommend shaving your head unless you can grow some facial hair to go with it - the majority of people I have seen look good with shaved heads also had a degree of facial hair.


    Good luck.

  13. I was 3 months shy of my 16th birthday when I first noticed actual hair loss. It started off with my temples and then my hairline and then my crown. It was quite a slow process. Get on Propecia once you turn 18 - I would be a NW2.5 and not an NW3.5 had I started as soon as I hit 18. Talk to your Doc and see if it is worthwhile to start now, make sure your Doc can refer you to a specialist, like a dermatologist, if he doesn't have adequate knowledge on this topic.


    Remember, Propecia, Propecia, Propecia.

  14. Thanks for your reply Doc. I had spoken to a dermatologist in the past and she had told me that although a removal of this kind is easy and quick, there will be a mark (scar?) in the area.


    She told me that this "bump" wasn't the dangerous kind because of the fact that it is movable and it is the same color as my skin. By shaving it and buzzing it, the "bump" has been enlarged a bit.

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