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Posts posted by Abby

  1. Cheers Fallen star, your right to say it was a large area to cover so im hoping the texture will compensate for the thickness as I tend to have very thick wirey type of hair, also ive recently uploaded more pics 4 months post-op so check them out on the bLoggs again.

  2. Yes guys im 4months and 1 week post op 3250 grafts, strip. Ive noticed a mini explosion of grafts sprouting over last two weeks which now has slowed down for some reason or other. I have a mix bag some are very thin , some whispy some thick and also many many little blackheads what appear to be hairs ready to sprout. I can understand Kman's concerns as ive already had Faalc and co explain to me the same thing and that is to be patient, which is the hardest thing of all. Also I too have some thin areas but im not writing anything off as yet,I fully understand I must wait a good 12-18 months for a final evaluation. Ive taken some pics with my digi cam and they should be uploaded by Mon/Tue.

  3. Yep ! at last a sigh of relief guys. Ive had a explosion of growth the past 2 weeks and I can honestly say so far so good. It seems more and more are sprouting out each day exactly as the DR said and this supposedly is only 10% cant wait for the full and final result. Also im hoping by the end of next week pictures regarding my progress will be uploaded on to the forum for everyone to see the work of Dr Hummayun and for you guys to decide. I think at this rate if things continue as they are i'll defo be returning back to Dr Hummayun.

  4. Yep ! at last a sigh of relief guys. Ive had a explosion of growth the past 2 weeks and I can honestly say so far so good. It seems more and more are sprouting out each day exactly as the DR said and this supposedly is only 10% cant wait for the full and final result. Also im hoping by the end of next week pictures regarding my progress will be uploaded on to the forum for everyone to see the work of Dr Hummayun and for you guys to decide. I think at this rate if things continue as they are i'll defo be returning back to Dr Hummayun.

  5. It'll be 15 months next time round. Im actually thinking of going into the same area again (strip) and hopefully qualify for the same amount again (3000 grafts + ). Im now nearly 4 months post and have noticed a sudden sprouting of hairs. Just going to wait and see what the final results are, if good then ill be going back to the same DR or I might even have a H/T in the UK a lot more expensive I beleive but it'll cut out all the travelling etc..

  6. You brave man!!!

    Originally posted by DYSON:
    Originally posted by mr. joe:

    Dyson, was there any shedding post-op? It doesn't look like there was.


    I didn't notice any post op shedding. The only change that I've noticed is that a small amount of hair (a tuft) that was left in the middle at what became the hairline before my HT has turned grey. But it seems to blend in ok with the rest of my hair. I am a light red-head and one advantage of my colour and that of red-heads in general is that we don't seem to go grey until much later in life. The HT that I've had is the best thing I've done in many years. I don't comb my hair over a receding hairline anymore. I feel good and that's the main thing. This year I've had a lower face-lift done and upper and lower eyelid surgery. I look a good ten years younger than I did 6 months ago. All my operations were done in China. Two years ago I had all my old tooth fillings drilled out and had 18 crowns (caps) replaced at a city in China. They were around US$100 each and they were an alloy of titanium. So in the past 2 years I've had a HT, lower face-lift, upper & lower eyelids and 18 crowns fitted for US$7000. And I feel good icon_smile.gif In my experience and opinion, the HT is the best job though for boosting confidence and moral. Having a decent hairline is the best of all.





  7. May be they feel the best option is to get you in their clinic and balg you to death with their spiel. Not metioning any names all I asked what it would cost for 500 to 1000 FUE.????? I suppose youre right, "move on"

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