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Posts posted by rp1979

  1. Thanks JOBI for your comment.


    Are you sure you are not confusing the dry flakes of the Aloe Vera with your skin making it appear to be dry?

    OK, thanks, that is useful about the flaking. That is something I did not know. I was under the impression that applying aloe gel to the skin would "feel" like applying a neutrogena moisturizing lotion to the skin... I've learnt now that it feels totally different.


    Not sure bro. I guess if you don't feel it works for you, don't use it icon_wink.gif

    I just started using the stuff a couple of days ago as described above so don't know if it's working thus my reason for asking.

    But Thanks for stating the obvious, bro.icon_wink.gif

  2. I hear that for some patients, finasteride may begin to loose its effectiveness after several years of usage. Have you guys ever entertained the idea of cycling finasteride, or reducing the dosage for a period of time, to prevent the body from becoming acclimatized to the drug and subsequently making adjustments to receptors causing this? This method is commonly used by bodybuilders and others in the sports profession to elicit the maximum effect from the drugs they employ. Any comments?

  3. I hear that for some patients, finasteride may begin to loose its effectiveness after several years of usage. Have you guys ever entertained the idea of cycling finasteride, or reducing the dosage for a period of time, to prevent the body from becoming acclimatized to the drug and subsequently making adjustments to receptors causing this? This method is commonly used by bodybuilders and others in the sports profession to elicit the maximum effect from the drugs they employ. Any comments?

  4. OK, with all the hype about aloe vera from people such as Spex and Bill, I made a trip to WholeFoods and bought myself a bottle of 99% unscented aloe vera jelly. For a couple of days, I'm been applying it to my donor closure as well as other parts of my body. My number one question this:


    Why do so many people say that aloe vera MOISTURIZES?!! Maybe I bought the wrong kind of aloe vera, but from my experience, the aloe vera gel that I'm using has a rather DRYING effect on the skin!! Have you guys experienced this?. If so, it is suppose to be good for you?

  5. OK, with all the hype about aloe vera from people such as Spex and Bill, I made a trip to WholeFoods and bought myself a bottle of 99% unscented aloe vera jelly. For a couple of days, I'm been applying it to my donor closure as well as other parts of my body. My number one question this:


    Why do so many people say that aloe vera MOISTURIZES?!! Maybe I bought the wrong kind of aloe vera, but from my experience, the aloe vera gel that I'm using has a rather DRYING effect on the skin!! Have you guys experienced this?. If so, it is suppose to be good for you?

  6. dav kobenhavn,


    snakke du danske?


    If not, I'll let you know that I've been to Dubai and Muscat last summer - Not to get a HT, though, but just to visit on business. My experience in Dubai and Muscat couldn't have been more pleasant or safe. In fact, it felt safer than in NYC. I'm sure things in big cities like Karachi, Islamabad or Lahore in Pakistan should be relatively ok.


    vi ses.

  7. Well for start:


    1). How much money can you afford to fork out each month?


    2). What's the minimum amount of grafts/hair do you need to be satisfied? (pictures will help us decide this)


    3). Also did you know some clinic offers a discount if you enroll in their "standyby program" whereby if a patient cancels their procedure in short notice you will fill in for them in short notice. Ask around about this.


    4). Also selling all your junk on craigslist and ebay will probably get you a few hundred bucks to help for the down payment for the procedure.


    Personally I financed my procedure with CapitalOne:


  8. As you might know, d-bol is one of the stronger anabolics per milligram out there, commonly used to "kick start" gains, which could be the reason why you are experiencing such drastic hairloss. If you did only one shot and the 9 pills, then I wouldn't worry too much and the drastic hairloss will most likely stop once its effect are out of your system, granted I'm not a doctor.


    Try not to loose too much sleep over this, buddy. It should pass.

  9. Certain people have argued that supplements like the ones you mentioned increases testosterone and thus increases DHT, which speeds up hairloss.


    Try getting on finasteride, the FDA approved hairloss medication. See if that works for you.


    How long have you been on anabolic steroids? Are you on it for a necessity i.e. competing in bodybuilding?

  10. hairtech_


    Thanks for sharing your experience. I feel your knowledge can be useful to readers of the forum. Here are some of my questions, if you can care to answer:


    1). Which coalition doctors have you worked with? You mentioned Rose, Cooley and Epstein. Any more? How long have you worked with each of these coalition doctors?


    2). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, what graft storage solution do each of them use?


    3). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, what post-op solution do each of them use?


    4). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, do they all use the "vibrating chair" for patients when administrating the anesthesia?


    5). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, do they each custom-make blades at the clinic?


    6). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, what is the LARGEST or MAX session size in terms of # of grafts do these doctors do?


    7). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, do these doctors place grafts on the HAIRLINE on every patient themselves?


    8). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, how old are these doctors in terms of age, if I may ask? 40s, 50s 60s?


    9). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, to your knowledge, how often do these doctors do repair work?


    10). For Rose, Cooley and Epstein, are all these doctors comfortable in prescribing generic finasteride (versus propecia) to patients?



  11. How often do you guys read the forums on HTN and Hairlosshelp? Weekly? Daily? Hourly? Millisecondly?


    These two recent forum threads are probably my favorite because they are somewhat informative and CRACKED me up as hell!!! Coincidently these two threads both touch on the topic of "poor spelling and grammar when posting":






    What are your favorite past threads over the years?

  12. How often do you guys read the forums on HTN and Hairlosshelp? Weekly? Daily? Hourly? Millisecondly?


    These two recent forum threads are probably my favorite because they are somewhat informative and CRACKED me up as hell!!! Coincidently these two threads both touch on the topic of "poor spelling and grammar when posting":






    What are your favorite past threads over the years?

  13. Hi TomA,


    I understand that going to a coalition doctor is not an option for everyone due to financial reasons and other priorities in life. I will be getting my HT with Dr. Cooley in NC. But Since you will be in Thailand, I suggest you consider Dr. Pathomvanich (Dr. Path for short) who practice out of Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand


    Here is why Dr. Path is a good choice:


    1). The highly-respected, coalition doctor, Dr. Wong of H&W in Vancouver highly praises the work of Dr. Path. See link below.



    2). Here is a patient of Dr. Path who have documented his HT and expressed satisfaction of Dr. Path's work. See link below.



    3). Dr. Path has good credentials. He is Board certified in Hair Restoration Surgery in the USA. See link below.



    4). Here is an article from the International Herald Tribune (NY Times) describing the excellent facilities and service offered at Bumrungrad Hospital where Dr. Path practices. See link below.



    5). The cost for an HT in Thailand with Dr. Path is at least half the price compared to the USA. ($1 = 40 Thai Baht). See link below.




    Hope this helps.

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