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Posts posted by EmuSteve

  1. Ha ha. I actually just filled out a consult form on his website as well. Funny you should mention that. =)


    Wanthairs, are you by any chance free to meet for dinner this coming Saturday the 8th? I'd still love to sit down with you and ask questions about your experience.

  2. Hairlosscure, do you have any links to a place we can view photos of Dr. Rose's work, other than the 6 on this site? I found 4 or 5 photos on Dr. Rose's site buried in another page, but they were the same ones used on this site.


    Also, thank you for the info. I've already sent an email requesting a consult sometime next week, and I'll follow up with that contact you gave me. I appreciate it.

  3. This is all very interesting. Watch me finally take the HT plunge and then, the next day, Intercytex announces that Hair Multiplication is now available. =)


    I know, however, that Bill makes a great point. I remember when I was researching this, a lot of people were saying that this type of procedure would be best paired with a traditional HT. This is because you want the hairline to look very natural by controlling the angle and direction of the hairs, and HM would be used more as "filler" behind that.


    I know Bosley has a split-off called Aderans that is trying to do the same thing, although if I had to buy stock, I would definately put it in ICX.


    Speaking of which, is ICX available on the stock exchange? Invest $1000 today in ICX, and if they succeed with Hair Multiplication, you know you are going to make enough back to pay for your HM procedure and then some. The demand for this is huge.

  4. Hmm. Okay, I'm sold for a consult. I'll schedule one tomorrow and check it out. I'll also be sure to post my experience on here to share with everyone.


    Does anyone know how much he charges per graft? Is it comparable to other clinics (eg, 4.50 for the first 200, 2.50 after, etc?).


    I looked on his website but, of course, it doesn't say. =)


    lol. I own a web design company... maybe I should offer to trade services with him. =)

  5. I agree wanthairs. When I say he is right down the street, I mean that literally... I drove right past his office on Swann ave just yesterday (I had made a mental note to look for it). It's a large medical building right next to a hospital.


    Dr. Rose is the president of the ISHRS, so he obviously knows what hes doing. Unfortunately, I want to feel 110% comfortable, and I just haven't seen enough info on him to know exactly what I'd be getting myself into.


    I'd really like to encourage any previous patients of Dr Rose to post their results and experience on this thread... I did a search, but a lot of the information available on Dr. Rose is back from 04' and 05'.


    Hairlosscure, I'd be very interested in meeting some of his past patients and seeing some of his past work. At the end of this month, I am flying all the way to Vancouver for a consult with H&W... being able to have a consult with a top doc 15 minutes away by car would be appealing.

  6. Yeah, its Paul Rose in Florida. I admit I have seen him on a lot of peoples "top 5" lists, and thats what got me intrigued. But like Bill, I haven't seen a lot of his work on here. The lack of photos on his website is also disheartening.


    Anyone know why thats the case? You'd think a great HT doctor would have lots of past patients posting that hes a great HT doctor. I don't doubt that he is, just wondering why the lack of evidence.

  7. Does anyone have any feedback on Dr. Rose? He is right here in my town, but I haven't seen him for a consultation because 1.) his website has no pictures, 2.) I have seen all of 4 people on here who made a weblog with him as their surgeon, and 3.) I haven't really talked to anyone other than Pat who has actually had a procedure done there.


    I realize that I might just be missing something... has anyone had a procedure done with him? Or know anything?

  8. Does anyone have any feedback on Dr. Rose? He is right here in my town, but I haven't seen him for a consultation because 1.) his website has no pictures, 2.) I have seen all of 4 people on here who made a weblog with him as their surgeon, and 3.) I haven't really talked to anyone other than Pat who has actually had a procedure done there.


    I realize that I might just be missing something... has anyone had a procedure done with him? Or know anything?

  9. Actually Poweranger, I didn't visit Dr Rose. I visited his website and seriously considered visiting (heck, I still may), but he has no photos on his website of his past work... the only ones I was able to find were on here.


    I know this may sound silly, but that really made me nervous. I talked with Pat in a PM, and he said Dr. Rose is good but if I wanted a larger session I might wants to do to Shapiro's main clinic, as they do larger sessions.

  10. KamCal,


    Thanks for asking all these questions... I had a lot of the same ones. I'll be going up to visit the clinic from Sep 30- Oct4th, so I will just barely miss you. Maybe you could come up a day or 2 early and view some live surgeries with me, as well as meet a lot of Dr Hasson's previous patients.


    I am in the same boat as you are, as the staff up there have been very accommodating to my requests to get all the info I need before making a decision to go with their clinic (hence the trip). Since you've already made the choice, it could do nothing but put you more at ease.


    One request though... once you take the plunge, please please (please?) make sure you document your experience and share photos for those that may come after you! =) PM me if you are interested in meeting up in Vancouver.



  11. wanthairs


    This was going to be the first question I asked =)


    I remember bringing this up in another thread and talking about it with Bill I believe... I think he said he had heard about that too, but he went to Hasson for the sheer "WOW" factor that he had seen in other patients. He talked about Sub-Follicular unit grafting I believe in this thread:




    I for one am very curious about it. I have been for a while (as you can see from the date of the thread...lol). It will be nice to talk to the Doc himself about it.


    Rest assured, I will get an answer for this one!

  12. Hi all.


    I've been lurking on these forums for a while, and posting for a while too. I've been around and learned which physicians people seem to think are the best. From what I've read, I've narrowed my choices to two very talented doctors.


    The first, Dr. Hasson, I have an appointment to meet with on Oct 1st. I'll be flying out from Tampa, Florida to Vancouver, Canada.


    It's not a cheap trip, but a HT is a decision that will affect the rest of my life and I want to make absolutely positive that I have done every bit of research I can.


    As a side note, I own a web design company and plan to make a website to document everything I've done from research to taking the big plunge, if and when I decide that's the right choice for me.


    I've even talked to a few of the regular forum members, and some of them (like Bill) have been kind enough to agree to meet with me in person and share their experiences.


    This trip is a month away, but before I went I wanted to ask the forum: does anyone have any questions they would like me to ask Dr. Hasson when I am up there?


    I'm bringing my digital camera and will be sure to snap lots of pictures. I hope to view at least 2 live surgeries (although I will probably not be able to take pictures of those, understandably, without the permission of everyone involved).


    Also, if anyone has already made this trip and has any travel advice, I'd be much appreciative.

  13. Hi all.


    I've been lurking on these forums for a while, and posting for a while too. I've been around and learned which physicians people seem to think are the best. From what I've read, I've narrowed my choices to two very talented doctors.


    The first, Dr. Hasson, I have an appointment to meet with on Oct 1st. I'll be flying out from Tampa, Florida to Vancouver, Canada.


    It's not a cheap trip, but a HT is a decision that will affect the rest of my life and I want to make absolutely positive that I have done every bit of research I can.


    As a side note, I own a web design company and plan to make a website to document everything I've done from research to taking the big plunge, if and when I decide that's the right choice for me.


    I've even talked to a few of the regular forum members, and some of them (like Bill) have been kind enough to agree to meet with me in person and share their experiences.


    This trip is a month away, but before I went I wanted to ask the forum: does anyone have any questions they would like me to ask Dr. Hasson when I am up there?


    I'm bringing my digital camera and will be sure to snap lots of pictures. I hope to view at least 2 live surgeries (although I will probably not be able to take pictures of those, understandably, without the permission of everyone involved).


    Also, if anyone has already made this trip and has any travel advice, I'd be much appreciative.

  14. Wow, I can sympathize with you man. I started losing my hair around that age as well.


    I know a lot of people think 20 is way too young to get a transplant. To tell you the truth, I am 27 and haven't taken the plunge yet either. But I will be curious to hear what others think about someone who is so young but already has a pattern established.


    I will say this though... take your time and don't make an emotional decision. When I was your age, I saw what was happening and started socking money away from MHR... just search the forums to see what would have happened if I had gone THAT route.


    Right there with you brother. Wish you the best.

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