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Posts posted by EmuSteve

  1. I seem to remember looking up something online that was talking about how facial symmetry is a big indicator of attractiveness. Plastic surgeons measure as follows:


    Vertically, you should have equal measurements from the following:


    The bottom of your chin to the bottom of your nose.


    The bottom of your nose to the area directly in-between your eyebrows.


    The area directly in-between your eyebrows to the base of your hairline.


    So there should be 3 sections to your face, all equidistant from each other (ideally). No one really has this though, so don't get worried of you are a little off. I was. =)

  2. I've been taking pictures every month for the last 6 months (since Ive been on propecia). I just started taking rogaine again in the last few weeks (since the foam doesnt make my scalp red and itchy).


    Was just wondering if you guys could tell if there has been any change one way or another. I am really close to setting an appointment for a HT, but I'd really like to feel comfortable that the meds are regrowing a little (or at least stopping the loss).


    I cant really tell a difference though?




    url link: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k88/usfstevec/chart.jpg


    Thanks for the input!

  3. I've been taking pictures every month for the last 6 months (since Ive been on propecia). I just started taking rogaine again in the last few weeks (since the foam doesnt make my scalp red and itchy).


    Was just wondering if you guys could tell if there has been any change one way or another. I am really close to setting an appointment for a HT, but I'd really like to feel comfortable that the meds are regrowing a little (or at least stopping the loss).


    I cant really tell a difference though?




    url link: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k88/usfstevec/chart.jpg


    Thanks for the input!

  4. Hi all. I'm very new to this forum, but that being the case, I thought you might appreciate the input from that viewpoint.


    I couldn't agree with NervousNelly more. As someone who hasn't gone "under the knife" yet, the thought of a HT scares me a lot for the following reasons:


    1.) I've never actually met anyone with a HT that I know of.


    2.) A lot of my decision is based on this site and sites like it, and therefore is based on how much I trust the people on the site.


    I think a lot of people on this site who are HT veterans might forget what it was like to be in our shoes. We are digesting every bit of info we can and being as skeptical as we can possibly be because, hey, how we are going to look for the rest of our lives is at stake here! =)


    That said, while I also trust Pat, admitting someone as a member because they have a pretty website or good pictures would make me look at the coalition as something that should be taken with at grain of salt at best.


    I own a web design company and work with Adobe Photoshop frequently. I could show you before and after pics of MYSELF with an amazing hairline. That doesn't mean that I went to a top doc, or any doc at all. =)


    Hope that doesn't scare anyone too much. I'm just trying to emphasize the point that pictures don't do much for me, but talking firsthand to someone like Bill or B-spot or any number of others does. I'd like to think that coalition members are admitted because of a proven track record of satisfied members... members that you can reach out and talk to yourself if you'd like to.


    Anyway, thats my 2 cents. =)

  5. Also, in case anyone was curious, this is the official recommendation from H&W (I believe Dr. Wong reviewed my photos). Jotronic was also great in answering all my questions (obviously, he went down the list one by one)! I am leaning towards H&W right now, and if I do, I look forward to meeting the guy! =)




    Dear Stephen,


    Thank you for the additional photo files. They were more easily opened than

    the .rar. files. Dr. Wong has reviewed your case and feels that one large

    megasession of at least 4000 (or more if we can) grafts will be necessary

    for your case. Dr. Wong would like to rebuild your hairline in a mature but

    strong fashion and add density across the top with the majority of what is

    left. Dr. Wong may also wish to rebuild the sides of your hairline in the

    temple point areas. The temple points are the triangular points on the sides

    of your head that are behind your eyebrows. Adding grafts to these areas

    will help to achieve a more balanced appearance with the final product.


    To answer your direct questions:


    1.) how do you go about

    getting a prescription for this drug? I mentioned it to my dermotologist

    (the one that gave me the prescription for Propecia), and he had never heard

    of it. Is there a place online you can get it? (or Avodart?)


    All he needs to do is look it up in his pharmacology book and he'll see

    they're the same thing. It's not imperative though that you get it from him

    but you do need to get it. If you wind up having surgery anytime in the next

    few months then you can simply wait till you are with the doctor. As far as

    online pharmacies go, I really don't know of any in particular and I'm

    rather skittish about them anyway. You never really know what you are

    getting. I do plan on researching this in depth at some point soon so I have

    a place that I can recommend as I get this question a lot.


    2.) How many grafts

    should I expect to get a stellar result?


    Well, while "stellar" is relative we would like to get about 4000 grafts if

    we can. Your donor does not appear to be super thick but it appears to have

    the amount of density and laxity required for such a session.


    3.) How much does it typically cost per graft?....


    That is answered below along with air fare and hotel points of interest.


    4.) Would

    you reccomend this precedure for someone my age? And if so, what precautions

    should I take given my age?


    Yes, I would, as long as expectations are not out of line. Don't expect a

    teenage hairline. Don't expect density so high that you'll never see your

    scalp. Understand that by having a session now you are potentially locking

    yourself in for more down the road. We don't have a crystal ball but we do

    know that you won't look like a circus act in the future because we loaded

    up your hairline with 4000 grafts. They'll be distributed naturally and over

    a larger area.


    5.) Should I expect further hair loss if I continue

    taking Propecia or Proscar?


    Generally, no, but again there is no guarantee. I think at the very least

    you can expect a dramatic slowing of your loss. Remember, it doesn't work

    for the front of the scalp (we don't know why) but more for the mid section

    on back into the crown. Also, your hair quality should improve all over your

    scalp from it's use. I noticed this on myself.

  6. Wow. That is some great advice! =)


    B-Spot, thanks for your post and advice (and everyone, for that matter). It really makes me feel more at ease knowing that intelligent people have gone before me and not regretted it. =)


    I will certainly take your advice to heart, and I will most, most definitely let you guys know what I end up choosing, as well as keep a weblog to hopefully pass on what happens to me to those who come after.


    If I may ask one more question... what exactly is financing like? I have a credit rating of somewhere around 680 - 700... is it true that I could finance this at 18 months with no interest?


    I searched the forums on this alot, and found very few informative posts.

  7. Oh, and another thing I'd also like to just mention, because I haven't seen a lot of discussion regarding this topic:


    What do some of you experienced posters think of any of the future treatments that may become available? And should these play a part in the decision making process for some of us younger guys?


    I've seen a lot of stuff that says that follicular multiplication (hair cloning) will be a reality within the next decade. Does anyone put any stock in this? I've been following the news with Aderans (although the latest news on their page at http://www.aderansresearch.com/ is from August 2005), and others such as Intercytex, which I hear are already preforming the first human phase study (http://www.clonemyhair.com/dcforum/DCForumID1/486.html).


    As always, comments and feedback is greatly appreciated. =)

  8. Hey Bill, I really appreciate your comments man! You are one of the people I've read up on in the last few months. I feel our cases are similar somewhat, and I can relate easily to your story. =)


    And regarding your comment, I read Pat's article (that's actually what got me wondering about the higher graft/hair count ratio), and given my position in life right now... recent college grad, etc... I'd rather not spend more than I have to (although cost, as important as that is, is secondary to the absolute best doctor I can find for my case. Money comes and goes, my hairline will be there forever).


    I've read the forums long enough to know that you guys know what you are talking about. =) I guess the real question is: Given your experience, if you were in my position, what would you choose?


    I'm not going to hold anyones opinion over their heads or anything, but I mean that genuinely... I respect a lot of the people on this forum for the insight they have shared and the experience that they have gone through. I can't think of anyone's opinion I'd rather have! =)


    Thanks for your responses by the way. I appreciate it!

  9. Hi all. This is my first post on this forum! =)


    I've been slowly losing my hair for the past 8 years (I am 26, almost 27 now). I started on propecia about a year ago, but for some weird reason I'm allergic to rogaine (red, itchy scalp). My hair loss has always been a huge source of insecurity for me, so a few years ago I started doing research into HT's.


    I've followed this site and forum for a long time now, an I feel like I almost know some of the regular posters. =) I'm incredibly cautious regarding this decision, and have a tendency to research it to death, but if I may I'd like to tap into the experience that many of the members of this forum have.


    I've spoken with Jotronic over email and after lots and lots (and LOTS) of research have narrowed my choices down to Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Hasson of H&W. Here's my dilemma though:


    Jotronic sent me an online consult says that H&W (I believe it was Dr. Wong that viewed my photos) suggests a megasession of approximately 4000 grafts. However, other clinics I've received consulting from have suggested anywhere from 1500 to 3000 grafts. Is it accurate to say that H&W have a higher graft-to-hair count ratio? And if so, what are the benefits/drawbacks to this?


    Also, I'm not crazy about having to have my head shaved before the HT. Is this really neccesary?


    On a more general note, does anyone have any advice for someone my age in moving forward with this type of decision? I'm petrified that I will regret the choices I make today 10-20 years down the road. Is there anything any of you wish you had done differently?


    Many, many thanks and loads of appreciation to you all for the posts you've made in the past and the advice you offer, and lots to Pat for setting up this community. I feel like one of the lucky ones who found it before I actually moved forward. =)


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