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Everything posted by HungryHoss

  1. I've just started on Proscar 1/4 tab per day. If hairloss wasn't bad enough, I am now worried about a severe decrease in sex-drive, libido or impotence. If taking Proscar will reduce my enjoyment in sex, (or my performance) I honestly do not think I can make that sacrafice, therefore making it pointless to consider HT. I have been taking Tribulus, a testosterone booster supliment for muscle gain, (but also helps sex drive) & wonder will this counter-effect the proscar?
  2. I've just started on Proscar 1/4 tab per day. If hairloss wasn't bad enough, I am now worried about a severe decrease in sex-drive, libido or impotence. If taking Proscar will reduce my enjoyment in sex, (or my performance) I honestly do not think I can make that sacrafice, therefore making it pointless to consider HT. I have been taking Tribulus, a testosterone booster supliment for muscle gain, (but also helps sex drive) & wonder will this counter-effect the proscar?
  3. nah man! he never told me how many grafts i would have gotten!!!! the more i think about it the more of a cowboy that lad seems. Norwood 6????????????????? maybe i was in denial, but i didn't think it had gotten that bad!!!
  4. biggest spa in the history of spas! I have uploaded my pictures on my weblog profile, if anyone can throw any input my way I would appreciate it. - Norwood 4??????????
  5. nah i never signed anything. yeah i may just cut my losses and look forward to a proper HT from a coalition doctor. - cheers for that positive outlook! never liked that Kiely chap anyway!
  6. well pissedoff I just phoned Dr. Kiely's office to inquire about getting that 1,000euros back, and she tells me she spoke to him about it and it's not possible to get that back as i didn't give enough notice as he could've taken another patient. B*TCH !!
  7. Hey there, yeah i feel it was a big decision but am 100% glad i cancelled, and am also glad i signed up to this forum. (i should have a long time ago) anyhow, my next step is to start on Proscar, for which i got a prescription from my doctor. I have taken appropriate photos and will send off to certain coalition doctors for online consultations. Also I shall post on my weblog. I have been looking at cases of hairloss which are a similar level to mine, like that rugby lad..thanks Balody. got to get my photos up for some input! cheers boys
  8. well first i should thank all ye lads for your good sensible advice and concerns. After reading your (plural) comments yesterday I phoned up Dr. Kiely's surgery in Cork and cancelled my appointment (which was supposed to be today at 4pm)... I am happy I did. I am happy with not taking any chances with me oul crown. The receptionist says i will get the 1000euros back so I didn't lose any money save the consultation money just 100euros. I now have a few days off work too, so I can do some research on good Doctors in America.... or Canada which i have never been to. 6000 Euros is indeed around $7,800, i can get 'a nice trip and a hair op from one of the best' So its back to the drawing board. Will I have to go for a consultation or can I arrange an opperation over the phone, and travel over just before the date and stay a week? Does anybody have any recommendations? I am fairly open to locations though i have mates in Canada & New York. How do I go about picking one? Thanks again for all your help
  9. hey thanks lads, for the attention and advice i know none of ye intend to worry me... but your replies did make me think deeper about my upcoming appointment, and sow a little doubt in my mind. However, i have I have been researching as much as i can about the procedure of HT and, although not registered, have been reading this forum for some time. Bill, i don't know if i want to know, but what are these incidents of people getting 'butchered'? I know Dr. Kiely says he has been practicing for 16 years so i cant see how this lad can practice here professionally this long and be a Cowboy! He has worked with Dr. David Seager in Toronto, Dr. Shapiro, and Dr. Walter Unger in NY.. this kind of, not assures me of, but suggests his competence! no? Folica, my hair currently is about 3" long, (not shaved like the photo on my weblog) and i reckon it should definately cover the donor area and i hope recipient area too. I will upload pre-op photos as soon as i can. oh I am 31 years old. Dr Kiely never told me how many grafts i would recieve, he just marked out a new hairline and said my donor area was strong enough for just one session. (i did think to ask how many grafts before the consultation, as i had read about it here, but i forgot) Irish homer, are you from ireland? i did do a search here for Kiely a while ago and read your posts. Knowing the standards in this country do you believe this lad can practice for 16 years and still not know what he is doing... i don't. He also appeared on TV3 in that makeover show. I have already paid 1000euros deposit, booked 2 nights in a hotel, taken days off work, have planned this meticulously and delicately for the last month and 1/2, and am looking forward to getting it done. I am nervous as i never questioned this doctor's ability untill you lads mentioned it. As someboy says 'you only have one head' cheers again
  10. how's it going folks. well, My surgery is coming up this Wednesday 13th June @ 4pm. (finally) I am tired of being paranoid & constantly adjusting my hair to hide the receding front, fed up of every wee gust of wind revealing my baldness. I shall upload pre-opphotos soon (i have a shaved 1 on my weblog, but presently my hair is long-ish) I like the carefree freedom of having a shaved head and hope soon to get rid of this fuzzy mop on my head. My surgery is in Cork, Ireland with Dr. Kiely and will cost 6,000 euros (expensive?) his consultation was curt & a bit snappish ....he seemed professional but was not in the slightest bit friendly. should i be worried about this? I'm not worried at all really, i look at it like every cut and incision is the doctor annihilating this damned baldness this is my plan anyways.......I am working till Tuesday night as usual,told my family I am playing a football match in Cork... i will stay at a hotel for 2 nights (wed & thur)in the lap of luxury, recuperating, and don't return to work till Friday night where i will work alone. This gives me 5 nights to recover before I return to work Monday morning. I suppose my question is, will the effects of surgery be noticable. (i can't wear a hat) has anyone else tried the covert HT ?? any advise would be much appreciated. i will update my weblog regularly also peace
  11. how's it going folks. well, My surgery is coming up this Wednesday 13th June @ 4pm. (finally) I am tired of being paranoid & constantly adjusting my hair to hide the receding front, fed up of every wee gust of wind revealing my baldness. I shall upload pre-opphotos soon (i have a shaved 1 on my weblog, but presently my hair is long-ish) I like the carefree freedom of having a shaved head and hope soon to get rid of this fuzzy mop on my head. My surgery is in Cork, Ireland with Dr. Kiely and will cost 6,000 euros (expensive?) his consultation was curt & a bit snappish ....he seemed professional but was not in the slightest bit friendly. should i be worried about this? I'm not worried at all really, i look at it like every cut and incision is the doctor annihilating this damned baldness this is my plan anyways.......I am working till Tuesday night as usual,told my family I am playing a football match in Cork... i will stay at a hotel for 2 nights (wed & thur)in the lap of luxury, recuperating, and don't return to work till Friday night where i will work alone. This gives me 5 nights to recover before I return to work Monday morning. I suppose my question is, will the effects of surgery be noticable. (i can't wear a hat) has anyone else tried the covert HT ?? any advise would be much appreciated. i will update my weblog regularly also peace
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