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Posts posted by Predator

  1. Thanks for the inputs

    Sounds sort of girly but I can do a lot more with the hair than I could before. Problem is I still do have a lot of itching an numbness and am often tempted to scratch and wash it up to four times a day. To avoid this I have gone for a very short cut- It all needed evening out anyway

  2. Originally posted by Bobilero:

    Hey Predator. Did you do any research at all before getting the HT. ? Thats why its so important so you dont have unrealistic expectations post HT.


    I understand everyone has different personalities and some worry needlessly more than others. Best thing to do is forget about the HT till at least the 8 or 9 month mark. Then give us all an update then on how the land lies. I would safely bet things will be a lot different for you then.


    No I didn't do any research at all I just stuck a pin in the world map as I was blindfolded and landed in Ottawa. I looked for HT Doctors in Ottawa and found Sanjay Gubta and H Rahal. I selected Rahal as his surgery is opposite the beer store..

    Of course I did no planning at all and did not surf dozens of Internet sites for many years..

    Silly really

  3. One of my resolutions is not to give to much concern to the results developing until the 5 and 6 month mark. Even then I will not be too concerned if the results are not kicking in.

    It will be the way it will be. I dont find it so bad even at 4 months


  4. Hi

    I'm 41 and had 2886 Grafts on a frontal Norwood 3 in August



    What I tend to notice is that many guys who have good results have tended to have more than one HT. This excludes the individuals that had to have corrective work done and applies to those who chose the correct doctor and had; for a priod of time; satisfactory results.

    As I had my consultation with Dr Rahal he advised me that at 40 , as I was then, I had chosen the best time to have a HT- My hair loss, according to him; had stabilized and it was unlikely that the pattern would continue beyond Norwood three.

    Well I wont be holding him to that and I am aware that loss can progress. even after 9m on Propecia.

    I'd like to hear from guys, in the above cetegory, who had more than one HT and the reasons for it.

    Thanks in advance for your time

  5. Hi

    I'm 41 and had 2886 Grafts on a frontal Norwood 3 in August



    What I tend to notice is that many guys who have good results have tended to have more than one HT. This excludes the individuals that had to have corrective work done and applies to those who chose the correct doctor and had; for a priod of time; satisfactory results.

    As I had my consultation with Dr Rahal he advised me that at 40 , as I was then, I had chosen the best time to have a HT- My hair loss, according to him; had stabilized and it was unlikely that the pattern would continue beyond Norwood three.

    Well I wont be holding him to that and I am aware that loss can progress. even after 9m on Propecia.

    I'd like to hear from guys, in the above cetegory, who had more than one HT and the reasons for it.

    Thanks in advance for your time

  6. Congrats Johnny it will be great. I feel for you in the Adams over Christmas and New Year, at least everyone is friendly and don't care about your blue OP hat. If you feel up to it try to get Mo to drive you to a couple of pubs close to the Adams. I went out on the first night in Ottawa, with jetlag, before my consultation. I regretted not getting out after the OP, but due to extensive swelling there was no chance having "Wolfman" go out on the town

    Yout HT is an agressive solution, but I don't think Dr Rahal would have gone along with it if he had had his concerns about future yield

    Good Luck


  7. There are two things to consider here. Getting a solution to the Problem and reimbursement for the damage.

    The first you wont get from Bosley, if there is a rule it is never go back to the same doctor twice if you were unhappy after the first time. Look for doctors who can repair the work and follow the other recommended procedures for the second issue

  8. Originally posted by hairthere:

    predator, it is totally normal to be a little down at your stage. even after my second one when i knew what to expect i felt slightly bummed at 4 months time. trust me, IT WILL GET BETTER. I really cannot stress enough how important it is to give your ht the full 12 months before making any kind of judgment. do a search for a poster named spex who posted the difference on one guy from 12-18 months...


    Thanks for the concern, but I'm not down

    I'm cautiously optimistic..

    4 Months is only a third of the way

    I will be posting all results up until 12m

  9. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



    It's good to see that you are starting to acquire some optimism since I recall you were pretty unhappy about the healing and waiting period.


    Your hair is really starting to sprout. But I'd say in a few months, your cautious optimism will turn to excitement over your new thick locks.


    Keep us posted.




    We'll see Bill

    I will certainly post updates here each month, for better or for worse, until the final result.

    Thank you for you interest and valuable support


  10. I have had a few concerns regarding redness, swelling,itching and lack of feeling in the scalp- also in the areas not addressed by the operation.


    At four Months I have no numbness, some redness and itching,some forelock loss and results that can be favourably compared to my original pictures.


    I am not ready to do cartwheels or backflips, but for a third of the way the progress is for me ok.

    I'd like to see how well the hairline closes in and would be pleased to see my original thickness.

    I'm still glad I went to Dr Rahal and we will see what month 5 provides.


  11. If that scale works I'd have to give myself a 00. During my HT I was supported by a woman 15 years younger (26) half a head taller, who I spent a couple of special months with as my HT made me look like Frankenstein.


    What women want is a shoulder to lean on and to feel they are with a person of importance, charm and humour. You may think a women rejects you for your hair, what they reject is your lack of confidence because of your hair.


    Despite the Margaret Thatchers and Hillary Clintons and new age equality women still want to be led

  12. Dr Rahal gives out a list of post OP instructions. One of them is to sleep for 3 days at 45 degress- Very uncomfortable on the Strip. It does not state remain for three days in that position. So I was up and running around the Adams Inn, having telephone conferences working on my laptop, walking through the Jewish cemetery. As a result the saline solution that they use on your head to prevent infection runs down between the eyes and you get the most unbelievable swelling- see my blog-If you stay in the 45 it runs down the temples and does not effect the face so badly. I am still having problems with the results of the swelling under my eyes.

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