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Everything posted by HT55

  1. 5 months is very early but we are also used to seeing 3K grafts spread out over a larger area. 3K packed into such a small area should be showing more by now IMO.
  2. It is strange. There was another user Easy who I believed was banned also for asking Armani questions. The funny thing about Easy is he was very pro Armani until the FUE results kept getting postponed again and again. If Farrell has nothing to gain then why does he go out of his way to defend Armani and then ban people who don't see it his way ?
  3. I still read the forum and there was another user banned/suspened for asking why Strip surgery is still shown on Armani's website when he only performs FUE. Farrell said it doesn't matter as it's all about graft placement which would be correct if the large FUE sessions were proven but they are not. Long story short , this user seems to have been banned or suspended also. The funny part is the guy asked Farell if he worked for Armani and with the way Farell defended Armani a person who did not know who Farell was would no doubt think he had some sort of agenda to say it was Ok to show pictures of patients results from a surgery procedure the DR (any DR BTW) no longer performs.
  4. I was also suspended from HLH after years of being a member. I and many others tried to encourage the person in the link provided below to get the obvious gap in his HT fixed so he would not have to go through the recovery phase twice. As you can see fom his pics he is going to have to get some incredible growth to look even decent. http://24yrsold.bogspot.com/ After my 7 day suspension I posted a question to the Armani rep as I still wanted pictures of a 10K FUE patient from the day of surgery which was offered to me by the Rep (Shane). Anyone who has dealt with Shane knows he makes many claims but almost always fails to back them up with proof. Farrel responded to me saying there would be no more questions for Shane on his forum and to contact him directly. I then made a post with Farell's exact words letting everyone else know that there would be no more Armani questions and I noted this was fine because he never answered any questions anyway. BAM !!I was banned for good after year as a member with not one issue. Farell obviously has something more at at stake with Armani then he would lead us to believe.
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