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Posts posted by lorenzo

  1. I have not heard of the doctor. This doesn't mean that he is good or bad. It sounds like you are basing your decision on price and probably location. You have so many good doctor in the New York area. I like Dr. Feller because I think he is honest, straight forward and produces world class results. I don't like suggesting a clinic that does more than one type of procedures. In my opinion this could mean ok at everything but not great at one thing. Not to mention not one photo of a hair transplant. There is nothing wrong with going bald its natural but receiving a bad transplant is not natural. Your donor hair is limited so everytime you have a transplant there are less grafts and you don't want to use them for repair. This is why its important to research and feel confident with your decision. Even if it means waiting a bit longer to save a bit more money I would do it. This is a great website and I am sure others will give their thoughts. My suggestions is don't go to this clinic unless you are 100% sure. I wouldn't even consider them.

  2. I just received an email from two Italians that were on their way to turkey. They were booked by a hair mill and cancelled their appoimtment. They didn't lose much because they had to pay by cash and probaly will lose a deposit. They now are asking me where they can go for another surgery. They also said that another Italian had his money taken away at the customs and it was written on an Italian forum. I keep looking and can't find anything about it on any of their forums. Regardless I hope there is a safe and non violent closure to this attempted coupe.

  3. Keloid scaring has to do how your body produces scar tissue. This has to do with everytime you cut yourself, not strictly to hair transplant or technique. Ever if the doctor does small FUE holes (.08) there is always a possibility in Africans that if keloid is produced this small holes could be a lot bigger. Once again this has nothing to do with the doctor and his skill as it does how a person heals.

    I am not trying to scare you. You have chosen a good doctor with lots of experience. I am posted a photo to show you an example.


  4. have been told, due to the difficulty arising from how African hair curls under the skin, I might not be suitable. Hence I will undergo test-grafting to determine the suitability of my hair (about 50 grafts), if transection rate is within or less than 10%-15% Dr Bhatti will it deem acceptable and hair transplant will follow.

    I have been informed that if suitable , than the difficulty associated with extracting grafts from “African people” will still lead to low harvest yield. Not entirely sure why this is the case, it either curls under the skin or not, and if doesn’t curl, why would it than take longer to harvest than other hair-type that don’t curl? :confused: . This is why the headline reads “1200 grafts -3000 grafts”. If possible my desire is to have 3000 grafts, spread over 100-120m2 , giving me a density of 25-30grafts/m2 .


    This is an honest and truthful assessment. Another big issue is keloid (excessive growth of thick, irregularly shaped and raised scarring on their skin) that the doctor has no control over. Africans are 7 times more likely to have keloid scaring compared to Caucasians. So there is a possibility that you will not be able to have your hair as short as it is now.

    That is not a big number for such a large area. Africans hair usually very thick and curly. This allows a better illusion of density so even a smaller number of grafts can make big cosmetic difference.

    Good luck!

  5. Don

    I understand your concern. You had 3000 grafts place in a large area. Even if all the grafts grew you will still lack density and may not be a satisfactory cosmetic result for you. Your doctor should have explained this to you before your surgery. I definitely see a difference and wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the grafts grew. I am sure in the next 4 months it will thicken but probably not to the point where you will be content.

    Looking at your before pictures and your 8 months pictures this is the type of result that can be expected for such a small amount of grafts in a large area. All you have to go is measure the area transplanted to the grafts implanted and this will give you an idea of grafts per square cm. Once again there is a big cosmetic difference from your before.

    Now depending on your donor for your second transplant you may have to decide whether you want more density in the front or the crown filled in. Hopefully you have enough donor to cover both.

    Good luck!

  6. Mike1970

    I hope you get the outcome you deserve. I don't mean to bring up the past but I read your stories from last year. If I got to correct you say the shockloss almost happened instantly right after your transplant? If this is indeed correct I would say this may not be shockloss. There is a chance when the doctor made his slits he damage/killed your existing hairs. This is only a theory.

    Regardless it doesn't matter anymore. Make sure you check with your doctor about the big scabs. I think you need to clean them up.

    I wish you the best.

  7. So you grew up in Canada but feel more Italian than Canadian, right? There's a large italian community in Toronto and Montreal , even in small towns in Ontario but haven't met any italian in BC, don't know why.
    Definitely feel more Italian. Been to Italy over 15 times and sometimes up to 6 months. I grew up in a Sicilian household 1.5 years after my parents moved her so my first language was Italian. Lost it a bit during my teens since Nanaimo doesn't have many Italians but got it back since I moved to Vancouver over 20 years ago. In Vancouver, East Van and North Burnaby are full of Italians but no where near Montreal and Toronto. I was going to school with a lunch full of lasagna and huge salami sandwiches while my friends had bologna and a big piece of cake :D
  8. oh so you Dont like our food then ;). we do a mean Shepherds pie you know haha.



    That's funny. I teased my English friends that if England leaves the EU I am never going there again. I said in case I missed it I would go to a pub down the street get drunk and order fish and chips.

  9. To be fair , there's a fair bit of debate over here about that . One reason often touted is that here's no winter break . That coupled with along season , the number of teams in the premier league , the no. of competitions - these are all factors why we undeform on the international stage .


    The individual players are a lot better than they performed as a team - not helped by a clueless manager .


    I agree with what you are saying but development to me is probably the most important reason. Do you know that in Uefa u17,u19, u21 and u21 world cup last time England won anything it was 1973 and it was an under 19. In major competition they have won nothing since 1966, been to no finals and only two semi finals (1990, 1996).

  10. alirlik sounds like a business person that also promotes/recruits other medical procedures as well as hair transplants. There is nothing wrong with that but it sounds like he has a bit to learn about it but that is my opinion. He came on to the top forum with the most educated posters and tried to question us. Now he shouldn't look at this as a bad thing because if he was a humble student he can educate himself a lot by reading posts on this forum.

    As I stated before I don't think this will affect his business because anyone that educated themselves probably wont have them on the list to consider.

    People who research have a lot of question that I don't feel his website answers.


    Who is the doctor? I don't know

    What technique? I don't know

    Before and after pictures? No

    How long have they been in business? I don't know.

    Is this a tech only clinic? I don't know.


    These are very important for people that are enquiring about a hair transplant.

  11. This is depressing as hell though knowing that I'm going to be bald my whole life and I lost my hair when I was 19.


    I disagree with you. You are 23 by the time you are 43 there should be hair cloning and multiplication maybe even earlier. Although initially it will be pricy it will happen.

  12. Aye , England were absolutely abysmal , but this result is giving it serious context !


    I like the English a lot. Have been there twice and always find them very nice, funny and respectful. But if anyone actually though this England team was good don't know much about football. As years go on thanks to coaching, development and foreigners in the premiership the England players are starting to lag behind. They need to restructure how they start training players at a young age and follow the examples of other nations. Iceland has gone a long way and should be proud of what they have done,

  13. Abirlik ,


    You're digging yourself a deeper hole . Do yourself a favour and stop .


    I agree but this is probably part of the growing pains. The typical person these type of clinics end up booking is usually someone that hasn't researched much. Unlike a dentist where 95% of them are almost the same since they all go to school and learn the same thing. They also have a strict code they must follow.

    In most countries once you are a doctor you can start doing transplant. There is no additional training or extra ethics to follow. The average person doesn't know this until they research. In countries like Turkey all you need is a doctor name and all the work can be done by the techs. Sometimes the doctor doesn't even come to the office. This is why websites like this are very important part of the research you do.

  14. I don't think there is any reason for this threat to disappear. I don't think Bill or the moderators will have any reason to do so.

    I am sure you can sue but it is not worth it. I thank them for taking down the photos but do feel that the actions of the web designer were dishonest and done to deceive the public.

  15. It's very rare nowadays in Canada to find a full blooded native indian, most of them have mixed with whites, so a lot of them have some white genes


    I grew up in a city called Nanaimo. They have a big native indian community, so the natives I met were all 100%. I do agree now theer is a lot more mixtures.


    See, you used to have the same hairline as this guy, what made you think that it's highly unlikely that this guy will lose his hair ?

    PS: I wish Justin Bieber who made fun of prince William baldness would also become bald when he get older, Karma ..:D


    I guess its possible but he is already 25 and hasn't even lost his juvenile hairline. At 25 I could start seeing I was losing his hair. I would like to see Bieber lose his hair but I am sure he would start finasteride right away.

  16. Rooney definitely where concealer there no questioning it. Other famous people that wear concealer are.

    John McCarthy MMA and UFC ref.

    Steven Segal Actor

    John Taffer from Bar Rescue.

    Jon Cryer actor.

    John Travolta (along with wig) actor.

    Jason Gardiner singer

    Silvio Berlusconi politician

  17. HTsoon


    Well said I fully agree. My concern is that he will not have enough donor in case he needed to get repaired.




    You need to be on meds to see how you respond first. I agree you have a great head shape to shave your head or have SMP. Another option which you may not like is to have a high density transplant in the first two cm of your hairline and sides. Then have a hair system in the back. But in order to do this you need to find a doctor that is capable of doing high density (50-70 CM) and I don't think this doctor can do it.

    The most unnatural part of a hair systems is the front and the sides. I have seen people that have had surgery only in the front and rest with a system and as long as the density is good in the front it looks quite natural.

  18. Thanks for your comments.


    Hopefully I can meet with you in the future and we can discuss the all things face to face.


    There was a mistake (which I also accepted) and as soon as I realized (thanks to you) I tried to correct it.


    But this discussion is going beyond its aims. (Cause I see some posts just to execute without judging fairly)


    And there are some adjectives which is directly to my personality which I cant accept.


    AS I said in my previous posts I will not continue to this thread anymore unless I need to defence my personality.


    One more time thank you for the ones who have good faith and for the ones who are not I do not care.


    My comments are based on an dishonest action that took place.

  19. Albrlik

    You decide to response with arrogance. I think your lack of experience in the hair industry is showing. It sounds like you are a referral company (not sure) so your goal is to refer as many patients as you can so you can make money. There is nothing wrong with that but there is nothing mentioned on your website about who the doctor is. How much experience he has, who he is, or anything about the tech. I think this would have taken less effort from the web designer to mention then to take other clinics photos.


    I hope one day all of you will face a situation where you are not guilty but charged with being dishonest or some other words that you used against me and my Organization.

    Once again you don't believe that a web designer taking photos, making up name and nationalities along with comments and using it as advertising is dishonest? This is an act that is not honest when you deceit the people with hair transplant results that are somebody else's.


    We already started having patients and they went back home happily. (4000 grafts including hotel and all prescriptions. You think it is impossible but it is possible. Dont be fooled by 10K USDs in Canada, America or UK.). You will see soon their comments and pictures.

    That's is great for the patients I hope they receive a fantastic result. I think you fail to understand that poster on this forum are very educated about hair transplants so maybe you shouldn't be fooled with thinking people actually fully believe you.


    AS you know Turkey is the best destination and we have the latest technology and most experienced doctors.

    Turkey has some really good doctor and the same technology as other top doctors in the world. Unfortunately there is alot more horrible doctors and clinics than good ones. I have met many patients that had surgery in Turkey that are in need a desperate repair.


    I can easily get rid of by changing domain or just stop publishing the link that you shared but its good that you continuously send me potential patients and 2 of them already bought tickets :)


    That is a response that I expect from you. Once things get bad lets change the name and domain and keep going. Have you already changed your name from the past? This once again shows your arrogance and experience in the hair industry.

    Somebody is going to go to this forum, educate themselves, choose a clinic with no photos, and decide to go to you? I don't buy it but you can continue these stories.

    You need people that DONT educate themselves and ONLY look at price.


    simply will keep silence and reply you with our results very soon. Action is always stronger than words.


    You can continue bad propaganda but we do believe in the work that we do and results that we achieve.

    Your actions up to know speak very strongly. The people that read this posts can come to their own conclusion.


    I only exposed the truth about what happened. You are in denial about this being dishonest and I kindly disagree with you.


    Good luck!

  20. Biggest mistake you can do is have a transplant. 23 year old heading to a NW6-7 is unwise for any doctor to consider you. If a surgeons say you are a candidate he only wants your money. Believe me you are not going to be happy and will probably think its the worst decision of your life when you see the outcome. Your donor will not be able to give you a satisfactory outcome unless you are happy with the front third of your head. At the most I would consider SMP.

  21. Its amazing how hairloss happens. All my friend that had thinner hair never lost it but the ones with thick hair all became bald.

    I know Chiellini cares about his hairloss but don't think its a huge priority to him. I am not sure if he can be heading the ball or taking bumps to the head at 2 weeks. It looks like Howedes had a hair transplant.

    2006 helps me forget the losses in 1990, 1994, 2000. If my team wins its fantastic if my team loses I don't worry too much about it anymore. I agree we were missing a strong striker but I do feel other than Germany, Italy showed show in the tournament they had great team. Conte is an amazing coach and I think he will show it with Chelsea. The way the brackets were set up I feel the top 4 teams (Italy, Germany, France, Spain) were all on one side. Don't see anyone beating Germany.

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