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Posts posted by dakota3

  1. It sounds like it's a little late to run. He's already had the procedure done. As far as transplanted hair not growing.... Yes it happens. It happened to me. You need to wait another month minimum to see if it starts growing. If it does not grow DONT PANIC. Some people take 4-5 months to see a differance. I would say if you dont see any differance in 6 months than maybe you should be concerned. Make sure you dont go back to a "gaurantee" if it does not grow. Count your losses or try to get your money back "the former unlikley", do research and find a doc w/ a good track record. AKA Hasson and Wong

  2. Its ERIE, Your hair looks almost exactly like mine. I had 1500 grafts from the HACK doctor from Boston Bosely. His name is Doctor Phillips. When i went back for a follow up appt and expressed my dissapointment he gave me an attitude as to say how dare you not be happy. As much as you dont like it, you had some growth " I had no growth" so now a good doc can fill it in and I think you'll be just fine.

  3. I know it can be tough. When i got my 1st HT I actually told people i had a skiing accident. But now that im going to get my 2nd one im not so afraid any more. People get cosmetic surgery all the time. If a woman can get a boob job, than why cant i get a hair job. If you want to hide it you have to have a plan. Before you get the HT you have to mention to the people that you see the most " hey im going on vacation" we'll use skiing as an example. Now when you come back from "vacation" You have an excuse. I went off of a jump, fell down and some snow boarder ran my head over. Or something like that. Be creative, but remeber your story icon_razz.gif

  4. Thats alot of questions! 1st From the sounds of it you are a diffuse thinner. 2nd I cant speak for everyone and you need to really be careful w/ any website, but for the most part people on here are good people who only want to help you. As far as what you need to do Pre- and Post op there are lots of people on here that have plenty of experience and can help you on that. Your looking for unbiased opinions, however you will get a fair share of biased opinions and it's your job to filter out and decide for yourself. Do a lot of research and have more than 1 consultation w/ the docs on this site. I personally will only tell you to stay away from Bosley, Medical Hair Restoration, and other hair mills. If you have any other ?'s please feel free to ask .

  5. Well if you want one so so bad it seems to me that this bothers you a whole lot. Propecia is very expensive, but there is another just as effective drug called proscar that is the same exact thing, except 1/5 of the price. Also rogaine foam 3pk is about $40-$50 for a 3 month supply.With the pill and the foam it adds up to about $1 a day. So if you add that up it'll cost you signifinitly less than a HT. Yes there are surgeons that will do a HT on you, but unless your a special case w/ extensive hair loss, no doc w/ an ounce of consience would do it before youre 21. There are many factors as to why some one so young shouldnt get the procedure done. Do some research and reach out to the docs on this site. Im sure they would be more than happy to help you out and explain things

  6. Is that a "Your Mom joke"



    "You can't blame an insurance company for trying to give their customers the best care value for the lowest cost. Sometimes it gets off and isn't perfect, but it's still better than anywhere else."


    My uncle has 4 kids, and works 2 jobs just to make sure his kids have health insurance. He pays over $180 a week for this insurance. Last year he fell off of a ladder and hurt his shoulder. He went to the hospital and got treated. 1 month later he got a letter in the mail claiming they werent covering his hospital visit. They say his condition was pre-existing because 2 years earlier he hurt that same shoulder in a skiing accident. 2 days later he received a bill in the mail for over $1500 for the hospital visit. Now if someone pays that much money each week and gets turned down because of a pre-existing condition that to me isnt the insurance company trying to give it's CX the best care at the lowest price. I'd hate to see how it works elsewhere. Oh and then there is my grandmothers RX drugs, but i wont get into that.

    Could you explain the mom joke?

    It seems to me we've gotten off the subject though! Proscar is cheaper but you'll still need a RX right?

  7. Maybe not all doc's get kickbacks, but i find it hard to beleive that some will push drugs on you before they "acuratlly diagnose your problems" just for pens. Im sure there are some honest and good hearted doc's out there. It just seems that the inurance and drug companies have more of a say on how we get treated these days.

  8. Thanks! But doesnt Merck also make Proscar? So it's kind of a win/win situation for them anyways. It seems doctors dont care to much these days anyway. They are going to prescribe RX's that will give them the biggest kickback. I dont know about other peoples docs, but for the most part all i have to do is show interest in a RX and my doc is all over it.

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