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Dr. William Lindsey

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Posts posted by Dr. William Lindsey

  1. Thanks for posting! Yes please come down and let me see in person. MOST LIKELY you are not going to stretch at this point, and yes, the mild shockloss around your scar will resolve by mid June.


    I appreciate your post and your business.


    I attach a preop and what you sent me for comparison as well. Viewers note the width of the scar along its entire length preop and the current width of the scar...looks like 1.5mm or so, with a few mm of shockloss (as expected at this time frame) but no widening of my tight suture line. This is as good as it gets on scar repair!


    Dr. Lindsey



  2. Here's an intersting medical worker who had 2 cases, yet still had a low density hairline. Some of you guys may recall his original case where I discussed his scar options....his original strip was too low and wide.




    Well here he is at 6 months, and remember, it takes 15-18 months in repair cases to get a final result. As expected, and you'll hear in the video..he'd forgotten how weak his hairline was before we got to him. He already is making progress and more is to come. He's local so HOPEFULLY we'll get him back for final pics. Frankly now that he has seen he's better than we started...he'll relax and there is a 50% chance we'll never see him again.




    Once a patient has been "wronged" not once, but twice, they are correctly skeptical until things start to improve. Now I think he'll finally settle down and let that hair grow!




    The video is:




    Dr. Lindsey

  3. Hand W are indeed excellent. As are about 20-40 other groups in North America.


    If you want to come by, give a call to the office. You are indeed doing your research before you commit...which is best for everyone.


    I'm out of town, but Wendy is around the phone. Give a call Monday if you like and she'll figure a time that works.


    In the meantime, look at some of the 200 or so videos I have on youtube and vimeo.


    Educate yourself before you show up and you'll maximize your visit.


    Here's are 2 good ones to start on.







    Dr. Lindsey

  4. So this is a bit of a different video. First off, this young guy has relatively poor donor hair, so we have to make them all work... Next, he talked me into a second case at 4.5 months...saying he would never come back to the US...and of course he came back... Thirdly, his front is 10 months out, and the middle is 6 months out...He is NOT fully grown in. I know that sounds obvious to most people but I've had a couple of guys (identical problems) tell me that it doesn't look "finished".... Its not finished...at 10 and 6 months respectively.


    And most importantly Alex tells you how we roll and I think that is key. Just wait til a year out from a probably third case...then hopefully we'll get him in for a final video.



    For all you younger guys with significant hair loss, and WEAK donor regions...this is for you. I've seen hundreds of guys come in after they were told elsewhere that one surgery would fix the "whole head"....and in weak donor regions that is just bull xxxx! Do plenty of research and try to see "heads like yours" before you proceed. There are some people who would look at Alex after we get all done and say if they can't have lusterous hair all over, its not worth doing....and some people would say that thinner coverage with a mature hairline is definitely better than the alternative. Doctors can't ethically decide that for you...YOU have to. So make sure you know all of this before proceeding.




    Alex is turning out great and is psyched. Just wait, it'll only get better.




    I'll see if I can get him to post on this thread from his current whereabouts.




    The video is:




    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  5. This 30's year old guy stopped in for a refill of meds...which I am not sure are doing anything as you'll see in the pics. He has limited donor hair quantity and quality...but we made the most of 2200 or so grafts a few years ago and he looks good. I wish he had thicker hairs and more of them...but that is what his parents gave him. He's getting ready to do a 2nd case, which will probably yield 1800 grafts or so and give him coverage of the frontal third. In a denser hair person, we'd hit that all in a day, but again, in his case it is not money, but donor hair, which limits his options.




    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA









  6. Some of you no doubt will see "young guy" and "crown" and start to wondering... and then throw my name in and really wonder why we did this. Well...I've posted for years that the crown is a black hole, sucking up all available grafts...and in particular, I suggest it be a concern addressed in older guys...who KNOW they are not losing all that hair up front.




    I still stand by that. This guy has a bit of a unique story though. I'd seen him for a few years, he's on meds, has a mixed hair loss potential due to family variations....and his mother is a physician who I BELIEVE, fully understands that her son will likely need future work. And I believe he understands it too....




    So we did a smaller crown case of about 1800 grafts to give good...not excellent--coverage of his crown, saving hair for future use up front. He's delighted with the result and is moving out of the area. His mom is still local so hopefully we'll see him at some point, whether he needs more work or not.




    To summarize...I still am conservative on crown work in younger guys and ALWAYS think the front is where the priority should remain. He's got dense donor region and I think we have obided by the philosophy of "Do no harm" while still giving him a good result and increased confidence.




    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA









  7. In this video I'll go through how we repaired a man who had been devastated by a failed juri flap in the 80s....and who wore a hat for 30 years. I'll go though the sequence of his procedures and he talks in a short clip about the experience.




    Some of you guys may recall this fellow's progress. What a great guy and what a challenging problem.




    The video is:






    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  8. Absolutely I'm saying that. At least 10 of my videos deal with that specifically. The crusts can develop so much attachment strength to one another that it avulses the new roots. My best guess, and we're working on proving this..is that it is really 10-12 days before blood vessels hook up to the new hairs. They are pretty secure after a day..but DEFINITELY crusts can avulse hair.





    Dr. Lindsey

  9. I just scrolled past this thread. First off...I agree with the poster who said you should consider FUT....you should. IF you are willing to have half inch long hair...forever...you should. It's more likely to work and work well in larger cases in thin hair like it LOOKS like you have.


    Just eyeballing your later picture....you're a 3000 graft strip now and next year another 15-2000. You look class 5 to me. I just put up a video yesterday on the perils of too little hair on too much bald head....you should watch it. You don't have to agree with me, but you need to be informed as to what a case can do for you.


    Lastly, in the last year I've seen at least 30 guys who have had SMP by no name people, well known SMP people referenced on this forum and companies who do only SMP. I've seen 2, TWO, people who were both happy and looked normal. I'd guess that 20 or so had virtually all of the pigment GONE by a year and 5-10 looked odd...meaning off color pigment or bleeding of the ink or un-natural design. So for your SMP to be gone at a year is completely normal in the population of people I see. As with lots of things, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  10. Guys,




    We just have had a rash of guys coming in with donor depletion and low yield surgery...the common thread is guys going to practices who've just gotten into hair, or who have "added hair as a new profit center" meaning they bought a machine to do FUE...




    Watch out. Wendy and I go through the basics. Many of you all know this, but it may be a good review for the newbies.




    The video is:




    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

  11. We have done 4 of these, and as I've posted, I did them not only to help the patient, but also thinking I'd need to do this for my daughter who had XRT as well. Fortunately Julia didn't need hair work, but these are hugely gratifying cases for me.


    Dr. Seager does good work. If you want to visit me to I'm extremely motivated to help situations like yours.


    Good luck either way.


    Dr., Lindsey

  12. Here's a brief update on a 60 year old lady with very fine hairs who had no frontal hairline. We did 1800 grafts on her last fall and she did well. The only real issue we had was that about a month out, when she started shedding...she used so much hair spray and concealer that she got either contact dermatitis of the scalp or an actual bout of cellulitis. We treated her with antibiotics and had her stop all the applicants and she turned around pretty quickly. I always worry about that altering growth but she seems on track now AND commented that she has enough hairs that she's no longer self concious about her hairline. Just wait another 6 months!




    The short video is:




    Dr. Lindsey




  13. Davis,


    You correctly point out that there are a lot of factors involved in success. Regarding shaving, there are 2 big issues. One is the technical aspect of completing the case as planned with hair all over the place. While I'm not the smartest guy around, I am reasonably clever, and have yet to figure out how I can make dense enough slits with hair in place, much less have the girls insert all of the hair correctly and completely, AND how the surrounding hair doesn't stick to and extract the newly inserted hair in the first couple of days. Maybe some of these guys have better technique and better staff than me, but I'm not so sure about all of that adding up...


    The second issue is that IF you are just filling in...as soon as the native hair, often on its LAST LEG, goes (potentially hurried up by the shock loss of the case...) then it looks like nothing was accomplished. I see that ALL the time. Thousands of patients have seen me with the same story, not 10, not 100, but thousands... They were "sold" a preventative transplant or a fill in job, that would thicken them up and they wouldn't have to worry about their existing thinning hair anymore.


    What really happens is they get a little hair, often less than I'd expect probably due to technical difficulties in executing the case, and then the existing hair goes...and all they have is a lower bank balance, a scar, and complete distrust for the hair industry.


    In general I've found on all topics, if it sounds too good or too easy....it isn't all going to turn out the way it is expected.


    Dr. Lindsey

  14. So this guy came by, now almost 9 years out. I put up some pics of him that he'd emailed in (2 year old pics) recently, and some astute viewers commented he had concealer. So he drove by DC on our recent holiday and sure enough, he wears concealer, but admits its mainly as he has fine hair everywhere and likes a short haircut....and needs to cover his white scalp WITHOUT growing longer hair.


    Take a look at the short video which includes where we started. Although he's aged 9 years, and is on meds..with his family, I'm not certain we won't see him in the future.


    Lastly, listen that his wife didn't know about the HT until well after they were married.




    Guys...just as sneaky as females.




    Dr. Lindsey


    The video is:

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