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Everything posted by mochi

  1. Can anyone tell me where I can get a time machine to fast forward 9 months? Thanks in advance.
  2. Can anyone tell me where I can get a time machine to fast forward 9 months? Thanks in advance.
  3. what about the grafts? Did anyone else notice that theirs curled at the root? Like almost into a U-shape?
  4. 17 days post-op now, feels like I got my HT ages ago. My grafts have been falling out pretty consistently, I do like to touch my head a lot... and i notice that my grafts come out. No blood or anything so I think its okay if they are just shedding. Noticed that some of the grafts seem to curl at the root of them... is this normal? Additionally, made the mistake of shaving my head with a #5 clipper... the donor scar is clearly visible now IMHO. Could be that I am seeing some slight shock loss at the donor area or from the shaving to the donor site. Ugh... hats for the next few days i guess.
  5. 17 days post-op now, feels like I got my HT ages ago. My grafts have been falling out pretty consistently, I do like to touch my head a lot... and i notice that my grafts come out. No blood or anything so I think its okay if they are just shedding. Noticed that some of the grafts seem to curl at the root of them... is this normal? Additionally, made the mistake of shaving my head with a #5 clipper... the donor scar is clearly visible now IMHO. Could be that I am seeing some slight shock loss at the donor area or from the shaving to the donor site. Ugh... hats for the next few days i guess.
  6. yes nw_2. The scar is slightly above the ears. Additionally, given the balding characteristics of my family and the preventitive measures I have already begun taking (rogaine, propecia). I don't think I will be losing hair in the crown area. However, I have not been applying rogaine to the crown area.
  7. I actually thought the scar was pretty low... haha... may have been the way the picture was taken. Additionally, it could be the way my head is shaped, the back of my had is kinda pointy... which Dr. Siporin commented on and the scar seems to follow along that pointyness... if that makes sense. I agree that the number of grafts is a low given the number I have seen other patients recieve. I have mentioned that I believe that it is due to the fact that I did not wan't to shave the recipient area or the donor area. Additionally, although the pictures may be a bit misleading... my hair loss pattern is pretty diffuse. I do not have a high density in areas where MPB does not occur and therefore I believe that I may not need as many grafts in the frontal area for it to "match" the density of the rest of my head. Again, Dr. Siporin did say that I would definitely see an improvement after my 1st HT, but likely would want a 2nd HT in the future if I wanted increased density. FYI. My goals were to increase density of my current hairline and give me the look of a receeding hairline, but a more natural and gradual one. Keep in mind that my age is 25 and I felt it would be better to stay conservative at this time. Thanks everyone for their comments.
  8. 1st HT procedure with Dr. Siporin. 1673 grafts, not sure of the breakdown of singles, doubles, triples etc.
  9. 8 days post op... scar feels bumpy... however I'm sure its due to swelling that will subside. How long generally does it take for that to happen? Also I had a trichowhatever closure done... only bad thing right now is that the hair near covering my scar seems to jut out making it seem like I have something pushing it up.
  10. Now at day 8... all my scabs actually fell out after day 7. I started to gently wash my hair at day 4 with shampoo then conditioner at day 7. I feel as if all my grafts are in place by now... the 5 or 6 I lost due to my "idle hands" happened the previous days. I would definitely say that by day 3 grafts were not resistent to my probing fingers.
  11. I'm wondering as well... I had my operation 5 days ago. I noticed a lot of scabs obviously and when some fall out after some gentle nudging. Looking at the scab i see a strand of hair attached to them, but no bleeding on my scalp afterwards... no idea if that means i lost the graft or if the hair just fell out...
  12. 3 days post op, was feeling around my head for some scaps... thought I found one. Tugged at it and pulled out a graft! There was blood... so i'm sure its gone forever... sad. Not touching my head for the next month.
  13. 3 days post op, was feeling around my head for some scaps... thought I found one. Tugged at it and pulled out a graft! There was blood... so i'm sure its gone forever... sad. Not touching my head for the next month.
  14. Thanks Bill, I really did enjoy my experience with Dr. Siporin. I think he was very responsive to my questions and my goals. He did provide a few suggestions on what he would do, and I ended up meeting him somewhere in the middle. Before the procedure began, I also had an opportunity to meet a previous patient who was also getting a procedure done that day. I have to admit I was pretty amazed by his results and that really put me at ease going into the procedure. What I will say is that, NO WAY IS THE PROCEDURE PAIN FREE. The strip removal did not hurt at all, there was sufficient lidocaine applied. However, when they put the grafts in... my god, I think my scalp suddenly became resistant to lidocaine... I literally had to have an injection every 10 minutes cause it wore off so fast! However, I think that will probably differ from person to person. Day one Post-op, I feel great actually. The donor area is numb as expected, but i'm not in any pain. The top of my scalp feels a bit numb/tight, but I am not in any discomfort. I don't plan to take anymore pain medication, but maybe the sleeping pills... because they are awesome. I will hopefully be able to post some pre-op and day one post op pictures later this week!.
  15. I just finished my first HT with Dr. Siporin today and I while I will say that it wasn't the funnest thing to do. I think I made the right decision with the right doctor. I am approaching a NW4, profuse thinning but the pattern is there. My goals was to thicken what I have and maintain a receding hairline that was thick. I am young (25) and don't want to bet against the odds that I will not progress any further. Therefull my goal is to give me a look that will allow me to age gracefully. As you grow older, I think a bit of a receding hairline adds some "character" to a person.
  16. Any reason why you guys felt uncomfortable with Dr. Siporin? Lol, I am getting my procedure done there tommorrow!
  17. doesnt look to be the case, but would be a great benefit if so. I'd imagine that it would be extremely expensive as well for HT patients given that the costs are already out of pocket. The first product seems to be a biologic compound and therefore would be very expensive.
  18. my first valuable comment is to take off capslock.
  19. Hi all, I will be getting a procedure done by Dr. Siporin over is Los Angeles this week. 1500 grafts to my frontal area, purpose is to maintain my current hairline and add density. I met with the doctor and a few others in the area and I liked them all. I really enjoyed Dr. Siporin's attitude and patience in explaining my options to me. I thought that since he is recommended on this forum and based on his previous results I should be in good hands. I think the most important thing is that I felt comfortable with the doctor. I really feel that he is looking out for his patient's best interest. I will create a weblog to document the growth and process. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to my questions. Special thanks to HK500 who spoke with me on the phone and gave the doctor a glowing review.
  20. Hi all, I will be getting a procedure done by Dr. Siporin over is Los Angeles this week. 1500 grafts to my frontal area, purpose is to maintain my current hairline and add density. I met with the doctor and a few others in the area and I liked them all. I really enjoyed Dr. Siporin's attitude and patience in explaining my options to me. I thought that since he is recommended on this forum and based on his previous results I should be in good hands. I think the most important thing is that I felt comfortable with the doctor. I really feel that he is looking out for his patient's best interest. I will create a weblog to document the growth and process. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to my questions. Special thanks to HK500 who spoke with me on the phone and gave the doctor a glowing review.
  21. haha, redkun9 I think we must be related some how! Thanks for refering me to your pics. I am in a similar situation with you, I don't believe the hair loss is so profound in the frontal area or the temples and I do not have any hair loss in the crown area. It is getting there, but not there yet. I am also concerned about shock loss, consdering that the hair in the front is already minaturized and therefore the concern is that once lost they will be gone forever. However, I am unwilling to shave my head to reveal a donor scar. Honestly if I was a NW2 or NW3 I don't think I would consider a HT, it is the thinnking all over the front which will eventually erase my hairline that concerns me.
  22. I think it would help if you told us how much you spent on your first HT.
  23. Thanks Bobman for your response. It is something that has bothered me for a while, I've read the responses on why people have gotten HT in the first place I can relate to almost all of them. I'm assuming 1500 is due to a number of factors: 1) I am asian, therefore the density is less than other ethnicities. 2) My density is not super high, therefore it might not look exactly right if I had this big clump of thickness in the front and nowhere else. 3) Due to the fact that I do not want to shave my recipient area, they are limited to how many grafts they can place. (takes longer, etc) The reason why I do not want to shave the recipient area is simply because I do not want to shave my entire head and reveal my donor scar. My hair is pretty short right now (#3 clippers). I'm not sure if it being shorter makes it easier for the the doctors to navigate. Money is not a HUGE issue, if I couldn't afford it then I wouldn't consider it. Lets just say I can afford to have 1500 through the strip procedure (~$7k estimated) but not the FUE procedure. I've only consulted coalition recommended docs from this forum within the LA area and trust that if they are recommended that they should be skilled enough to perform a procedure regardless if the recipient area is shaved. Additionally, I again do not want to wait till all the hair in my frontal area is gone. At that point i'm sure I will need 4 thousand plus grafts. I think the point for many people at my stage of hairloss is to look like they are recovering their hair as naturally as possible (ie they don't want to reveal to the world that they've had a HT) while they still have hair.
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