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Posts posted by richie48

  1. Hi sole-man


    My name is Richie and I'm from the UK , I had a consultation with Farjo , They were always polite but I think we were on a different page .


    I eventually went to see Dr Feller in New York , had a great holiday and had 2100 crown grafts with one of the worlds best , it was easy and , due to the favourable exchange rates in November 2007 , it worked out cheaper than settling for the UK .


    Here is a link to my 19 month update




    Take a look .


    Sole-man you haven't stated if it's the front or crown but like balody and fallenstar have already said crowns do take alot longer to mature but my results have been well worth it .


    Hey balody and fallenstar how about a new update , I was always interested in your progress with you own jouneys with crown work .


    I hope that helps


  2. hi chantal


    My name is Richie and I'm from the UK , I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 .


    I am currently 19 months out and I'm still getting growth from the grafts , please bud try not to obsess , it has taken ages for my crown to grow in and 6 months in absolutly no time at all .


    Here is a link to my 19 month progress http://hair-restoration-info.c...66060861/m/449105092


    I hope this will help calm your nerves


  3. Thanks Bill and acrobaz for repling on my bumped post .


    My hair looks great in most situations , I spend alot of time outside and in the direct sun and it still stands up .


    I no longer get any thinning or balding comments , guys just look and some even ask " how the fuck ?......" hahahah I just tell them meds .


    The right side was always weak but is now still growing in from the grafts , but it has and is taking a very long time , I no longer obsess and some weeks don't even look or think about it .


    So guyts who have had crown work , try to give it up to 2 years before worring , it will happen , but it takes ages .



  4. Hey guys , what can i say , it's been a while .........


    I have included a link to my original post about my experiences with Dr Feller




    For newbies i had a double crown recreated with 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 , and been on 1mg proscar daily since June 2006 .


    Dr Feller said 18 months to fully mature , well it has now been 19 months and I'm still growing and maturing , the right side was always weak but is now catching up .


    So for any crown guys , sit tight because it's a long long ride ! hahahahaha


    Immediatly post and pre surgery.




    Summer 2007 before my HT and Nov 2008 , 19 months after 2100 crown grafts .




    Below are more pics at different angles and various degrees of messy hahahaha .




    These shots show how I can now wear my hair longer without it looking thin .




    The area covered with the HT was almost a square , 7cms by 5cms thats an square area of 7x5 =35 cm2 , i had 2100 grafts , mathmatically that equates to approximatly 60 grafts per cm , the majority where grafts with two hair in , I have always had a longer hair style and wanted to keep it that way , I explained this to Dr Feller so we had the same goal from day one .


    Below left is the pic which made me realize I was going bald , taken in march 2006 , before the meds , I had a really good response in the front and first third of my head from meds , the crown sadly was too far gone , I still had some hair but nothing i could even style , so i had it filled in with 2100 crown grafts .


    Below march 2006 and now




    thanks for looking


  5. Hey depp


    My name Richie and I'm also from the UK ,

    your absolutly right , eventually cost and travel have to become part of the equation , and I can see your dilema .


    I did exactly the same thing , with the same top two surgeons , after my consult with both , I contacted Dr Rahal , unfortunitly he couldn't manage my dates and his prices had recently gone up , this made my desision easier , Adrian did later contact me to re-arrange my dates , but I had booked with Dr Feller by then .


    After speaking with spex and Dr Feller's secretary , I found Dr Feller could work my dates and even offered to re-organise around my flights , at this time the exchange rate was also more favourable so it worked out a little cheaper .


    New York was also a big plus point , like Hairdoyle said " New York is so cool " , my girlfriend would be comming with me so I combined my surgery with a short holiday in the Big Apple .


    So , for me , Dr Feller was still one of the best , cheaper , easier to get to , willing to accomedate my dates and had the added attraction of being in New York .


    Good luck with your choice and I hope that helps bud



  6. Hey high spirit


    Firstly I'm concerned that you are limiting yourself to the UK , this contradicts the number 1 rule of hair transplantation




    I'm from the UK and after 2 years of research I had dealings with two UK clinics , I was less then impressed with Dr Roger's and his clinic , very unprofessional over the phone and I wished to have nothing more to do with them .


    I also had a consultation with the Farjo clinic , as polite as the Mick and Dr Farjo where , I guess we were not on the same page and I left disatisfied .


    I did alot more researching and relised the best and most consitant results are in north America and Canada , and knowing I was going to have to live with this for the rest of my life I wanted the best results possible .


    After researching I felt confident enough in my choice of surgeon to place my complete trust in Dr Feller in New York .


    I think the results speak for themselves , here is a link to my 15 month progress






    I hope that helps


  7. Hey sarnie


    Please don't go to dr may or the wimpole clinic , if you search this site they is a few mentions , but nothing good and if you search several UK based sites you will find many scare stories and poor results , with repair patients going across to the states to have work repaired .


    Please research as much as you can and you will find that the most consistant and impressive results are in north america and canada , travelling is not as difficult as you think bud , so don't let it influence your desision .


    My name is richie and I'm from the UK , after 2 years research , and two less than impressive consultations in the UK , I went to see Dr Feller in New York , below is a link to my 15 month progress




    I hope this helps



  8. Hey acrobaz


    Good blog , good write up , I like the quinten wilson and francis rossie bit the best hahahaha ,and good choice of surgeon , your loss looks alot like a guy from another forum called tommytwo , I 've met tommy at a meet and his results were stella , so you have nothing to worry about bud .


    Keep on the meds as they really work , give them atleast 6 months to see any improvement from them , I've included a link to my own 15 month progress from a HT with Dr Feller and my use and progress just from meds




    Also on my blog is a step be step guild to staple removal hahaha


    Take it easy and find a hobby to help you through the dark months ahead .


    good luck


  9. hey depp


    i'm from the uk and after 2 years of research and some less than satisfactory consultations in the uk , I went with Dr Feller .


    My choices were , Hasson and Wong , Rahal , Feller and , believe it or not , Armarni , at the time his strip results were very impressive , however after more research I relized Armarni were more of a brand and this instantly turned me off them .


    Dr Feller topped my list after many many consistant online patient results and a more realistic grafts estimate , Rahal had recently put his prices up and couldn't accomodate the dates I wanted , Hasson and Wong wanted to put double the amount of grafts in and that really priced me out of going with them .


    So Dr Feller , proven to be one of the worlds best , he could accomodate my dates , the price and graft count were exactly what I wanted .


    So they're my reasons , I've included a link to my 15 month update below , I think the results justify my careful approach and choice of surgeon .




    I hope that helps bud , good luck



  10. hey guys


    Firstly , and this is the number 1 rule of hair transplantation




    Secondary , to answer your question , I'm from the UK and after 2 years of research and two less than impresive UK consultations ,


    I travelled a total of 7380 miles round trip , starting from East Yorkshire to London on train , then Heathrow , London to JFK airport , New York and back .


    7380 miles in total , and this was the day after I had a leg brace removed after horrific motorcycle accident .


    I did this after researching , and being confident enough in my choice of surgeon to place my complete trust in Dr Feller .


    I think the results speak for them selves , here is a link to my 15 month progress





    Thanks for reading


  11. Hey Spitfire ,


    Wow what a result !


    Your crown pattern looks very similar to my own with the double swirls, Dr Feller recreated both my crowns , and for only 12 months you have a fantastic result bud .


    Are people starting to mention it or has anyone noticed ?


    People are always mentioning mine now , I just tell them its some meds hahaha


    Anyway , roll on 18 months , although even at this early stage , in terms of the crown , you look fantastic , better than mine and I've got over 3 months on you bud !! .


    Great pics and great result , well done



  12. hi gtdl


    Thanks for the comments bud


    I beleive that proscar was only clinically tested on the crown results , so can only claim to help in the crown , however there are a few cases good results from the front .


    I also think that the meds help in the places that havn't suffered hairloss as bad , and after a certain time your hair is beyond saving with meds .


    for example , i lost most of my hair in the crown and the meds only had a little effect there , but over the top and front i had very good improvement , i believe this was due to my hairloss beeing less servere at the front and over the top .


    I hope that makes sense



  13. hey GTDL


    I'm from the UK , spent two years researching and doing consults before going with Dr Feller below is a link to my 15 month update , feel free to check it out along with my blog .




    You still hav'nt learnt have you , research as much as you can and you will find that the best and most consitant results are in the US and Canada .


    I hope that helps


  14. hi eaw


    Your lucky you have Dr Feller right on your doorstep , check on here and other forums and you'll quickly see why he is one of the best .


    I am from the UK and had 2100 crown grafts with him in november 2007 , check out blog and my 15 month progress in the below link




    I researched for two years before deciding to go with Dr Feller in New York , since then I've regularly been checking out the forums and havn't seen a good thing said about the bosley chain .


    Good luck with your research .


  15. Hi


    No Bill , I'm not posting for Dr Feller , and no I don't work for Dr Feller either .


    This was simply a guy who found me though this forum and came to see me last year and was impressed enough with my results to go to Dr Feller himself . I suspected posting on his behalf may cause confusion , I did suggest to the patient that he posted himself but he wasn't comfortable and didn't consider himself computer literate enough to do this and asked if I would post his report for him .


    I'm just glad the guy had his old plugs repaired , to see this type of work still done by a UK clinic in the last two years is disgusting , I'm just glad I was able to point him in the direction of Dr Feller .


    Sorry for any confusion , I hope that clears it up .



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