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Posts posted by richie48

  1. DSC00227-2.jpg25-1.jpgDSC00971-1.jpgDSC01436-1.jpgDSC01547-1-1.jpgDSC03442-1.jpgDSC00983.jpgDSC01902.jpgDSC01535.jpgDSC03350-1.jpg

    Hi all , my name is Richie and I'm from the UK .


    These are pictures taken approximatly every 12months from when i had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 , the first pic is before my transplant but a year of been on 1.25mgs of finasteride .


    Dr Feller had to create a double crown swirl to immitate my original double crown , this ht is very natural and has been undetectable , even under close scrutiny when a friend I had told let it slip to others , I bluffed and told them it was just meds , they inspected my crown at close range , even moving my hair with there fingers , there conclusion was that I hadn't had a ht done ! hahahaha .


    Please note how the transpalnted hair continued to improve in texture every year since .


    I am going back to Dr Feller in Jan 2012 to have the front tweaked , I will post again soon with pics of my hairline but for now I wanted to share my experience with Dr Feller so far .


    As well as 2100 crown grafts I take 0.8mgs of finasteride daily , without side effects .



  2. mate stop messing around and just go to your local GUM clinic , thats a sexual health drop in clinic ,type it in google with your town name , discreet , private , mine was 35 pounds , chrisdav payed 20 pounds !


    you're making this far too hard for yourself , it really is easy , it only took a week and i just told them it was for knee surgery !


    it's quick , cheap and easy !



  3. Hi all , and I suspect there will be a lot of guys reading all this thread ......


    I have so far stayed away from this topic out of respect for my surgeon , Dr Feller , I had a sucessful hair transplant with him in 2007 and I'm going back in Jan 2012 , Dr Feller is a good guy and stands by his patients .


    It seems alot of people commented on this situation without knowing the full facts , well now you do .


    Lets hope in future people are less inclined to comment , throw stones and judge without access to all the infomation .


    Dr Feller advised jessie on the pitfalls of FUE and his advice was to perform strip , jessie insisted on FUE , it's in writing on the consent form , jessie signed the consent form . Dr Feller then provided pics of jessie's grown out FUE result , results which , as Bill has commented upon , were very good , jessie got what he wanted but was still not happy .


    Throwing mud on a very public forum at his doctor isn't a good idea ,especially when jessie knew he had signed the consent form .


    So maybe in future we can all learn from this , jessie included



  4. hi


    my names rich and i live in the uk , i had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in 2007 and i'm going back to have the front tweaked in jan 2012 .


    i have just been and got my blood results this morning bud .


    your gp will do them and charge you 75 uk pounds , he/ she will ask you what for , you can tell the truth or lie , if you lie to your gp he/she may catch you out at a later date .


    or you look online for your local GUM clinic , sexual health drop in clinic , you drop in , no appointment needed , go first thing when they open , when it's quiet , tell them you need these specific blood tests .


    if they ask why , i told them last time i was off to the US to have knee ligament replacement surgery because the yanks are better at it than the UK .


    this time i told them i was going back to have key hole surgery on the same knee , they don't have access to you medical files as it's a drop in centre .


    they will never see you again so really you could tell them anything , just don't do the "i'd rather not say " shit as that will raise suspicion .


    they don't have any right to ask you any further , it takes seven days to get the results and costs 35 uk pounds in cash .


    easy ........ just stop panicking bud , i'm a veteran at this and it is sooooo easy .


    good luck


  5. Hi


    I would say the general opinion on here is that " yes you are getting ripped off "


    It's all depends on how you value your own head , if you value it highly , go with the best doc you can afford regardless of distance .


    For me the most consistant and best doctors are in north america and canada , i had 2100 crown grafts with Doctor Feller in 2007 , I'm going back to him to have the front tweaked in jan 2012 .


    Good luck


  6. hey bud


    sorry but this is absolutely classic denial , you are losing your hair ,


    everybody thinks the same shit at first , " bad hairline " or " cow lick " or " just a double crown "...........


    we all feel the same way at first , denial .......


    if your serious about keeping what you've got now , get on the meds , finasteride or propecia , creams like minox do work but can be a pain for some guys to use , ichey scalp ,reddening of the skin , greasy , i know ,i used them for a while .


    if you start down the med route don't ever be tempted to give them up as you will lose any hair the meds have helped you keep .


    at 25 most docs will think you're too young for a ht but i have also seen guys as young as 21 have proceedures done , an ethical ht surgeon will be best to judge that .


    get on meds and see where your hairloss is in two or three years minimun , if you find you can't take the meds due to side effects you will know be then , and ht's without meds to stablize future loss are risky .


    get on meds and assess your situation in a few years .


    good luck


  7. Hi snowman


    I've had a ht done and surfed these forums for years , I've not see an fue transplant ever look as good as rooney's looks after only a few months of maturing and growth , it defies logic and the natural time line of transplanted hair to be this thick so soon , it takes 12 months to be this thick and thats usually with an fut/strip result .


    My opinion , and it's echoed by many on here that rooney is wearing concealer until his results have grown in .


    on all of the pics i have studied in the uk papers , rooney's hair seems matted and too thick to be natural , he recently posted pics of himself online dyeing his hair light brown , i think this may have something to do with concealer looking better on hair of one colour , rather than the slightly greying mousey coloured hair he usually sports .


    It's concealer bud .



  8. Hi Chris


    Isherwood is a wanker , and the norton clinic has been prosecuted in the past , I'm sure I read on hear years ago about Isherwood changing his company name after being busted for negligence !


    I'm glad you had the older shit repaired and you won't go wrong with Dr Feller , I had 2100 crown grafts with him in 2007 and I'm now going back to have the front tweaked .


    There is a guy at my work who had a ht done last year in the UK and its dolls hair plugs , I don't know where he had it done in the UK , but it just goes to highlight the fact that this type of shit work is still happening .


    After researching you came to the conclusion you would have to travel , it has always been my opinion that the best ht surgeons are in north america and canada .



  9. Hi bud


    Great results and excelent honest close up pics .


    I had 2100 crown grafts in 2007 and I will be going to see Dr Feller again in jan 2012 for my own temple points to be tweaked , i'm using strip .


    I know i'm in safe hands with Dr Feller , skilled , ethical , honest and gets some of the most natural and consistant results .



  10. hey up Beardy


    hope you are well bud


    the meeting Spex and Brian organised last time was brilliant and it really helped all the guys who attended for sure .



    Here is an account i made of the last meet up we did .


    Mick from farjo was comming then too but cancelled at last minute .




    good luck , hope this one goes aswell as last time .




  11. hi Behappy


    I disagree with my statement being false but I could have made it clearer , although there is always a risk that any hair could be effected be DHT , like you have pointed out above , it is widely accepted that hair from the "safe zone" , this is mostly the horse shoe area around the opcipical bumb is the safest and has the least risk of being effected be DHT and future loss .


    I agree nobody can accuratly predict the future and just how far your loss could progress , this is where looking at your family history could help .


    The most ethical hair transplant surgeons also try to asses how far your loss may progress and many have reservations of doing work on young patients destined for a high norwood scale , with good reason don't you agree ?


    If all hair on all patients was effected by DHT , nobody would have HTs , as what would be the point of moving any hair only to fall out ?


    Is think that is a clearer way of putting my point across , do you agree with the way I have explained my earlier statement behappy ?



  12. Just be careful


    Its a mine field out there and really this guy you're in contact with needs to wait 12 months before assessing whether or not his ht was a success and if his expectations are fulfilled .


    Moving grafts is one thing , but having skill and artistic ability to create a natural and undetectable hair transplant is another , and getting 100% of the transplanted grafts to grow is down to the skill of the surgeon and his dedicated team of technicians , not just assistants who slice , dice and put into your scalp .


    Patients own pictures are more truthful than nicely lit promotional shots from a website , but even then , seeing results after a year in person is the only real way to see and judge how successful a ht is , and seeing before pics and immediatly after surgery pics ( to judge placement of grafts ) should always be done .


    I fully understand how cost can sway a decision , in an ideal world I know it shouldn't , but we live in hard times and are always looking for the best deal .


    And always remember just because you havn't seen any bad reports doesn't mean there arn't any , I work in a hospital with 7000 staff and I know of four guys with ht's , spotted every one of them because they are poor to a trained eye , two are horrendous plugs and one of the pluggy ones was only done last year , and he's my boss , ugly fucking dolls hair !!!!


    One guy just shaves his head now exposing the scar , I approached him , he told me he had it done in london in 2005 , he just shaves it now , given up on hts because his expectations where not met .


    The last guy has a tell tale round hairline without any temple points , grey hair , and I can make out two scars on the back of his head , one good ,one bad , I think he's had a fairly good repair job done .


    The point I'm trying to make is you may not have seen any bad reports , but you've only seen three good reports , and I've never recognised the four guys at my work on any of the forums I read about hts .


    Go with a doc you can trust with lots and lots of patient pics online who hits home runs consistantly , you will only have one chance to get this right .


    good luck


  13. sugarhighs


    I've been around here since 2006 , on fin , had a ht , shown it to guys comtemplating a ht in the uk and posted regular updates with pics .


    I've seen some great fue work from all the guys listed above and I'm currently looking at getting another ht to concetrate on the front and temples , for me i'll be going strip and with Dr Feller , I need strip due to wanting over 2000 grafts .


    I think Dr Feller creats one of the most undetecteble hairline ht and has been doing fue the longest , you won't go wrong with Dr Feller and he is definatly worth a consult .


    good luck bud


  14. Cut the shit and the over long posts and just post pictures if your happy .


    Until then people on this forum are always going to be suspicious of " pictureless one-post drop in testomonies" .


    This always follows the same old ,same old pattern ..........


    newbie looking at a new undiscovered clinic , posts on forum .....

    cheap hts with top results .....

    regulars are suspicious and ask for pics ....

    another newbie posts his uncle / brother / guy at work / pet dog has been to the "new clinic"....

    2nd newbie bigs up great results on the dog ....

    regulars are suspicious and ask for pics ....

    first newbie tells the world he has booked with the new clinic and is happy ....

    regulars are suspicious and ask for pics ....

    no pics are forth comming ....

    nobody hears form newbie again ....

    pet dog goes to the states for a repair ....




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