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Posts posted by richie48

  1. hi


    First of all stop panicking , that will only see you make rash desisions and costly mistakes .


    If a hair transplant is done correctly by a first class surgeon , and taken from the correct possition over the opcipical bumb , on the back of the head , then the hair folicals transplanted will be permanent and will remain un-affected by DHT .


    In your post you sound like you're panicking , you have to calm down , research and make an informed desision .


    Try finasteride or propecia first for 12 months , stablize your loss first , see if you suffer from any side effects ,then and only then then think about having hair transplatation surgery with one one the worlds best surgeons .


    You will have to stay on meds for the rest of your life , some guys have and still do have a ht without taking any meds , this can be done but has risks from unforseen future loss .


    A rule of thumb quick giuld to how many grafts you will need is , what ever your norwood scale x 1000 ,


    For example norwood iv or 4 would need roughly 4000 grafts to cover the balding area , this is not an exact science and a top class hair surgeon's opinion is a more exact way , but it does help with working out cost first .


    A top surgeon can place grafts with skill to give the illusion of density and these transplanted grafts can be placed at the front , mid section or crown .


    This can be done all at once or with multiple surgeries , this would be something you deside with you surgeon .


    I have included some older threads from my own jouney on useing meds and having 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in 2007 .


    I hope that this info starts you on the long road of reasearching .


    good luck








  2. Hi ireland


    Getting a ht is a life changing experience , but that can be for good reason or bad reason .


    When we first split with someone our minds are all over the place and thats never going to be the best time to make a monumental decision to go down the ht route .


    Try finasteride again , smaller amounts if you have to , see what happens , make sure you understand if it effects you physically or pshycologically , this is very important , you have to be very honest with yourself and thats never easy to do .


    Stablize your crown loss first and always have a plan , take a year out to stablize your emotions over the split and see where you are in 12 months .


    Having a ht without taking the meds can be done but is risky if you have further loss later in life , so first you need to establish if you can use the meds or not .


    After 12 months of research and checking if meds a suitible you and your emotions won't let youself make any rash decisions , your mind and spirit will be in a more comfortable place .


    Then decide if you really wish to go down the ht road , make a informed choice of a word class Dr ,not just some local hack ,to do fue or fut , costings and most importantly , always have a plan !


    I had crown loss and had 2100 grafts at a similar age to yourself in 2007 with Dr Feller , I have included some old links , med use and ht for you to look at below ,









    good luck bud , this should never be an easy desision , don't rush and always , always have a plan



  3. hi getinold


    Bud your estimate of 700 grafts is way out , the other guys who have commented are talking sence , get on meds to stop any further loss and start to research for a year before even contemplating a ht , if you get this wrong you will regret ever going down the ht route .


    3inch x 3inch is approximatly 7.5cms x 7.5cms , just as horses12 pointed out above , thats 56cm2 , you'll need atleast 40 grafts per cm2 to look covered ,


    56cm2 x 40grafts per cm2 = 2240 grafts


    so budget for atleast 2240 grafts to cover your 3 inch x 3inch bald patch .


    I had 2100 grafts in 2007 with Dr Feller to cover an area similar in size to yours , so I have first hand experience of what you need , check out my two old post links below to see how meds helped , then I had a crown area like yours covered with the grafts .









    Good luck


  4. Hi bud


    I went with Feller and I'm also from the UK , I'm hoping to go back and have my front done and have been looking at the pros and cans between FUE and FUT , numbers , yeld , cost availability ,etc .


    You'll be fine with Dr Feller and FUE , like hariri said , Dr Feller has taught others and he has some other the most natural results to date .


    People always fixate on the numbers , how many grafts etc , but with FUE it's the yeld that is the most important thing and Dr Feller is one of the best at his craft .


    Keep us updated




  5. Hi


    I did experience alot of shedding but this was mainly in the crown and mid section of my scalp , this was the area i was most bald in . I shaved it all off and it just grew back thicker .


    As I believe the shed happens only to the weak hairs they will be effected the most , if your crown and mid is solid this area will be least effected , your new ht hairs will also be stong and will be unaffected .


    Any weak hairs left at the front may and will probberbly shed but it won't be enough for others to notice , feels more like just a bad hair day , and we all get them anyways .


    I shed loads around the weakest hairs , but had an amazing result from using 1m propecia then the cheaper non branded 5mg finasteride , I used to cut it into 4 , 1.25mgs then started c utting it into 5 ,1mgs pieces , now I cut it into 6 and take 0.8mgs daily .


    My only side affect was shedding . My libido and sexual function remained normal , slightly more watery semen , I have since had tests done and have normal testosterone levels and above average sperm count , no problems .


    I have included an old post of mine showing pics of my progress form the meds .




    Good luck but if I where you I'd do what the other posters recomend and get on the meds for provention , if are unfortinate and suffer sides , make sure they're physical and not phsycological , you will soon return to normal if you cease using .


    Good luck bud


  6. hi gotitgood


    I agree bud , after my ht I messed about with all sorts of scruffy styles and colours which made the best out of what I've got , the idea was to made it look like I'd just got out of bed hahahaha .


    Guys should experiment more with colours and styling products , and try enjoy your new found hair !


    I do understand what hairthere is aying though some guys , after a ht have little choice and I'm also aware of some ht's been designed around a specific style and the specific placement of grafts to suit this , also maybe sometimes the older guys may just want the understated side part or "anchorman" do , so as not to draw attension to there new folicals .


    Either way I've included two of my last older posts to show what I've been doing with my own barnet over the last four years .







    I' in the process of taking new pics and will document my 2nd trip to Dr Feller for my front hair line to be done .




  7. Hi bud


    Try meds first , if you suffer sides , come off them and you will quickly return to normal , but at least you will know for definate .


    You are a perfect candidate for meds , as other posters have said , I had a stunning result on meds first , i started in 2006 , then after a year i had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller , but i was a lot worse off then you .


    You don't need to have a ht , and to be honest bud it's a life long commitment .


    I have included an older post of mine from 2008 which shows the results you can have by just using finasteride or propecia , i now cut 5mgs of finasteride into six parts now and take 0.8mgs daily .


    I have suffered no side effects .


    Please take a look and consider meds to help your situation .




    many thanks


  8. Hi bud


    Glad you feel you've reached your goal , I had a 2100 crown grafts in 2007 with Dr Feller , I want to have my front done now and I'm back on here looking at frontal work . I'll be going back to Dr Feller as I rate him as one of the best , but that isn't stopping me looking at frontal stuff from other docs .


    Have you got any pics as this sounds a fantastic number of grafts for the front and I'm interested how it looks , design wise , density and placement .


    Many thanks


  9. Hi


    I also had work done with Dr Feller in 2007 and your decription of the guy is spot on , he recreated my double crowns , this took 2100 grafts , so please don't under estimate how many grafts you will need to provide cover or even some for toppick and stuff .


    However I do urge you to please talk to the doc , he does know best , when I started on these forums in 2005 i saw lots of work done where the top docs where packing the front with one session then having a clean area to pack on the crown with a second ht , this always turned out better overall , than having sparse low numbers of grafts to provide "a bit of cover" .


    As with all hts think long term bud , you've cancelled twice so make this time count for a top final result .


    You won't go wrong with Feller , hell I'm looking on here again to go and get my hairline done , and I won't be going anywhere else but back to him .


    I've included two links,showing my latest 4 year update pics on the end of an older thread , thanks to spex for posting them last week and a range of pics and hair styles i have had over the years .









    good luck

  10. Hi


    I always like to bust celebs , and I knew there was speculation over Hayden Christian's hair .


    I watched the film Jumper the other night , I watched knowing some of you guys had claimed to see a strip scar , most had said it was in the scene where Hayden walks into the lift and there is a funny mark across the back of his head , right on the nonchal bump , right where a ht scar would be .


    This for me didn't seem conclusive , even during the film when hayden's hair got wet I struggled to pick out a definate strip scar .


    However in the final scene , set in the snow , harsh lighting and short side hair revealed everything , Hayden turns his head sideways to listen to his girlfriend and wham !


    There it is , plain as day showing through his short shaven hair , about 15mm above his right ear and swooping down and around his nochal bump , a pink and patchy white strip scar , his hair that covers it is even a little patchy , exactly like the hair grows through and around a tri- closure stip scar .


    I paused the screen , checked it and checked it again , much to the annoyance of my girlfriend hahaha , she even said , "that's deffo a strip scar , now play the dam film !" hahaha .


    I would ask anybody to look and give there verdict , skip to the very last scene , minutes before the end credits , it's set in the snow outside a house , very cold weather and harsh winter lighting , Hayden turns his head to the left to reveal a perfect and easy to be seen strip scar , perfectly placed above his right ear and swooping down and around over the nonchal bump .


    Hayden Christianson deffo HT .



  11. John


    Seriously big guy , you're ONLY 7 months !


    You're repair patient with scar tissue !


    Please everyone tell this guy what we all know , most of us on here have been researching for years , we've seen this type of over scrutineering before .


    John give yourself a break , take a deep breath and find something to do for the next 12 months .


    I've read this thread twice and looked at all the replies and you still arn't listening to anybody .


    My own ht is 2 years old and still maturing , 2 YEARS AND STILL MATURING , this type of surgery takes atleast 12 months to start to see a real difference .


    Give youself and your girlfriend a break and forget about it for atleast 12 months , the only person who will suffer is you .


    Listen to all the above replies , these guys are all trying to help you , including spex , believe me he is one of the good guys and he is trying to help you but you have to start to listen to him and everybody around you .


    If , and this is a big if given Dr Feller's reputation , in 12 months you still have doubts then you should speak to your surgeon .


    But until then try to forget it and get on with something else , you're over scrutineering and only damaging your own confidence .


    I do hope you start to listen .


  12. Hey rocky


    My name is Richie and I'm from the UK , I have consulted face to face with the farjo's and Dr Feller , had online consults with Rahal , Hasson and Wong and even Armarni .


    In November 2007 I travelled to the US and had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller , I am very pleased with my outcome and my choice of surgeon .


    Having consulted with , and seen examples of the farjo's work in real life , I think they have improved , but I have to disagree with Bill on this as I still believe the canadian and north American clinics are better and producing much more consistant results .


    The americans are still years ahead for me I'm affraid , please try , as than suggested , and have face to face consults , ask to see examples of the clinics work , this will help you understand who you wish to go to for your delicate repair work .


    Good luck rocky



  13. Hey al


    I think my hair is great two years on hahaha , still growing it , which proberly doesn't really help the illusion but nobody comments on me losing it now so it must look full and thick ,and at a recent funeral , where i hadn't senn most of the people there in 5 years , they couldn't believe I had long hair again !


    Comments like that make you relize that maybe us hairloss sufferers over scruntinize our prediciments .


    Havn't got alot of time right now so I may do a update with pics soon .



  14. Hey Andy


    Ace write up , but put some paragraphs in it from time to time hahahaha makes it easier to read dude .


    You look great and have the face and head shape to carry the buzzed look , you chose one of the best and have nothing to worry about , try to find something interesting to do for the next 12 months and prepare yourself for the long term result .


    Far too many guys moan after after 4month and shit blah blah blah ......these hts are a long term goal and must be judged after 12 months , then again after 24 months .


    Still , like I said your work and hairline design looks great and really suits you ,interesting that you told your girlfriend , not many do . My girl and I really enjoyed New York too , great place to have a proceedure and a holiday .


    I look forward to your updates and good luck .


    Good luck


  15. Hey Glasgow


    Cool , how big is the area of baldness on your crown in square centermeters , I had 2100 grafts placed in a relativly small area ,only 7cm x 5cm giving me 35cm2 to cover , I had aproximatly 60 graft per cm2 placed .


    Whats your plans for density and coverage bud and are you using any of the grafts on your temples aswell as spread over your crown ?


    Balody have you got any updates yet ?



  16. Hey crown


    My girl and I have followed your progress ever since the begining , when you were determined to not tell anyone haha , that made for some entertaining reading .


    You have come a long way and , as you have said there is a definate improvement over were you started from ,unfortinatly for us crown loss sufferers the only angle we can assess our progress is from directly above and , as we know this is the most harshest of views .


    I try to take shots at eye level , this is a more natural way we are seen by others , it has helped me understand how far I have progressed , it may be benificial for you too .


    Things are brought into propective with Bills numbers , and , like Bill I still think you have had an improvment visually , my own HT was still improving at over the 18 month mark , with some minor new growth and a hell of alot of thickening which also helps the visual improvement .


    Chin up crown , if someone ,14 months ago had given you a pic of your situation now after 3500 grafts , I'm sure you would have been over the moon , we, as humans tend to raise the bar and are over critical of ourselves .


    We (my girl and I ) had a good luck at your pics and blog and we agreed you have come along way with quite alot of growth and a definate visual improvement , sometimes it's nice to have an opinion from someone who isn't directly effected with hairloss , and my girl said ,she wouldn't have even suspected you had any hairloss at all if she hadn't have read your blog .


    So rest assured other people often don't even notice the things that we over analise and over scutinize .


    Good luck bud



  17. Glsgow


    Dr Feller is one of the best without a doubt , and you won't go wrong with using him .


    However I have to agree with "notjustyet " please make sure you reseach exhaustivally as this really is a life chabging desision .


    Give spex a call , he's a straight talking guy but also still continue with your research bud .


    good luck



  18. Hi Glasgow


    I wish you'd posted last week as I was in Glasgow and could have met up to show you my HT with Dr Feller , I had 2100 crown grafts in November 2007 .


    I had a consult with Dr Farjo , polite people but we where on a different page and they only suggested 500 grafts , this wouldn't have helped my situation .


    I respect Bill but have to disagree with him on this point too , I have seen recently improved work online from the farjos but I don't believe they have the consistancy and volume of "wow" results to be directly compared to Hasson and Wong or Feller , Rahal or Shiparo , these Doc are in a league of there own and shouldn't be compared directly .


    You will get the usual two patients , balody and fallenstar respond , these guys are nearly grown out and both have had two passes , pm them and ask for updates .


    Research for yourself online , visit the clinics or send online consults , get intouch with clinic advisors , but find out for yourself , this is a very big desision and shouldn't be taken lightly .


    I hope this helps


  19. Abam buddy


    Looking better and definatly younger than your before pics , closer your real age .


    For only 6 months you are right where you should be , I would like to see some closer better lit pics bud ,I'm not sure you're doing yourself and your HT justice hahahaha


    You look alot better than before and should be proud of yourself man , now this chick friend of yours ......... hahahaha




  20. hi hair care


    Well done for chosing one of the best sugeons , I too went with Dr Feller ,your pics look great and you have nothing to worry about , below is a link to my own 19 month update with Dr Feller .




    One thing that concerns me thought , in your blog you say your hairloss has stopped , but you say you havn't got on meds yet , buddy this curse doesn't stop so I think it would make sence to start on the meds to help limit any future loss , please talk to Dr Feller about this imprortant point .



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