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Posts posted by NervousNelly

  1. If things work out as planned I'll be right with ya Pat. Doesn't it give you a slight high from the confidence adrenaline when people don't believe that you had an HT. Wasn't it you that said even your hairdresser didn't notice. How cool. But you felt compelled to tell right? I'm tired of being nervous and insecure about all this hair BS. When I'm finished with it all I am "coming out."

  2. I just saw this thread and I know that it is a couple of weeks old but I think that it is a very interesting topic and I hope to revive the discussion. I had an HT 16 yrs. ago-see my photo album. Ofcourse the technology was different and I'm not proud of the job done so I do conceal and am shy about talking about it. But the more I think about things, if (when) I get the next HT and it is as awesome as I hope it to be with the latest tech and skilled doctors, I might just tell everyone. Shouldn't we be spreading the word. Isn't it an obligation to end the suffering of those balding and not happy with the shaving idea or those with old bad HT's. I think that we should be removing the negative stigma of getting a HT. When I showed my wife some of the photos and videos on this site she had no idea, hell I had no idea. Don't most females that get boob jobs want everyone to know? It certainly seems like it-- and I'm very glad they feel that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm nervous about the time off work and the return because lets face it, things don't look great until the finished product that could be a year off. But once it grows in and is impressive, hell ya I'm telling everyone. I want to be proud of it.

  3. I agree that cost should not be a primary concern, but it appears that you should be able to get 3000FU for approx $10,000 from most coalition physicians. Do NOT make a decision based on cost. Just because it costs more doesn't necessarily mean that the physician is more talented. Remember the hair mills have a very high overhead for advertisement expenses so therefore they must make up for that. That being said, don't just go with the lowest fee either. Do homework!!

  4. Gibraltar,


    Sorry to hear about your situation. I too did have a little shock loss in the donor site but it did eventually grow back. Unfortunately even the best of surgeons can't always predict what is going to happen. You have been given some good advise in terms of the Aloe and the vitamin E. You could even break the E capsules and put directly on the skin. Definitely NO minoxidol as it will certainly irritate the skin and possibly make things worse. Avoid itching or touching as this may aggrevate and add to shock loss. I too am a huge believer in the negative effects of stress so try to avoid worrying about it too much. I'm sure all will work out.

  5. Thanks Bill. I have no desire to lower the hairline other than what the doc needs to inorder to hide the evidence of plugs. I'm sure this is very little because although it is hard to tell from photo, the previous doc did use singles in the front and there is some space between those and where the plugs actually start.

  6. There will be individuals on this site that are far more educated on the topic than I am , but I think that almost all will tell you to research the Coalition doctors and choose one of them. They are all very highly recommended and research everything before you take the step towards a HT.

  7. B Spot,


    Great observation. This is why I posted pics instead of just waiting to hear from the docs themselves. I want to show up loaded with vital questions. The scar has been a concern of mine. I ofcourse do want it excised with the donor piece and I think that it is a little wider than a quality job should be. This will ofcourse limit the size of the new donor strip and therefore # of FU possible. Thanks for the great input.

  8. Thanks guys for the feedback. Ofcourse because I was a moron 16 years ago and did essentially no research and just wanted hair, I don't have too many facts from HT. I estimate that the largest are 6-10 hairs and I think that in person you would see them better even though they are not terrible. I was fortunate. As stated earlier, I do still have some native hair and this helps. I want 2nd HT before more native hair is shed and the plugs are more visible.

  9. Some of you may have read my previous threads. I had an HT 16 years ago and it is not the greatest job but not too bad considering the technology then. I do still have some native hair which helps conceal things. My journey to find a doc starts next week. I am seeing Dr. Tessler and then having consults with HW, and Shapiro. I will e-mail the previous 2 my pics to do an online consult to start with but do want to meet them in person 1st.

    Just want some feedback from all of you guys as to what your thoughts are? Please comment on:

    1. What you think of previous HT. (I know its "pluggy" but re: hairline high enough?, etc.

    2. Does it look like the plugs will have to be removed?

    3. Donor site ok?

    4. How many FU for hairline and mid? This is my priority?

    5. How many for Crown?

    6. Any other comments/considerations welcome.


    I am 38 and have been losing hair since 19 so slow progression. Family history of thin and receeding hair but not 6+.

    BE NICE in comments thanks.(I know that my hairstyle has a hint of combover but it hides plugs. I know you are not docs but many of you are almost as knowledgeable. BTW the red on scalp is scab from minoxidol--causes bad itching in winter.

    Pics may be seperate threads if we can't send all together.


  10. Nobuzz,

    I had an HT 16 years ago and have an appt. with Dr. Tessler next week. I am hoping that I do not have to undergo removal of plugs first. I definitely have a pluggish look but still also have native hair. I would estimate that my grafts are 1/2 the size of repair guys and the initial hairline is high enough I think.(the lowest point is 8 cm above eybrow) My thought is that donor area is good assuming 1st doc didn't screw up donor area-I don't think though. I will find out more with consult. I do plan on also talking to Shapiro and HW. I"ll let you know.

  11. The primary goal of the HT is to establish an artistic and natural hairline and then once this is achieved other considerations can be addressed. My question that I would like to pose is: With a quality and technically sound HT performed in the frontal area, can any hairstyle be attempted or is this something that has to be previously thought out? I'm not naive and do understand that there are several factors to consider, however, are you usually "stuck" with a certain hairstyle? With a quality job and assuming there is enough density you should be able to have most options isn't that correct?

    Is it just me or do you tend to see a pattern with the choice of hairline that certain surgeons tend to favour. I feel like I can look at certain HT and tell you who performed the job. The doctors I am speaking of do perform awesome work and by know means am I meaning anything derogatory, just curious. I guess that if you have perfected something why not stick with it.

  12. The primary goal of the HT is to establish an artistic and natural hairline and then once this is achieved other considerations can be addressed. My question that I would like to pose is: With a quality and technically sound HT performed in the frontal area, can any hairstyle be attempted or is this something that has to be previously thought out? I'm not naive and do understand that there are several factors to consider, however, are you usually "stuck" with a certain hairstyle? With a quality job and assuming there is enough density you should be able to have most options isn't that correct?

    Is it just me or do you tend to see a pattern with the choice of hairline that certain surgeons tend to favour. I feel like I can look at certain HT and tell you who performed the job. The doctors I am speaking of do perform awesome work and by know means am I meaning anything derogatory, just curious. I guess that if you have perfected something why not stick with it.

  13. Pat,


    Thanks so much for responding. I feel more confident knowing that Dr. Tessler comes with a solid reference such as yourself. I am heading in to see him next week. I have decided to document everything because I think that if he is that talented others need to know. He is the 1st consult in my journey.

  14. Ofcourse it was my post about the need for doctors to showcase their work that started the discussion of a blacklist. As stated, in a perfect world it might be a good thing but unfortunately nothing is black and white. I'm quite certain that several of the coalition doctors that have been performing HT for several years have done some poor jobs. This ofcourse would not necessarily be do to lack of skill or moral integrity, but there are such drastic advancements in technology in the past few years. The "grey area" such as when was the surgery done is a huge factor in the outcome. I applaud the POSITIVE attitudes and sincerity that I've witnessed on this site and I would hate to change that.

    By the way, my journey begins. I have my consult with Dr. Tessler next week. I'll keep everyone posted.

  15. Shorty,

    I think that the key is that every surgery should be looked upon as your last(because a butcher might limit ability for another surgery) and therefore you need to choose one of the best. I have done a lot of research and will be visiting Shapiro, and HW because of all the deserved hype about them. I too would love to have my next surgery close to home for several obvious reasons, but don't let it be a big part of your decision. Good luck

  16. I appreciate your feedback. I am in total aggreement with you and I guess I didn't explain myself well. An unsolicited individual that is on this forum and displays several pictures of their HT is definitely the best form of advertising for a coalition doctor. My point though is that why do we have to search or wait to see individuals that have the gumption or technical know how to send in their photos. If these doctors are actually producing consistent and technically sound artistic hairlines and sutures why are THEY not demonstrating it on a regular basis. How awesome would it be if on their own merit they regularly posted a couple new patients weekly. If they posted on their websites quality photos (close ups included) in ideal lighting from several different angles and desribe the scenario behind each case, it would raise the bar for coalition doctors. Those not capable of producing the same work would be more readily weeded out.

    Remember, there are limited numbers that actually do send in their photos to this site, but it is the doctors that have the "access" to the patients getting the HT and if it became standardized where all the work was documented with photos that could be viewed by everyone, then there would be absolutely no debate who deserves to be recognized as an outstanding surgeon and praised by us on forums.

    Ofcourse there is nothing better that viewing the work in person, but sometimes this limits you to only a few individuals the clinics provide or those willing to display on the forums.

  17. I'm sure that the question has been brought up before but could'nt find the topic posted. Obviously there are several important criteria that a HT doctor must reach and maintain in order to be considered for the coalition membership. Has it ever been discussed as to certain criteria that they must meet for their ways of marketing themselves. For example, I think that it would be extremely valuable if they had to post x-number of photos, different stages of the HT, certain lighting, several angles. There should always be a description of the # of fu and any other relavant info. They should have to add new photos every 6 months or so, etc. Obvioulsly the criteria have to be reasonable so that they don't have outragious expenses, drastic time constraints, etc., but I think that it would be great.

    I understand what some have said like Bill, that you don't want to base decisions on pictures alone, but lets face it we all love photos. It also will weed out the docs that post pics of 20 yr. olds with 300 Fu to increase there already wolfman hairline.

  18. I'm sure that the question has been brought up before but could'nt find the topic posted. Obviously there are several important criteria that a HT doctor must reach and maintain in order to be considered for the coalition membership. Has it ever been discussed as to certain criteria that they must meet for their ways of marketing themselves. For example, I think that it would be extremely valuable if they had to post x-number of photos, different stages of the HT, certain lighting, several angles. There should always be a description of the # of fu and any other relavant info. They should have to add new photos every 6 months or so, etc. Obvioulsly the criteria have to be reasonable so that they don't have outragious expenses, drastic time constraints, etc., but I think that it would be great.

    I understand what some have said like Bill, that you don't want to base decisions on pictures alone, but lets face it we all love photos. It also will weed out the docs that post pics of 20 yr. olds with 300 Fu to increase there already wolfman hairline.

  19. If you are comfortable with that option than by all means that is a good option for you. It is an awesome thing that it became "vogue" to shave your head. Try it and see what you think.

    This forum is a helpful place and I think that you will find that for most of us the key is that an individual is happy and content in their own skin. All options should be considered--valid point. Take care.

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