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Al - Moderator

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Posts posted by Al - Moderator

  1. 6 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    Other posters will doubtless take a different view but personally I’d save the money on the PRP. I don’t think there’s any compelling evidence that it does anything worth parting with your money over. 


    I agree with you. 


  2. On 4/6/2024 at 10:59 AM, BackFromTheBrink said:

    That's really not bank commission. It's tax that should be required regardless of how you pay, but I guess it'll go undeclared if in cash.


    Years ago when I had my own part time small business my credit card fees were 9%. I know it's generally less now for anyone in the USA these days, but there is still a cost of accepting cards. It may still be closer to 9% in other countries, but I don't know.


  3. They should be pointing at least slightly towards the temples since it's on the side of the hairline. Do the ones closer to the center point forward more? I'd wait a few more days until the scabs come off to get a better idea of how the angles are looking. Perhaps the scabs forming are pushing them a bit more in that direction than they actually will be once the scabs are gone.


  4. On 3/21/2024 at 4:54 PM, Scarhelp said:

    No, I have not had it fixed yet. It's about a quarter of an inch long from ear to ear. I don't think having transplants will help. I don't understand why someone can't just take it out so I can be left with a pencil fine scar... I'm kind of frustrated because all of the doctors that I have spoken with (via emails) all want 7-8 grand to put transplants into the scar. It just seems like they all want to get as much money out of me as they can, and care very little about actually helping me. 


    I'd really like to have a trichophytic enclosure done, but i can't find someone who does it. If anyone can PLEASE recommend SOMEONE, please let me know. 


    Not many Drs still do FUT. If you do find one who will do it, the scar may just stretch again and you'll be in the same situation you are now, except you'll be down about $2500 for the scar reduction. It may work great, but with FUE so popular even some Drs who do FUT would rather just add some FUE grafts into the scar if they feel you may be prone to scar stretching. Some people scar very easily. Did you ever try Dr Robert Dorin in Garden City NY? I think he is still doing FUT if requested.

    As for the $7000 price... FUE costs in the range of $8 to $10 in the NY area, so putting 700 to 800 grafts into your scar is going to cost that much. They aren't trying to charge you extra just because it's FUE into a scar.



  5. On 4/10/2024 at 10:28 AM, Hair-here said:

    I had heard that nizoral daily is not recommended.

    Any thoughts on the topic? Thanks 


    My hair was very oily when I was younger. I was told to try Nizoral and I ended up using it daily for several years as my only shampoo until my scalp gradually became less oily as I got a bit older. I don't think it's a problem to use daily if you have a very oily scalp. If it starts drying your hair and scalp out too much then cut down to using it two or three times per week.


  6. Hi @Rolo. Your last pictures posted here are at 4.5 months after the 2nd procedure, so I imagine it did fill in at least a little more than it shows here. If you have time it would be much appreciated if you can post updated pictures. I hope you are feeling a lot better about the entire situation these days.


  7. On 4/8/2024 at 11:14 AM, shiba1985 said:

    Prior to surgery his crown looks more attention drawing (negatively) than his hairline. If you are going to go through the whole process you want to address and prioritize what bothers the patient first. 


    Yes thats true. I don't disagree with you on that. This is a downside of going to a Dr who doesn't speak the same language as the patient. What you want can get lost in translation and you won't even know it until it's too late and it's not necessarily the Drs fault. We really don't know in this case.



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