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Posts posted by wylie

  1. When I first got a HT over 10 years ago, all I had was a receding hairline. No one in my family was bald. The only one with a receding hairline was me. Thankfully I stayed with the receding look, only attempting to fill in the forelock and surrounding area with a small procedure.


    Shortly thereafter, the rest of my hair disappeared, exposing my work, which, using outdated technology, I attempted to repair with repeated sessions. For years it has been well below acceptable. Now I'm serious about fixing it, if I have enough donor remaining. For those dense packing a frontal hairline nice and low when you are young, it could lead to a future where you never expected to lose all your remaining hair, like I did. So always remember to have a picture of yourself at 45 or 55 in mind, not 25.


    Young guys often dont think that far ahead (I surely didnt when I was in my 20's)

  2. By the way Biting my nails, you could likely get a really nice look for under 2k grafts, if you decide to go that route. I think there are a good many doctors who could fill that in for actually less than that amount (what you had pictured).


    I think your hair looks great as is. Either way you really cant go wrong with the little work you want done. I would check into FUE from some people who have had this done.

  3. Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:


    He did not even post pics of the top of his head and he stated he is a diffused thinner.




    He showed a diagram that he wanted work done at the forefront and the temples, which to me is not necessary, but its his life, and advice is free.


    And he's free to ignore it.

  4. Dr. Proctor, is there any side effects to taking 1 mg of finasteride in your 40's and 50's besides greater incidence of sexual side effects? I perhaps have lost all I'm going to lose as far as hair goes, but prefer to take finasteride in the event I still have more to lose and since it is so inexpensive it is one prescription I can afford to take as long as I have health insurance, it costs me $15.00 a year


  5. I'm not familiar with Dr. Reed but am highly impressed with Dr. Alexander's ability to create (or keep) a slightly thinning look by the placement of his grafts, and Dr. Feller is excellent at repair work, if this is a factor in your decision, but you likely cant go wrong with any of those choices. I think it comes down to who you feel you are most on the same page with on what exactly you want to have done.

  6. Since I live in Illinois, I will comment on this one (normally I might pass up to more experienced voices) but while the above examples look good, the picture quality is poor, the number of photographs are limited by comparison to other examples of work done I've seen on here. I dont see how you can really say anything more than more examples, and better photos, would be needed before saying yay or nay

  7. Originally posted by xerexes:

    Sorry to drag this on on everyone but like your fair input before I finalize my decision between now and the next day or two.



    You want to finalize this in a day or two?


    You are making the classic of all classic mistakes, and that is rushing to judgement.


    If you want to make snap decision, be my guest, but dont say we didnt warn ya.


    If you do decide to go with her, then I hope it works out for you, but you should take your time in making these decisions, fools rush in.


    Good luck!

  8. If youve seen one of her patients and was impressed, I would say to this woman that you would like the contact information of two other patients before scheduling, and then after further discussion and arranging a visit with at least one of the two (preferably both) you can check for the consistency of her results.


    She may have a great way of talking with people but that does not translate into good results.


    Thats the only thing you should ever concern yourself with. Choose wisely, if you rush into this due to time constraints you very well might make a decision you will regret.


    Dont take that risk, its stupid.

  9. Originally posted by chucky:

    hi wylie

    the problem with these are they are good at marketing and all the extras like members of this and that organisation which fool you into thinking it stands for something.



    All the more reason to me to start a "red flag" forum of hacks with scissors who call themselves surgeons. Really these guys should not be in business. As long as more than ONE person says so (and this thread has that!) then I wouldnt think twice of steering clear of the place. (And hindsight is always 20/20)


    I mean, I hate to hear these stories at the end of 2007 when it dont have to happen to anyone.


    As far as Greece is concerned, it sounds like the entire country does not have a physician capable of doing this kind of surgery competently

  10. Sheesh, maybe there should be a sub forum for "Clinics pretending to be reputable and talented", you could start with this guy.


    Sorry to hear about your experience, now you begin your journey trying to fix your previous work, you will find this forum a good resource for that

  11. Hopefully this doctor will READ a thread like this one and realize that less is more, and that advertising and pushy sales people are a friggin RED FLAG.


    Maybe he is a good doctor, but if you employ sales tactics like those and have any horse sense, you'll know to FLEE! Sadly, some are taken in and scheduling an appointment in a few weeks.


    To treat this like you're selling someone a used car is just unethical.

  12. Originally posted by Dr Proctor:


    Same drug, same side-effects. Naturally Merck would prefer to sell you Propecia at about the same cost per tablet. Thus, Proscar tablets are very small and irregularly-shaped to discourage quartering.


    However, the dose-response curve for finasteride is very flat--- a little works about as well as a lot. Combine this with the fact that finasteride forms an almost unbreakable bond with type-2 5-AR. I.e., though the blood half-life is only eight hours or so, synthesis of new enzyme is required to restore activity. This takes several days. This means the amount you take in any one day is almost irrelevant, within limits. So quarter the tablets as well as you can and don't worry. On general principles, I suggest skipping treatment every 5th day more or less, so that the averaged dose is 1 mg per day.


    Peter H Proctor, PhD,MD


    Thanks for that, this puts any further questions I had about Finasteride on ice.

  13. I just had a small session done with Konior and am impressed with his personal attention to detail, his track record of results and his experience, all in all I would recommend him but my surgery was only last month so no results to speak of.


    I just viewed a photo album of Dr. Keene's work and agree that he does very impressive work.


    I really dont think you could go wrong with either choice.

  14. I've heard good things about this doctor. I also think its great to take the time to research but that if you are a coalition surgeon, you are in good hands. Doctor skill is no longer an issue. The only issue is getting the right type of results that you were expecting, not always guaranteed. Thats repair work though. I also realize a finite amount of resources exist, so all procedures have to be positively geared towards fixing it right with only a couple tries. I would guess that most surgeons in business today work see as many repairs as they see virgin scalps.


    Also, from your post, it does not sound like you've done a whole lot of other research on other doctors, only found this site a week ago, only met with the doctor a day ago and decided to proceed with a HT in a week?


    Again, not doubting the doctor, but what is your hurry?

  15. I'm glad its working for you on a shaved head, I tired the brown once on my head and it didnt add anything noticable, and then I realized that I need to make it LIGHTER for it to have the correct illusory effect. Dark hair on pale skin needs a lighter color


    So, now I have to shell out more $ for another color, but its worth a shot. Platinum blond. If it works thats all that matters, hopefully I can make it look natural and it will thicken thin hair.

  16. flyby, I'm following your progress and have an appt. with Dr. Alexander in January.


    As far as the question, definitely a case by case basis. My best hope in repairing my previous work is that I wished to keep my original receding hairline, I shudder to think what I'd look like right now had I have gone with a low hairline. As it stands, its easy to conceal the work at the hairline, but it needs grafts behind the hairline to fill in and I may not have the donor available.


    Most surgeons likely want to do both types of graft placement (inside and outside the hairline) but are limited with resources in repair work

  17. Originally posted by morenewhair1:

    below is a link to Dr. Reed's website. after reading the Q&A section, questions 10 and 12, it is not clear which he uses, FU or micro's. can anyone please help clearify?




    I think his explanation is in bold:



    12. What is the difference between a follicular unit graft and a micrograft?


    A follicular unit graft is defined elsewhere. A micrograft is one or two hairs per graft. These are used in the combined follicular unit grafting surgical technique to define a subtle, "feathered" appearance to the scalpline and to any border of transplant with skin or in any low hair density situation. The one and two hair follicular unit grafts (i.e. the large percentage of them) are therefore micrografts. Micrografts that have been harvested from the donor from a cluster rather than from splitting a cluster apart are also follicular unit grafts. However, for example, if we split apart a three hair follicular unit to get a one or two hair micrograft, that micrograft would not be a follicular graft! Are you glad you wondered? At La Jolla Hair Restoration, all of our micrografts are from follicular units and are therefore also follicular unit grafts. The rare situation where we would intentionally make micrografts from splitting apart follicular units is the person with very strong, thick diameter hair whose thick diameter will not look as natural as quickly as when the diameter is compromised by cutting the follicle away from a tight cluster. Survival is compromised in this situation as well, however.

  18. Reviving a 5 year old thread to shill for Bosley?


    Do you expect anyone on this forum to take you seriously?


    You've genuinely come to the wrong place if you are looking for people who support Bosley, but I would bet you could find more than one who have negative things to say about their work.


    Finding anyone to go to bat for them, like you are, would not be an easy task.


    You are on that island all alone

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