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Posts posted by Bushy

  1. Originally posted by Rickmonius:

    Sorry Bushy, I guess my post reads a little one sided. I wanted him to stick around but to drop the personal attacks. That's all. Your four month shots are awesome. I just wish I had your donor area!

    No problem at all, Rick. I understand your intentions.


    Thanks for the compliments. I just can't wait to be able to stop using Dermmatch. It will be 15 years since I woke up in the morning, brushed my hair back, and walked out the door!


    What's your donor area like?

  2. Originally posted by Rickmonius:

    Hey Landen, there is definitely a need for a skeptical voice here. I, for one, as a newbie considering a HT, appreciate it. I think you would help your own credibilty a lot if you would not allow yourself to be sucked into personal attack fests.


    Rickmonius, a sceptical voice is always welcome, and encouraged. I may have missed it, but can you show me where Landed got "sucked into personal attack fests?"


    Welcome to the boards. I hope you are able to find the kind of real information that I did here, and look beyond personal attacks.

  3. Originally posted by Landen:

    I am not going to have a debate with PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE employees/business partners of H&W. They get paid to do this and I don't!


    Hi. My name is Landen. I'm all bark and no bite. I accuse everyone whose opinion differs from my own of being a fraud.


    Pat asks for a "friendly debate" so I accuse posters of being paid shills and of manipulating photos, and I accuse doctors of defrauding their patients. I'm a real nice guy, you see.


    I am extraordinarily opinionated on the subject of hair transplantation (heck, I even tell highly regarded surgeons how ridiculous they are), but I have yet to post a single picture or anything whatsoever about my hair transplant history. I don't need to do that stuff -- I'm much better than all of you losers! My name is Landen!

  4. Originally posted by Landen:



    You have had a relationship with H&W above and beyond that of a normal doctor and patient. Say good bye to your credibility. I know this and have known this, but you have continued to post and interject yourself where there is debate with the subject matter involved, unknowing to the majority of posters. That is quite scandalous not to have that in your signature.


    "Professional services" huh. That goes above and beyond normal doctor patient relationship. Put this "professional services business relationship with H&W" in your signature when you are commenting on other doctor's results, or might I say when you are belittling other doctor's results. It should also be there in your signature when you post your own results, photoshop does wonders don't it.


    As far as my short brief posting history. All I can say is I have been honest, can't say the same for you. And no I'm not bitter, I'm a true consumer advocate.


    Landen, where are your pictures? Who performed your surgery? And for which "consumers" do you advocate? Pat, the owner and publisher of this site, knows the full scope and extent of my past professional relationship with H&W (which has long since ceased), during which my signature did, in fact, state it.


    You show me where I "belittled" other doctors' results, and I'll give you $100.


    And now you're accusing me of fixing my pictures with Photoshop? Jees, you're funny. Are you sure I'm not Dr. Hasson himself incognito? i think he and I kinda look alike . . .


    How many posters on this and other forums have you met in person? Can you name them? I have met about two dozen, and I can name them. They've looked at me up close, under lights, and even run their fingers through my hair.


    Where do you live? I hereby invite you to meet with me any time in the Greater New York City area. Then you can inspect me up close and take a full set of digital pictures with the camera of your choice, and post them here for all to see. And take a video of my http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM9j0PjRv1w

  5. Originally posted by Landen:

    . . . .



    You are on every H&W thread aren't you.


    The last that I heard is that you had some kind of business partnership with H&W, "non hair transplant" whatever that is supposed to mean. You have no credibility because of your business association. So, what you have to say means nothing to me or anyone else interested in the subject matter. You should disclose your current/ previous business involvement. and quit posting as if you are just merely a patient of the clinic. You have posted about this involvement and your golf outings with them in the past.


    Take note people. As consumers you need to be informed.


    Landen, I first started posting on this site in the morning of my scheduled Bosley surgery sometime back in July of 2003. I believe I have established my credibility since then. My surgeries have been an open book to all. I even disclosed that between late 2004 and mid 2005 I provided professional services, unrelated to hair transplantation, to H&W. Pat and the moderator of another forum at which I post were made fully aware of this. That is old news. If I washed H&W's windows for 6 months 2 years ago, that would have no bearing on my posts, pictures and credibility.


    Oh, and please get your attack stories right: I never wrote anything about any golf outings, because there were none -- I don't even play golf. Are you confusing me with another poster whose veracity, credibility and candor offended you?


    You, on the other hand, originally surfaced on this forum (as revealed by a quick author search) back in late 2002, complaining of poor growth 7 and 9 months after your HT surgery. You don't appear to have revealed who your doc was. Then you disappeared from the forums and have sprung up again several months ago, You have taken a rather irrational, antagonistic, hostile and most discourteous approach. Are you bitter for some reason?


    Here are a few examples of your attitude:


    Example 1 (August 26, 2006): "Today's hair transplant patients are tomorrow's hair transplant repair patients. I guarantee it!"


    Example 2 (September 07, 2006): "An informed decision? That kind of terminology is used by greasy lawyers and quack doctors."


    Example 3 (September 02, 2006, in response to my tricho scar video posting): "The video is of poor quality. The hair is too long. And I can still see the scar. Tone down the hype!"


    Example 4 (August 30, 2006, in response to a post by Dr. Feller): "Giving this guy advice to go to "just about any cosmetic surgeon in the UK" is the most absurd advice I have ever heard of coming from a doctor. You can't be serious."


    Wherefrom springs your credibility?

  6. Originally posted by Jotronic:

    Another one by Bushy. This is a patient that came back for #2 and now he's got well over 7000 grafts. What does he get in return? Complete coverage and not a hint of his former bald self and he's only at four months.


    Bushy's hair transplant


    Hey, I know that guy!


    Joe, your post sent me to Domie's post, where I found a GREAT Mrjb comment:




    All the complaining people do about HT's , it's sad they don't recognize the AMAZING transformation one procedure can do by a qualified doc.. What a life changing experience.



  7. Originally posted by Landen:

    They have good and bad results like every other top doc. The difference is the presence of patients on the forums. It is quite bizzarre behavior that you don't see from other docs. For some reason they have motivation to hang around the forums, almost to the point of policing them as I see you are sort of doing to an extent. . . . This is once again where the domination of the forums marketing tactic comes into play.


    . . . His clinic took off from his dominant presence on the forums. Had Jotronic poor elasticity in his donor, it would not have had such a happy ending and would not have been as lucrative for both parties involved.


    Dude, I don't mean to be getting personal, but you are bordering on delusional. We have all heard the old "payed marketer/shill" accusations. They are so old Adam must have used them. H&W patients document their hair loss before, during and after. If the docs sucked their business would long have closed. The succeed because their work is the best out there. I was one hour away from a Bosley surgery when I discovered THIS WEBSITE. I then spent 5 months researching, inquiring and investigating. I chose H&W because they were simply, in my opinion, the best. They did not pay me to go there. They did not bribe me. Jotronic did not threaten to kill my next of kin if I did not go there. My pictures are not doctored. I am not a Martian. I AM A REAL PERSON WHO GOT A REALLY SPECTACULAR SURGERY BY A VERY REAL SURGICAL WIZARD NAMED VICTOR HASSON. AND I'M REALLY EXCITED AND LOVE SHOWING OFF MY NEW HAIR.


    H&W took off because they are incredible. The best marketing plan is only as good as the product behind it.

  8. Originally posted by Landen:

    There is NOTHING wrong with a decent moderate size procedure. See how it looks on YOUR head with YOUR hair characteristics. See how YOUR yield turns out. See where YOUR hair loss is heading. See if different technologies come about that are less invasive.


    And there's even less than nothing wrong with just staying bald!!! DON'T GET A HT, and call it a friggin day! I'll try to make this very simple, since you seem to be missing the obvious point:


    Donor grafts = finite.

    Ethical doctor = figures out where to place these finite grafts so no run out.

  9. Originally posted by Landen:

    They mean nothing because you have different people with different characteristics.

    I hate to break the news to you, but hundreds of H&W patients with all sorts of characteristics post thousands of pics and they all seem to grow incredibly well. Some slower, some more quickly, but they all seem to grow. That's why I went to them; that's why so many others do. Quality speaks for itself, and rather loudly.


    The results don't speak for themselves. Take any of the top docs let them cut a huge strip out of the donor harvesting a bunch of grafts, let the techs insert them and you will have the same result in the same patient.

    And I can perform open heart surgery. Gimme a scalpel and a few nurses. C'mere, lemme fix your heart for you. Do you actually believe your own words?


    The rest of your comments are so preposterous, it's hard to reply intelligently.

  10. out come from here on out.


    Thanks to all who contributed to this topic and to its resolution

    This entire topic is is a clear affirmation of how important and productive this site is and should continue to be. Of course, my own almost-procedure with Bosley was averted less than two hours pre-op by THIS SITE, so I am forever grateful to Pat. But more broadly, it is a truth-seeking medium through which former, current and prospective patients can examine, discuss and expound on this otherwise unregulated industry. In short, how else could a patient such as Tony seek redress? Good doctors have everything to gain by the free marketplace; bad ones everything to lose.


    Dr. True's high level of skill is, not surprisingly, matched only by his professionalism and good will. Bravo to him and Pat. And Good luck to Tony!

  11. Originally posted by Mrjb:



    Thanks for the comments however, this does not issue my concern. I have had 2 HT's which look awesome without shaving the top. If I were to a shave the top the longer hair on the sides to hide the donor cut would look rather odd. I cannot take 2 weeks off straight. I think this is a concern for those of us keeping things undercover.. Keep in mind some of us have certain limitations due to circumstances.. This is the reason for my question as I cannot afford for a Doc to shave the top and jepordize my situtaion.. Thus my concern



    Mrjb, I understand. Where do you need most of your work done? If that it is your absolute desire to notshave the recipient area, I imagine Dr. Hasson will agree not to shave it, as he did with me originally. I suggest you give him or Joe a call.

  12. Originally posted by Mrjb:

    Hi Pat and Friends


    Quick questions does H & W ever consider not shaving the recepiant area in the future. Many persons like myself cannot do this due to work and other personal reasons. I'm sure they would be able to pull this off due to their impeccable talent



    Hi, Mrjb. If you read my blog, you will see that my intention with HT #2 was to not shave the recipient area. Dr. Hasson began with that premise, and the first batch of hairs that went into my hairline were done without shaving the front. So, clearly this can be done. Having said that, when so many extra grafts later presented, Dr. Hasson pretty much made the decision for me to shave down the front. He pointed out that it would be silly to make a decision that could in any way jeopardize the outcome, with which I would live for the rest of my life. He was so right, and I agreed. I have never looked back.


    Thanks to Dermmatch and a fine hair stylist, along with the helpful guidance of Christina (from H&W) I was in a suit and tie within two weeks, and received compliments on my new, short "summer cut."


    In short, H&W can do it, but probably wouldn't want to because it is unwise. Think of the bigger picture: Heaven forbid, if you were in a car accident you could be out of commission for upwards of two weeks. So just plan two weeks off from work, and then you're good to go with a short cut. Don't be short-sighted, as I was (before Dr. Hasson gave me a good pair of glasses).

  13. Originally posted by Mrjb:

    Hi All


    I have a question for everyone.. More and more we hear about Mega sessions and it is truly amazing how the results turn out. My only question is the following.. With a limited donor supply, aren't patients concerned about doing a 4000-5000 session and then having future loss? This would leave them with less donor hair for future HT's and possibly an unnatural look due to an uneven "final look" ? Will an agressive strategy complicate the cosmetic outcome with future loss and limited supply? Does a more conservative approach give you a better long terms strategy so one may adjust as he loses more hair? Just curious on everyones thoughts here..Maybe we just do it and hope for technolgy to progress accordingly ( i.e cloning etc.)

    Mrjb, you raise a great concern, one that every HT candidate should consider, but it has nothing to do with megasessions. The real issue is intelligent planning. A doctor who dense packs 4,000 grafts into your hairline is not fairly considering your future loss, but one who spreads it out with forsight of future loss is doing just the right thing.

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