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Posts posted by Napoli

  1. There are elite doctors in Europe between 2-3 euro / graft. I don't think it's worth paying more than that and anything above that is overrated without any particular reason.

    Higher price doesnt mean better quality..its just marketing of some clinics who are trying to maximise their profits by overcharging their clients.  Some hair transplant doctors tend to be more “business men” ….

  2. 4 hours ago, CharlesBarkley said:

     @Melvin- Admin reached out and clarified many of the points with Dr Couto. You should read everything on Page 2.
    Also, as Zizu stated, Dr Couto did most of the implantation including the "most sensitive part". 

    All of the recipient area is sensitive part. You can’t call the front more sensitive than behind the hairline. You don’t want to end up with a gap behind the hairline or unatural directions of grafts..


    4 hours ago, CharlesBarkley said:

    I would say an assistant doctor trained by Dr Couto, Dr Konior or Dr Zarev will be one day among the best of the best doing Hair Transplants for sure. And if these trainings did not happen we would be in great trouble. Who would do the work when all these doctors retire? 


    It’s not the same. Assistant  doctors have much less experience than the original doctors.
    So if anyone go to couto he would go to him because he wanted an experienced doctor and not an assistant doctor. Assistant doctors are getting paid much lower than the famous ones. But this guy here paid the same amount of money and he wasn’t informed that dr couto wouldn’t do the implantation by himself. 

    Also I don’t agree that’s normal for A clinic to charge you More grafts that originally extracted, because you won’t get more coverage with splitting hairs  and you would have the same amount of hairs in your head 

  3. I don’t think is acceptable to get a big part of implantation by a trained doctor. You paid for doctor couto to do the whole implantation, but he didn’t without even inform you for that. If you wanted a trained doctor you would go to another clinic and pay much lower that you actually paid. 
    regarding the extractions is also not acceptable at all to be charged for more money than extracted. This shows a purpose to charge you more money for nothing. 

  4. On 5/29/2024 at 11:11 PM, ValiM said:

    Thank you for your opinions!

    I also think that the frontal area needs more density, I know that for the crown are you cannot add a lot of density at once, but I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

    As I can see in my initial pictures there was more hair implanted in the frontal area initially but not all of it lasted till the end. I am a bit worried that if I go for a revision and I add density to the front it won't last as it happened the first time.

    Do you know why some of the implanted grafts in the front didn't regrow?


    Thank you!


    Have you talked with @FUECAPILAR about your concerns ? 

  5. 11 hours ago, aafriansyah said:

    I am actually quite hesitant about Dr. Yaman because it seems that the reviews in this forum are quite polarized. Some are extremely satisfied, while others are very disappointed. I know that all medical procedures are the art of probabilities, and I hope I can increase the probability of success for this surgery.

    In addition, is it necessary to spray minoxidil on the donor area to keep the donor healthy and increase the chances of grafts adhering well? Currently, I plan to do PRP once a month until the day of the transplant to improve the quality of my recipient area.


    every surgeon has some not so good results. It also depends on the candidate and on the difficulty of his case. Some people have unrealistic expectations and they think that their result wasn’t that good, while for the amount of grafts used and their hair loss problem their appearance looks decent enough. 
    dr yaman gives in general good results in higher Norwood cases like yours but you need to understand that you will not have full head of hair after hair transplant because u have a huge  area to cover and your donor is not that good. So you need to have realistic expectations. 

    In order to increase the success rate of your hair transplant start finatseride 1mg per day and minoxidil twice per day. And yes you can put minoxidil to donor too. The combination of these 2 hair loss therapies will give you higher success rate to your hair transplant. 

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  6. Dr yaman suggested the best plan for your case. One operation for frontal third and midscalp and another one for crown. However you will have low density on crown but it will be better from now. Dr yaman has many great cases in nowwrod 6 patients. Another option could be dr demirsoy or dr altan ahmed. 

    zarev and pittella are also good but they are too expensive and most people can’t afford them. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Rider said:

    Thats a weird post. So if a patient cant afford laorwong, or paying $10k..  they shouldn't get surgery? Plenty of very decent results from eugenix and yaman. Thats the point of this forum, for guidance and opinions on the variety of clinics available. 

    Indeed there are many great results from affordable clinics. In fact most people are not rich to pay the expensive doctors and they are looking for the best value for money options. Price is an important factor since many patients are not rich and they can’t easily increase their budget since they have many expenses in their life. 

    so my suggestion is to select some clinics that fit your budget and select the one that you like mostly. Some people will only suggest you the most expensive clinics, which is not a feasible scenario here. So just select a clinic by yourself that fits your budget without asking random guys for opinions. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Rider said:

    So thats leaves me with eugenix vs laorwong

    I would select Eugenix bettween these Options. 

    other good option would be dr demirsoy. His price is between 1-1.5 €/graft. And he  is a great surgeon in Turkey and he has many great cases and satisfied patients  

    Dr bekir bek is also a good option. He is doing the whole procedure by himself and he is located in Turkey. He was working at HLC and now at his own clinic. 
    His price is 1.7€/graft

    Finally you could check dr Michalis Georgiou in Cyprus. His price is at 1.5€/graft and he does the whole procedure by himself too. 

  9. Happy growing.

    Indeed that’s a huge amount of grafts taken from your donor with only 2900 beard grafts out of 11291 total grafts, which means that 8391 grafts were taken from your donor in a 2-day surgery.
    This is going to be awesome man. Looking forward for your next updates. 🙏 

  10. Happy growing. You selected a great surgeon and i believe you will be satisfied with your final result.

    I think It’s really good that you did an analytical consultation before the procedure with dr yaman doing calculations, measuring thickness, your donor and recipient areas in order to organise the best plan for you.  

    It’s also good that dr yaman was supervising all stages of your hair transplant. 

    I wish you the best and keep us updated 👍

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