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Everything posted by Martador

  1. Somewhere in the 4000-5000 grafts range. Depends on hairline design, desired density etc.
  2. Hey Emil, If you look for good temporal point work, I would suggest surgeons like Dr. Bruno Pinto, Dr. Pekiner or Dr. Keser. I personally think that you could go to Dr. Turan, but it depends on your expectations about the temporal points. Here is a pretty recent case from Dr. Turan which I do like! https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/69765-fuecapilar-dr-turan-2431-grafs-enhanced-recovery-test/ I am pretty certain, that you can expect a hairline like from your previous image where you were in your 20s (hairline easily).
  3. Most of Dr. Yamans work looks good but I see your concerns about some recent cases. Nobody can give a 100% guarantee for great results, even the best of the best (lower possibility, but still). Budgetwise Gur could work with this amount of grafts on his standard package. Turan quoted 3750€ for 3500 grafts and above on october 2023 (Probably higher now). If you really feel uncomfortable with your choice you can always cancel your surgery and look at different surgeons and take some time. I am wishing you the best🙏
  4. Looking good! Smart decision and good plan 👍
  5. It looks like a hair transplant to me. Hairline is NW1 with temporal point recession NW2ish.
  6. Thanks for posting pictures of your hair👍 Your hair seems thick which is very good! Do you know the rule of thirds? Try to measure your thirds and look what it says about your dimensions (better understanding for hairline distance). NW pattern seems to be a NW3 with forelock recession/thinning. As mr_peanutbutter said, the hairline is too low and you would need an unnecessary amount of grafts. The line for the temporal points is also too aggressive. You would need more than 3000 grafts for the drawn lines and it would look unnatural (with poor density) And if you want to have your temporal points done, you need a good surgeon who is specialized on temporal work, because bad work on temporal points is a nightmare. Ths is just an example, blue line without lowering and red line with lowering. You could get away with 2500-3000 grafts in this example.
  7. No problem👍 What are your expectations? What kind of hairline do you want (Photo)? Do you have a photo of your hair? Keep in mind that there are many more factors than just the amount of grafts. For example hair diameter, skin/hair contrast, size of head, actual hair loss pattern (which areas are thinning, not just bald). In my opinion Gur seems to take a more conservative approach on NW4+ patients and he doesn't use that many grafts. Dr. Turans harline design doesn't seem conservative at all to me. You will get good density with 3000 grafts as a NW3 from Gür, Turan or Yaman, but it would be better to see photos of your hair in order to get an idea of your recession or thinning. If you up your budget and you look for a transplant in Turkey, I would recommend Dr. Bicer, Dr. Pekiner or Dr. Keser.
  8. As Melvin said, I would wait a few months (until month 8-9). Have you tried topical finasteride or 0.25mg- 0,5mg oral Finasteride?
  9. In this price range i would suggest Dr. Gür or Dr. Turan (Fuecapilar). You can check their results here in this forum, both surgeons are great options for this budget. And they are no hairmills, which means only 1 -2 patients per day. Dr. Yaman is also a good option in my opinion.
  10. Hey, first of all, thanks for giving your opinion! About Hairline lowering: If I apply the rule of thirds, my hairline is almost the same size as the other thirds. Dr Gür also didn't recommend it. When I was younger, I always thought that I have a massive forehead (receiding hairline deceives so much haha, but I have a big head overall 🤣) About Bicer: Her work is awesome and I've been following your case (very impressive work already and you still have a few months to go!) The current price is the only thing that was too high for my budget. But it is definitely worth it. I am relieved that it is probably in the 1500-2000 range.
  11. Your donor looks very good, especially with this hair cut! Hair line looks natural and your hair will get better and better in the upcoming months. Can’t wait to see the final result.
  12. About my hairloss: My hair loss started at the age of 16 and I started taking Finasteride when I was 25 1/2 Years old. I used Minoxidil for about 2 years and Microneedling (1mm weekly) for about 1 year. My results from Minoxidl and microneedling was very miniscule... Many very thin light blonde to colorless hair who didn't grow longer than 2 cm. That's why I dropped Minxodil 6 Months ago. I experienced slight sheeding, but my hair didn't got noticably worse. Finasteride was key for keeping my existing hair and it stopped my hairloss (taking it for almost 3 years). No crown loss (and no crown loss family side) About me: Hair color: very dark blonde/ light brown Hair diameter: 75 micron (medium) Norwood scale: 2.5 (or Norwood 2, progressing to Norwood 3) Donor Area: no hair loss, very healty, thick and dense Family Hair loss history: Father Norwood 3, great Grandfather (motherside) Norwood 3 Medication: 3 years Finasteride 1.25mg daily My Hair when I was 13 - 25 years old: Buzzed Hair, age 25 right before Finasteride: Current situation of my hair (Age 29): Hair Transplant, how many grafts?: About Hair Transplant Enquiry | Clinics: Most of the clinics quoted me about 1500-2000 grafts. Dr. Yaman: about 2000 grafts Dr Gür: 1300-1800 grafts Dr. Turan: 1250-1750 grafts Dr. Koray Erdogan: 2500-3000 grafts (which seems fairy high to me) Dr. Bicer: no response I chose Dr. Gür because of his results and mostly positive feedback from other people in this forum (and other). Date of surgery: Beginning of February 2024. Future Updates: I will update my hair transplant journey constantly with pictures (until I reach Month 18.) Questions: Do 1500-2000 grafts seem fair for my expectation? Out of all listed surgeons, is Dr. Gür a good choice in my case (Opinions)? Is the hair line design appropriate for me?
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