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Everything posted by Martador

  1. Today marks 4 months Post-OP and it seems to be growing well! Many hairs are still coming and I am very very excited for the upcoming months. Redness/Pinkiness is almost completely gone. Front: Right side: Left side:
  2. It also depends on the sensivity to DHT. Your levels are fine, but there is a chance that your hair is prone to this amount of DHT. And as Gatsby asked, how old are you now? There is a difference in DHT levels if for example you are in your 40s compared to someone in his 20s.
  3. Thanks 💪 Yes, I am still ugly duckling, but I can already see a few tiny whispy hairs. I am currently 2 1/2 months Post-OP and it seems that a few transplanted hairs didn't shed. Redness got better as well and my Donor area feels completely normal. I think Month 4 is going to be really exciting! Front: Right side: Left side: No direct light:
  4. Thank you @Stefaniwicz, @Gatsby and @general-etwan so much! This means a lot to me 💪
  5. Approximately 7 weeks after the hair transplant, I received the surgical report. Surgical Report: Pictures before and after surgery:
  6. Today marks 1 month post op. I am officially in the ugly ducking phase (especially hairline). Shedding began on day 12-14ish. Front: Right side: Left side: Back:
  7. One of his best works... Simply amazing and it looks very natural!
  8. Thank you very much, @Melvin- Admin and @follically challenged! Today marks day 10 post op. I decided to post earlier, because all my scabs fell off today. My next update will probably be during the ugly duckling phase (I can’t wait, haha). Front: Right side: Left side: Back:
  9. Today marks day 7 post op! A few scabs came off on its own after hair wash and most of the scabs are very loose. Front: Right Side: Left Side: Back:
  10. Thank you! The clinic will send a detailed report in about 3 weeks to 3 months after the hair transplant. It will include information on the number of grafts used (1s, 2s, 3s&4s), as well as other factors like hair thickness, donor area density, hair index and more. When I receive the report, I will definitely share it here!
  11. And that is an insanely great value. I am certain that the results are similar, if not the same. In my case ,VIP and Standard would have cost the same (because I didn't need more than 2000 grafts).
  12. Today was my clinic hair wash. Front: Back: I am very happy with the extraction pattern! The difference of skin/hair color is because they dyed my donor area brown before the extraction phase. They did it because my natural hair is dark blonde (causes reflections, makes it more difficult to operate)
  13. Thank you! The planing and graftcount in my case was also very important to me. He analysed my hair in every region carefully and said, that I maybe need second hair transplant in 10-15 years (because it is possible that my temples will recede a bit more and my pattern of recession in the corners goes inwards which can lead to an island of forelock (not sure how to write that part haha). Hopefully Finasteride can extend my stabilization as long as possible.
  14. Thanks! I booked in Octobre 2023, 1,50€ per Graft (VIP Package). They had a minimum fee of 3000€, which means for example 1500 grafts =3000€, 2000 grafts also 3000€. Now I think they increased ther prices to 1.75€ or 1.80€ (pretty sure one of these two prices). In my opinion still a very good price! I think that the standard package is great as well, but it gave my mind more ease because of more doctor involvement (extraction) and maybe less chance of overharvesting (big big maybe), but I think the team is great as well, recording to other patients stories here in HNR).
  15. Thank you, that means much to me! Doctor said that I am more a NW2 but I also think that my pattern is more like an early NW3. But like you said, the scale is fairly arbitrary😊
  16. Hello dear HNR community, today is the day and I had my first hair transplant with Dr. Gür (Fuecapilar) in Istanbul. As a package, I chose the VIP package, where Dr.Gür also performs the extraction. The whole team was super friendly and very warm. Especially Dr.Gür is a very funny and caring person, who listens to your questions and wishes. Day 1, Arrival: The flight with Turkish Airlines was on time and very pleasant. The food was well-portioned and delicious. Upon arriving in Istanbul, we looked for the meeting point where we were supposed to be picked up. We had to wait for about 15 minutes at the meeting point and were then driven to the Tryp Wyndham Istanbul Atasehir Hotel. Overall, everything was straightforward, and it was my first flight as an adult. The journey took approximately one hour from the European side of Istanbul to Atasehir (Asia) where our hotel was located. Admittedly, traffic in Istanbul is quite unique^^ There isn’t much exciting to report about the Asian side of Istanbul since we were in the business district and had booked an extra day for relaxation and preparation for the hair transplant. The hotel was spacious and bright. The only downside was that the walls were a bit thin, and we had a somewhat noisy neighbor who was on the phone until 3 in the morning. I had earplugs and recommend everyone to bring some. Day 2, Free Day: Breakfast offered a wide selection, and the taste was good. On the free day, my wife and I mainly shopped and ate in the shopping district (a 10-minute walk from the hotel). The rest of the day, I focused on relaxation and inflating my wedge pillow. Sleep was crucial for me, and the wedge pillow, along with a comfortable neck pillow, made sleeping post-operation much easier. Day 3, Hair Transplantation: First, I had a hearty breakfast to prepare for the hair transplantation. Then, at 8:55 AM, my translator Ahmet picked me up and took me to the clinic (a 3-minute walk away). Upon arriving at the practice, I filled out the paperwork for the operation and was greeted by Dr. Gür with the words, “Aah my victim 😊.” My wife and I couldn’t help but laugh! Haha! 🤣 In general, Dr. Gür appears very friendly and humorous. Here, I have listed a rough timeline for the day of the operation. Hair transplant schedule (approximately) 9:10 – 9:40: Paperwork and waiting 9:40 – 10:30: Hair examination, consultation, and hairline design 10:15 – 10:30: Photoshoot 10:30 – 11:15: Shaving, hair coloring, hair wash, pre-op medication (Xanax) 11:15 – 13:45: Anesthesia for donor area and extraction 13:45 – 14:30: Lunch 14:30 – 16:50: Anesthesia for recipient area and hair implantation 16:50 – 17:00: Discussion about post-op care, etc. Afterward, Ahmet brought me back to the hotel, and I spent the rest of the day there. Surprisingly, I slept much better than expected (7 ½ hours). Day 4, Departure: I had the opportunity to sleep in, have breakfast, and check out since the clinic’s hair wash was scheduled for 1:00 PM. After checking out at 12:00 PM, the hotel staff looked after our luggage. At 12:55, we were picked up by my other translator named Kerem, who had also organized the entire hair transplant process with me via WhatsApp beforehand. At 1:00 PM, my hair was washed, and I had a brief chat with Dr. Gür and took a photo together. We spent the remaining time at the hotel until we were driven from the hotel to the airport. The transfer went smoothly, and the return flight was pleasant. Graftcount from consultation: Hairline: about ~400 grafts Temples: about ~700 grafts each (1400 grafts) Detailed graftcount will come in near future. About me: Age: 29 NW: 2/3 Medication: Finasteride 1.25mg daily orally for ~3 years Hair loss start: At the age of 16 Family history: Father NW3 no vortex Hair colour: very dark blonde Hair diameter: 70-75 microns Timelapse of my hairloss: Pictures at home of me before the hair transplant: Pictures of me after the hair transplant, 1793 grafts later: 1 day after hair transplant (clinic hair wash): Front: Back: The proper pictures from the clinic will come later, but will be added in near future. Feel free to share your opinion 👍
  17. It is normal that one side is more receded than the other. But in your case very very minimal. Maturing hairline stays strong and definied after maturing. Maturing hairline ≠ male pattern baldness.
  18. Norwood 1.5-2 imo at most(both temples). But it also could be a maturing hairline...
  19. I should have added more context. I am on finasteride for about 3 years and I maintained my hair. A very few miniaturised hair got thicker, but most of them stayed like that 3 years after 1.25mg finasteride a day. my question is more about what happens to the miniaturized hair in a transplant that remains despite medication.
  20. Hello HRN members, how are miniaturized hair (10-50% thickness) handled in a transplant? I am on finasteride for about 3 years and I maintained my hair. Most of my miniaturisied hairs stayed like that 3 years after 1.25mg finasteride a day. My question is more about what happens to the miniaturized hair in a transplant that remains despite medication. Are the implanted hairs placed close to the miniaturized hair? Or are the miniaturized hairs removed during the incision?
  21. It looks very natural... Even density looks great! And you are only at the 7th month mark😳
  22. I agree with BaldGuy and mr_peanutbutter. Unfortunately, your donor alone is not sufficient enough. You 100% need beard grafts and maybe other body hair grafts to get decent coverage. Best of luck Zach!🙏
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