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Everything posted by DannyDevito

  1. Thank you! Yup not gonna touch the recipient anymore and will see where things go.
  2. Thank you! You're right I was planning on letting it grow fully now.
  3. Month 5 update, buzzed the hair using 0.2 guard 10 days ago, here's how it looks today: This random bald spot appreaed that I haven't noticed before, is that something to worry about? This is what it looked like 10 days ago before I cut it: And this is what it looked like straight after the buzz:
  4. Thank you! I'm absolutely happy with how it's going so far, I buzzed my hair quite short and I can already see a huge difference, I can even go out without a hat and feel good about it!
  5. Incredible result! If I get anything near that I'll be the happiest man. We barely did anything to the crown, I had to choose between covering the crown without lowering the hairline or lowering the hairline but using minimal grafts for the crown, I chose the latter as the crown isn't my priority at the moment with the possibility of getting another procedure to cover it.
  6. Looking absolutely amazing man. all that progress in just 4 months wow! Already looking like a completely different person. Can't wait to see the end result. I second everything you said as well, if I need a second procedure I'd probably go to dr Resul again.
  7. Sorry about that, just noticed the typo, this was month 3 not 4.
  8. Month 4, trimmed using a 2mm guard a few weeks ago to level things up
  9. Almost 2 months now, ugly duckling is looking just about as ugly as I expected. Letting your hair grow out for the first time in 4 years made me realize how much white hairs I have now 🥴 (would take that at 25 over being bald anyway)
  10. Looking better than I expected at this early stage, this is gonna turn out great! Enjoy the growth
  11. It was very nice meeting you, was definitely great having someone to share the experience with. Very happy to see you progressing well. Everything looks good and seems to be on track, will definitely be following your updates. Can't wait to see you rocking a Jon Bon Jovi haircut this time next year 😂 Happy growing!
  12. Thanks a lot man! Yup, the true waiting game has just begun
  13. Nothing was taken from the beard, however the doctor did suggest that if I want full crown coverage I will need to get another operation done in the future in which beard grafts will be used.
  14. Almost 4 weeks now, been shedding for the last 3 weeks, hoping this spot on the back is just shock loss mood:
  15. Two weeks update: Pain in donor area is gradually going away, transplanted area still numb. Donor seems to be healing fine except for what I believe is some shock loss on the back of the head? A bit of shedding started on day 7
  16. Hello there! Thank you. Good to know yours is going well too, can't wait to see your progress man, will be waiting!
  17. Hey everyone ! So since I found the doctor on this thread I thought I'd share the progress here with you. I'm currently 25, been losing my hair since I was 17/18, been on fin for the last year and topical min about once a day but finally decided to go for a transplant. The total number of grafts was 4470: 920 Single 2310 Double 1240 Multiple 3000 USD Here are the before pics: Since the donor wouldn't be enough for full coverage everywhere, the doctor suggested to either go with the existing hairline or sacrifice full coverage in the crown for a lower hairline, I obviously opted in for the latter with the option to go back and use some beard hairs to cover the crown later on if necessary. And here are some pictures straight outta the operation bed: Next day after the first wash: By then my face started swelling and I couldn't wear a headband since the temples were done as well, but swelling was completely gone by day 5 or 6. Day 2, after returning home: Day 4: Day 6 (today): S Scabs are pretty much gone and so is the swelling, but donor is still painful and recipient is a bit numb. Please et me know what you think and if anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer. I'll also keep updating this thread as frequently as possible
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