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Everything posted by Jack224

  1. Understood , I have tried to stick to recommended doctors from the hair restoration network who perform the surgery themselves (as much as possible) and with a bank of good results. location is less relevant than value for money In my mind , though I would prefer to stay in Europe (I am uk based) if you have recommendations for doctors with similar quality / price I would love to hear your thoughts. cheers
  2. Dr Demisroy suggested 3000 to 3500 . All of the surgeons estimated the same range actually , excepting gur who was a slight bit more conservative (2800-3200)
  3. Hello , My name is Jack , I am a 30 YO Male with diffuse hair loss in the hairline frontal and crown areas. I am looking for advice on my hair loss and which clinic will give me the best result. meds currently on fin (5yrs) and oral min (5/6 months) Photos photos show hair long and cut shorter , short photos highlight extent of loss.I think my hair looks OK when longer but still really bugs me that I have to style to conceal areas. Clinics I have received quotes from a number of clinics based on my research and tailored to my budget though I am struggling to make my mind up which one to go with. They have all suggested the same number of grafts and placement more or less which is great for consistency but does not aid decision making! Clinics under considerstion Fuecapilar Turan - up to 3500 grafts 4500 euros + 300 accom Gur - up to 3200 grafts 3500 euros + 300 accom (standard package) Dr Resul Yaman Up to 3500 grafts - 3000 euros including accom Dr Demisroy 1.25 euro per graft - doctor does all incisions and 1/2 of extractions. 1 euro per graft - doctor incisions only extractions by experienced nurse Accom -250 euros Any advice or recommendations based on your experience or my hair loss situation will be massively appreciated Cheers Jack
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