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Everything posted by GhostCryptid13

  1. Where do you need a transplant? And thank you that would be very appreciated.
  2. I was planning on doing a transplant with Dr. Vories (I haven’t had a consultation or anything, it’s just he’s in my price range and I can’t go outside the US) and the only think I need is a hairline transplant and some odd hairs in my forelock for density so if I go through with it I’d let y’all know how it all turns out. However, now with his recommendation revoked I am apprehensive about going through with it.
  3. There aren't any recommended surgeons that are driving distance in Northern FL, unfortunately. I'm in a similar situation to you and I was looking at either someone in Texas, or Dr. Vories, but I just read that his membership/recommendation has been revoked due to a very bad job on @Clark's hairline. I was planning on getting my hair transplant done by him but now I don't know.
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