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Posts posted by Criscross

  1. 16 hours ago, Shadman said:

    @Criscross what % of topical finasteride you're using ? From the last two months I'm also on topical solution. I also faced sides with oral finasteride

    I have a topical solution from German pharmacy which has 2,275mg per ml. 
    It’s called fynzur.

    i use it to make my own topical solution and mix it with my minoxidil… 

    I started at 0.025%…  I always prepare 30 ml, so it’s lasting one month.

    The last 2 month I made a 0.035% solution.

    No side effects! Like i mentioned, my libido feels even higher maybe.



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  2. I just wanna do some easy needling since I am using topical minoxidil+topical finasteride….

    I was hoping to help with absorption.

    Its funny because I can’t tolerate oral finasterid, not even 0.25 x3 weekly .

    But with the topical I’m doing fine, 0.33 mg daily application, and the only thing I notice is maybe even higher libido.

    Doing this since 4 month now, no side effect so far! 

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  3. 22 hours ago, BeHappy said:


    I've had several sessions of taking grafts from my beard area and this is pretty much the same thing that happens to me. It looks great after maybe 5 days, but at 2 or 3 weeks I start getting pimples. It will heal itself. @mustang had this problem pretty bad recently when using nape hair. It heals after while.


    EDIT: Just to add, I think what made mine worse was that I was shaving the area daily and that may be the same issue you are having.

    Ok, that’s good to know! 
    I did shave the area 2/3 times starting 10 days post op. But only with a clipper, never wet shaved. But I stopped doing that when the ingrowns/irritation started. 
    At least it didn’t get worse the last few days so I think it’s under control. 👍

    Thanks you guys for your help so far. 
    I will keep you updated on how it’s progressing. 

  4. 1 hour ago, LeonSlack said:

    Thank you for this info! Beard donor is getting very popular and the more info we have on it, the more it settles people’s nerves. Please also keep us updated on how your skin irritation does over the next few weeks. As already stated, it should heal on its own. Best of luck in your growth! 

    I will keep posting! And i will post a detailed case report when I find the time and when growth is starting. 

    Btw, the doctor said there are easily 2k grafts left he could extract just from that area if needed. So that’s a nice reserve there since I don’t need the hair on my neck anyways😁

    But of course most of them are singles…

  5. 10 minutes ago, LeonSlack said:

    That’s a reasonable amount, not too many. How did it heal initially? How long did it take to develop these bumps?


    It was healing great, after 3 days it was almost invisible. The punch holes were completely healed, just a slight redness of the skin. 
    2 weeks post op they started to develop. It became a little itchi and some redness developed but probably due to me scratching the area sometimes. 
    It doesn’t feel infected at all, just itchy and there are some ingrown hairs.

    All together It looks very good, it’s just these underground encapsulated little balls that I’m a little concerned of because i don’t want to develop some kind of abscess. 

    They are not easy to see, just to feel when you pinch the skin. 

  6. Hello, I recently had grafts taken out from my beard in the neck area(20 days ago). 
    Now I got some ingrown hairs.

    It does not look exactly like a pimple but more like tiny balls under my skin. There is no yellow cap, they are more underground.
    I already started to inform myself on how to possibly treat them.  
    Keeping the area warm and moist using a towel to soften the skin, do regular peelings, and using and antibiotic ointment which softens the skin, pulls the pus to surface and keeps it antibacterial.

    Does someone have other more advice on how to treat them? 
    Someone went through the same and it resolved by itself? 


  7. I tried to make some better close up pictures and will attach them here.   Dr.Mwamba was sending me an consultation report where he said I will need 3200 to 3500 grafts by fue shaven, the task will take 4 days to complete.
    I did reach out to @DrMunibAhmad too, hoping for him to respond soon.  

    What do you think? I will have to get the doubles/multis in the hairline punched out?                                  

    Or is it best not to do so to reduce trauma/ scaring in that area and just add single grafts?

    And what do you think about the angles?

    Depending on the angle you can see a lot of miniaturized hair which I am hoping to thicken up with finasterid. 4 weeks on it now without sides this time, hoping for the best
    I was running 8k before taking these pics so please excuse my sweaty head😅 

    It looks way different depending on angle and lighting. Will let them grow now again…and post pictures when they are longer…


  8. I am already back on finasterid since 2 weeks now…. Trying mon/wed/fri 0.5 mg to start with and then see how it goes.  It’s no problem for me to get my hands on different medication.                                           Regarding the latest outcomes of Dr.Mwamba I have some concerns too, that’s also one of the reasons for me to start this thread. I spent the last two years researching and always felt like he might be one of the best options for me, which he probably still is. He didn’t loose his skill just overnight. But of course these latest results are giving me some mixed feelings since this is probably my last shot to get me fixed, so it has to be spot on.  And I already made a down payment to save my appointment with him…                               I hope to get some input here over the next few days/weeks here on how you guys would proceed.                               The latest update from @DutchHair gives me some faith to proceed like I planned. He even has the same kinda hair characteristics than me….          Let’s see…..I hope you @Melvin- Moderator can give me some advice too…  I’d rather loose my downpayment then wasting my last grafts and have a possible bad outcome…                            

  9. Hello my name is Chris, 36, from Germany. I had surgery in turkey 3 years ago with 4000 grafts. I know it wasn’t my smartest move. I felt for social media marketing and wasn’t really into the hair restoration community.  After my surgery I was getting more and more into the community and knew I made a mistake so please don’t try to educate me on this.   I was researching the last two years, tried some medical treatments and wanna hear your oppinion.  I’m using topical minox for 11 month now. I tried finasterid twice for some weeks, got sides and stopped. (Low libido, weak erection) . Now I wanna give it another try because I was really stressed the other times and now I feel I can pull through some sides and keep going if it’s not too bad.  I had consultation with HLC and Dr.Mwamba a few month ago where I’m booked for December for repair.  Would be nice to hear some oppinion before going on for repair…               I just shaved my head with a one guard and took some pics in different lighting. All these pictures are taken minutes ago.   Please give me your thoughts…? How would you proceed? 











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