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Everything posted by Sele

  1. Here is a before picture I made few days before surgery. And a picture one day after surgery. To give you an idea of before and after.
  2. Hi, I had a hair transplant at absolute clinic with Dr. Laorwong exactly 71 days ago. 4350 grafts have been transplanted on the front half of my head. Unfortunately I still didn’t receive the pre surgery photos from the clinic. So I still did not make my own progress thread about my HT. I hope I will make a thread some day. I have been documenting my progress almost daily with macro and close up shots. As most of us, I start to get inpatient and want to see some progress. Today I made a macro shot where I can see a lot of tiny thin hairs growing. Now I wonder if these are native hairs (I have diffuse thinning) that maybe regrow from the stem cell and prp treatment I got during surgery. Or if they are already the transplanted hairs? Unfortunately I couldn’t find macro pictures in the web that show the start of the growth phase of transplanted hairs. Do they start to grow as thin hairs? Or do they come out as thick beard like hairs? In the picture you can see some short thick hairs and lots of thin hairs. I suspect those thick short hairs are transplanted grafts that didn’t grow and kept staying at the same length. Some transplanted hairs didn’t shed and kept growing. Those are the thick long hairs you see. I had extreme shock loss of my native hair in the front area. Not sure 100% what’s native and what’s never shedded transplanted hairs. The picture if from the center of the hairline Any help and motivation is appreciated.
  3. Thank you. Now that makes me worried. I have tens of tiny hairs in the hair line that didn’t grow any since the transplant 19 days ago. They still have the length of 1mm or some less. Does it mean they didn’t ground and will fall out?
  4. I don’t wanna create a new thread for every question I have. So I ask here. I contacted my doctor asking him when I can start using oils (coconut oil mixed with rosemary, peppermint and lavender) and 2% ketoconazol. And he said I can start using it now. It’s been 18 days post op. What are the opinions here? How long to wait? In the web I saw people saying wait 3-4 months with ketoconazol. But then again people start using minoxidil in week 2-3 and that’s a chemical bomb as well. My scalp feels like before the transplant. What I mean by that is I have the urgent feel to wash my head all the time. Maybe I have some yeast and ketoconazol can help. Light Dandruff I always had. And pre HT I always had some small tiny marbles coming off when I scratched my head. I start to have that again. Not sure if that is something normal?
  5. I will do. Probably on the weekend. I didn’t receive my pictures yet. I guess we were chatting on Reddit already? If so, you seen my pictures already.
  6. Unfortunately it seems I am only able to make 2-3 posts a day. Couldn’t reply yesterday. So if I have inflammation, it started 20 years ago. Didn’t start after HT. Today is day 16 after HT and my shedding started. Pretty scary. I used 2 drops Rosemary oil mixed with coconut oil. I hope that was not too early and triggered shedding?
  7. My diffuse thinning started about 20 years ago and it progressed really really slowly. I took finasteride from 24 to 25 years old and ever since have the post finasteride syndrome. That’s why I believe the hair loss was slowed down tremendously. Because my body was messed up and not converting T to DHT properly. I am now 42 and up until 2 months ago I was able to hide the thinning with hair fibers. But 2 weeks ago I had a full head HT with 4250 grafts. I started testosterone treatment last year in August and believe that accelerated my hair loss. When my hair loss started with 22-23, I went to a hair clinic in Germany. They took samples of my hair, checked it and said my hair loss is not alopecia. But also didn’t tell me why I have hair loss. But then again, why did finasteride slowed down shedding if it’s not alopecia? Now the thing is, even though they said it’s not alopecia or mpb, I have the typical alopecia hair loss on the typical areas. Sides never fell out. Coming to my question. I noticed that when my hair loss started, my scalp always hurted. You know the feeling when you hit your leg somewhere and get a bruise. When you touch it, it’s painful. That’s how my scalp felt and still feels, ever since. Sometimes less, sometimes more. Now I wonder is that a usual thing for men with mpb? Do all men with alopecia have this pain in the scalp? Or do I probably have some inflammation going on? And if so, what can I do about it? Will it affect my newly transplanted hair?
  8. I had 4250 grafts extracted (FUE) 2 weeks ago. Honestly I don’t care about the white dots. I always had a mid skin fade cut and I will keep having that cut after everything is healed. You can still do a smp on the donor.
  9. Not sure what to think about this. Everybody else says different. Maybe he wants to built more trust by being different.
  10. Does this depend on blood flow if a graft survives? How can we improve survival rate? I plan doing 2 more prp sessions in the next 2 months and plan using rosemary oil to improve blood flow. Also add dermaroller once the HT is healed. Around month 3 or 4.
  11. Wow you have growth in the 2nd month already. Thats quick! Looks promising. And your donor hair looks thick. Cant wait to see the final result. Had my HT done with Dr. Laorwong as well, just 14 days ago. Waiting for shedding. But so far didnt lose hair. Not even my native ones, what is strange since they were falling out like crazy pre surgery. I read, the earlier the shedding, the earlier the growth.
  12. Hi, I have read a lot in this forum the last few weeks. Mainly reviews. Had my hair transplant done 14 days ago with Dr. Laorwong. I am planning to write a review soon. Sorry for my English, its not my native speaking language. Decided to make an account here and ask my question. So this question bothers me the most, ever since I had my hair transplant. The graft survival rate. What seems to be around 90% nowadays. In the crown lower I read. Now I wonder, when do we know a graft has survived? In the first few days, when they get anchored to the scalp? Or during/after the shedding, when the new hair starts coming? Is this process visible? Will the scalp "spit" the graft out, if it doesn't accept it? A loss of 10% of grafts is a pretty high rate, so this should be visible/detectable? Unfortunately I couldnt find any answer to this question in the web. I asked this in a few Youtube videos in the comments section but never got a reply. So hopefully I get some answers here.
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