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Posts posted by Wingtsun

  1. 4 Month (123 days)

    So today I marked my 4 months mark after my hair transplant.

    i got a pretty bad flair up on my seb derm around 6-7 weeks after my HT but it’s better now.

    pretty red still but ok I think.

    I am a bit worried if the progress I made is normal or if I am behind.

    some input would be helpful. I’m still on dutasteride and minoxidil oral both and use ketoconazole lotion for my seb derm.

    if anybody has a question or recommendation feel free to ask.



    Hairline and Corners



  2. @romeo_gent

    hey man! 
    thanks for your words! I hope so! I think everybody is like that but I’m super nervous how it will turn out! Density is thing I’m most nervous about!

    through WhatsApp you should be able to contact him! Just send pictures and he should respond! Got my answer in a few hours! I’m in Asia so in a close time zone. Maybe if you consider that when sending a message and it should be easier to get back to you for him! 
    also I had to wait 2 months for my surgery 

  3. 33 days since surgery(almost 5 weeks)

    It’s been almost 2 weeks since I uploaded my journey and the first few weeks and I’m definitely in the middle of the ugly duckling phase! 
    I noticed my corners to be sparse after 10-14 days after the surgery but didn’t loose a lot so I was a bit worried it could be that the transplant wasn’t dense enough and I didn’t loose a lot of hair until 3 weeks after surgery. 
    after 3 weeks I could definitely see that my hair wasn’t there anymore and on some days I was loosing a lot in the shower but on some days almost nothing. I’m still loosing so probably not over yet.

    let me know what y’all think.IMG_4491.thumb.jpeg.481b599976bf4de61bc29294599cc99b.jpegIMG_4490.thumb.jpeg.afa5d4d0cd86c27828952098161d8992.jpegIMG_4489.thumb.jpeg.eab7b8555de8f159194854bc772d0126.jpegIMG_4484.thumb.jpeg.2e2fdc128b49eeb27ccf4f9298f90372.jpegIMG_4488.thumb.jpeg.9213f5a8b4ceee7de38606255fb68c56.jpegIMG_4486.thumb.jpeg.bffaa9c9a8e469a3c988bb8d96b93449.jpeg

    donor picture of my back after 33 days

  4. Hi,

    First of all, I'd like to thank the people on this forum for the huge amount of details and information I've gathered here while reading posts and comments.

    I'd like to give back to the community and try to give a detailed write up about my experience and thoughts. 


    I'm 37 and have started balding in my early-twenties. Both of my granddads were bold so probably it is in my family.

    Starting research

    I have never really thought about getting a hair transplant although I was always hiding my head with a cap and was super unconfident in myself. I just never thought I could do such a big surgery and stop exercising.

    Eventually a few month ago I started thinking of getting a hair transplant because I just wanted to get my confidence back and go out without thinking about my hair and a cap. 

    Searching for a Clinic

    I started reaching out to clinics and contacting them to get my estimated graft count and just to see what the would say.  In the beginning it was mainly in Turkey as they are the most famous ones in terms of how many clinics operate there and how many people go to them.

    The first places I reached out were Serkan Aygan, Vera, Smile, Cosmedica which are all hair mills in Turkey. I saw reviews on youtube and so on and thought they would be ok.

    Then I found this forum and started checking out Dr.s not clinics because I got a bit afraid of how it would look like after my surgery with a hairmill.

    All of the above clinics quoted me around 3500-4000 grafts.

    After researching for here for a bit and basically ended up with the following short list of clinics to consider:

    • Turkey: Gur or Turan (Gur with around 3000 grafts and turan with 3500)
    • Thailand: Dr. Laorwong (Absolute Hair Clinic) Got a 3500 quote
    • Spain: Dr. de Freitas (said 3000 just for hair line and mid scalp and I would need to return for another one for my crown)

    In the end, my decision wasn't based just on price. I was looking at recommendations from other people who went through with the procedures at those clinics, the distance I'd need to travel

    I thought about going to Dr. Gur but eventually went with Dr. Laorwong since I have seen better work from him on this forum and he is a bit closer to where I live. 

    The price was per Graft about 2 Euros so a bit more expensive then Dr. Gur. Dr. de Freitas said 8000 Euros for 3000 grafts but he wasnt open until summer next year.


    I booked the date and sent the 20000 Bhat to reserve my date. Thats all I had to do.

    Arriving in Bangkok

    I arrived in Bangkok on a Thursday morning  and went to my hotel. After I checked in I went a bit sightseeing until my pre op consultation.

    Pre-op Consultation

    I arrived at the clinic at 3 p.m. to have my pre-op consultation in person with Dr. Laorwong. When I arrived, I filled in a health questionnaire and waited. I guess the consultation was just standard procedure - he checked my hair, and my donor area, discussed the proposed hairline with me, explained how far he can go, how many grafts, and answered some of my questions.

    When it finished, I was tested for HIV and given some special shampoo with instructions to wash my hair twice that evening and twice the next morning because I had some pimples on my scalp. He also gave me some antibiotics to take the day before.

    Surgery day

    After waking up I went to the gym for a light and I mean light session and the went to get breakfast.

    I arrived at 8 a.m. at the clinic and got prepped for the surgery - marking the hairline and other lines, shaving my hair, taking blood for PRP, giving me some meds and then straight to the OP Room where anaesthesia was applied.

    I was scared of that part. I've heard that it was the painful part of the procedure and was a bit stressed out about it, but it ended up being around 1/10 in terms of pain. Almost felt nothing. That was the scarriest part for me lol

    They gave me valium for sleep and I was in and out of sleep the whole day. It felt like 2-3 hours at most.

    I finished at 7:30 pm got some food and went back to my hotel with a taxi.

    Post-Op days

    I had my wash and check in with the doctor at 2 p.m. so I figured why not walk around a bit in the shopping malls. The clinic gave me a black bandanna I had on so it wasnt really bad and nobody could see that I just had a surgery. I walked around 7000-8000 steps until I went to the clinic.

    After the wash and check in I went back to one of the shopping center chilled at starbucks for a bit a walked around a bit again.

    Ended up walking 15000 steps that day and pretty much every day I was in Bangkok which was 10 days.

    The clinic never gave me saline spray but for the first 5 days they applied an antibiotic ointment on my scalp. 

    I was in Bangkok for a while and because of my pimples the dr. offered me to come in and get a wash and Lllt for 2 more days so 7 days in total which was really nice and I did not have to worry about washing it myself.




    One day after my surgery


    7 Days after Surgery


    14 Days after 

    1. IMG_4393.thumb.JPG.ef1a9cfd937cfecf22eda7f10372a84c.JPGIMG_4403.thumb.JPG.50b82ee0675180931c5ec32d267d6031.JPG
    3. 20 Days after surgery



    TBH I dont know if the density is there. I think its getting more sparse but I honestly have not experienced any shedding. I am loosing some hair during shower but only like 20 or so but its not like other people who are loosing 100s of hairs and loose everything in like 5 days or so. It looks to though I am loosing because looks a lot less then before but I am also not sure about the hairline density in my post op pictures.

    Any feedback would be appreciated. 

    Thank you





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