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Posts posted by hairthere

  1. We decided to start a new Ahead Ink series of selfie pictures to showcase some happy clients and demonstrate just how natural the treatment looks out in the "wild." Here are a few but you can follow us on Instagram or FaceBook to see more......thanks for looking!





  2. Today's client wanted to keep his hair slightly longer than a true Shaved Look, but felt he needed more uniformity and to have his hairline and temple points more clearly defined. He also wanted the gaps in his hairline filled but did not wish to go any more aggressive in order to stay age appropriate. We achieved this using a 3-point needle over three sessions. Thanks for looking!






  3. Hi NSH,

    Unfortunately I'd have to agree there are problems with your result. It appears the tech went too deep with the needle and possibly injected too much pigment. While the hairline appears to be the most egregious part, I do see large deposits throughout. As Mark recommended, I would not continue adding pigment to this. Rather, I would try and lighten it with a laser. The laser targets the pigment and breaks it down into smaller particles so your system can absorb them. The upside is it will work; the downside, as you already noted, is that it can be rather painful. I have seen laser removal techs use ice or a blower-type device to help ease the pain a bit.


    I do not agree necessarily with Mark about your hairline design, though. Attached is someone I worked on with the same design. He is actually Dominican but his skin appears very light. The edge up design worked well for him.



  4. Hey Matt,

    Yes that was actually a real challenge with this particular client. His donor line was very strong as you noted. Usually when you shave someone down with a zero you can get that line to almost disappear but it wasn't happening in his case. To get the two to blend I had to saturate the transition zones with a bit more pigment. You can see in the crown there is still a bit of the horseshoe shape evident which is why I think he might require one more minor pass.


    My mindset/approach is I would always rather start light and add than the other way around. Tricopigmentation takes a bit of time for the pigments to develop and darken so I recommended this client return in a few weeks to reassess. Needless to say he is already very pleased with the outcome.

  5. Thanks so much! Here's a review this client wrote on Google:


    "Being bald since my early 20s was always such a demoralizing feeling, no matter how much you tell yourself as you get older and get married you care less about it. Surgery was not an option for me as I’m at the top end of the Norwood scale. My only real option was to shave my head down and keep my head tanned; I guess that gave me a feeling of some sort of normalcy. In the end I thought to myself it is what it is so just move on.


    That was till I saw a YouTube ad for SMP. I had never heard of this before so I was quite intrigued. I started doing my research and came across Ahead Ink as being the only temporary solution in the tri state area. I was reluctant to do something permanent in which I knew very little about. So I made my appointment for the consultation and from the moment I met Erik I knew I was in good hands.


    Fast fwd to my 3rd pass of SMP and I couldn’t be more pleased in my decision to go through with procedure. Erik is top notch, he is a perfectionist and will make sure you are 100% pleased with the final outcome. I’m so happy with my “shaved look” and for anyone who is on the fence about going through with this, don’t be; your in great hands with Ahead Ink and you won’t regret your decision for a minute."

  6. This client began losing his hair at just 20 years old and was unhappy with his NW7 hairloss pattern. We performed three passes of Temporary Scalp Micropigmentation. While his sides and back fringe were quite strong we were mostly successful in hiding his MPB although he may return for one more pass to further conceal the crown loss. Thanks for looking!






  7. Thank you Shera and Mayira!



    These pictures were taken immediately after the procedure. I use Beauty Medical products/pigments exclusively and the base color is medium brown. I can lighten or darken this tone depending on the skin type. The pigment will actually develop and darken up a bit more over the next week or so. IMO this type of pigment and subtle delivery makes for the most realistic result.

  8. $1500 for three sessions is definitely on the less expensive side for permanent SMP. That doesn't necessarily mean the provider is inexperienced, though. He may have lower operating costs and can therefore offer a competitive rate. However, you should never let price be the sole factor that dictates your choice. I suggest you start by making a list of top providers whose work you think is EXCEPTIONAL, then factor in distance, cost, etc.


    And don't be shy about asking the provider for references who can show you the work in person or via video conference.

  9. I've watched laser removal performed on Permanent SMP and it was quit successful. Nearly all of it was removed in two sessions I believe. Some of the deeper/darker deposits remained but those will disappear over time as the pigment continues to breakdown into smaller particles and the body absorbs and expels them. The one downside is that the person I observed was in a lot of pain; thankfully it wasn't a very long process.


    Asgard, just like with getting SMP done, you should ensure your laser removal tech has plenty of experience.


    Best of luck.

  10. Thanks everyone for the nice comments!


    Matt, Yes the scar was left alone. Most clients tend to want their scars to show. I think it lends to the realism as well.


    Sean, Fade times vary depending on external/environmental and internal factors. I just had a client return after two years for a touchup, then I had a guy come in after 8 months (he got sunburned pretty badly over the summer and I think this contributed). Most clients will go 1-2 years before coming in for a touchup.


    Bill, I've heard many guys say they think a HT combined with SMP gives a more realistic result. However, most of my HT clients regret doing the surgery and not just having SMP. I have quite a few recent examples I'll be posting soon where the SMP looks more natural like shaved stubble than the HT hair.



    The FUE wasn't particularly good IMO. I have a picture I'll post tomorrow of him with his hair grown out and you'll see why.

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